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"When Boys Can’t Decide What Gender to Be Today"
Nathan Cherry On our most recent podcast, our guest, Denny Burk made the statement that transgender issues are the next wave if same-sex “marriage” is legalized for all fifty states. I mostly agree with his statement, other than the timing. It won’t be after same-sex “marriage” is legalized as evidence reveals the incredible push to grant transgender people special rights under the law right now. The most recent incident, one that has gained national attention, is that of a transgender boy in Colorado accused of harassing girls while using the girls’ restroom at his school. It has been reported that the boy is older and that younger female students feel threatened by his presence and have even experienced harassment. A letter from the Pacific Justice Institute states: “This is a nightmare scenario for the teenage girls—some of them freshmen—and their parents at this school. This is exactly the kind of horror story we have been warning would accompany the push for radical transgender rights in schools, and it is the type of situation that LGBT activists have been insisting would not happen.” Indeed this is a nightmare. To entertain the notion that it is somehow logical or reasonable to allow a boy that merely says he is transgender access to female facilities in a public school setting is nothing short of reckless endangerment. Another article commenting on this case bears witness to every father’s worst nightmare for his daughter: “Details continue to emerge on this in terms of what kind of comments may have been made. We’ve heard some reports that he’s commented on what girls are wearing or their figure while in the bathroom. If you can imagine that scenario from the reference and framework of a teenage girl, I think that’s pretty harassing.” Harassing? This goes beyond harassing into what should generally be thought of as sexual harassment. If a male student is making comments about a female student’s body in a school, that male student can be charged with sexual harassment. But, make that male student transgender and suddenly the law changes and the female is supposed to…what…accept it? To add insult to injury the boy in question isn’t consistent in which gender he identifies as daily. At times he dresses as a boy and uses the boys’ restroom, then at other times he dresses as a female and uses the girls’ restroom. Logic and common sense would suggest that this student is troubled and in need of counseling. But we can’t do that today because we might offend someone. So instead we need to let the erratic, inconsistent behavior continue while we all pretend it’s “normal.” But that’s point isn’t it? Groups like Planned Parenthood and other LGBT advocacy groups are seeking to eliminate what was once “normal” in our society and replace it with the “new normal.” The new normal is a society where gender is completely liquid, in no way reflects biology, and no one blinks an eye. So the guy who dresses like a guy and uses the boys’ bathroom one day, then dresses like a girl and uses the girls’ bathroom the next is now considered completely normal. If you are finding yourself confused, annoyed, offended, or just looking for the logic in it all, wait until you look up terms like “cisgender,” and “flexi-sexuality.” to read more click here:
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