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"What’s the penalty for breaking Oregon’s new ‘stay home’ order? Jail, $1,250 fine or both."
Violating the new ‘stay home’’ order issued Monday by Gov. Kate Brown is a class C misdemeanor punishable by up to 30 days in jail, a fine of up to $1,250 or both, but police and sheriffs’ officials across the state said they’ll work first to inform people about the new coronavirus restrictions before cracking down. Brown pushed Oregonians to stay home except for essential work or buying food and similar supplies. She closed more businesses and said offices must allow people to do their jobs remotely if possible. She said she didn’t expect police to arrest people who are closer than 6 feet apart or stop cars to check if someone is really going to the grocery store, but she reserved strong language for any business scofflaws: They “will be shut down” if they don’t get in line. Portland Police Chief Jami Resch and Oregon State Police Superintendent Travis Hampson said their officers will issue criminal citations as a last resort, while hoping people will follow the order without law enforcement intervention. "We recognize the Governor’s authority in an emergency declaration and we will do our best to educate our communities to protect their health,'' Hampton said in a statement. "While citation and arrest authority provisions exist for violating the Governor’s directive, OSP views this as an undesirable last resort and we strive for voluntary compliance.”
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