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The Heresies In Vatican Council II
-the revolutionary and false council that took place 1962 to 1965-
From the book The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II
By Bro. Michael Dimond and Bro. Peter Dimond
Vatican II’s Protestant Heresy
Vatican II’s Jewish Heresy [new video]
Vatican II’s Intercommunion Heresy [new video]
Was Vatican II Infallible? [new video]
The Heresies in Vatican II [section]
Was Vatican II infallible? [article]
(This article is for those who already recognize that there were heresies and false doctrines in Vatican II, but hold that the Vatican II “popes” who promulgated them still hold true authority in the Catholic Church. The video above by the same title has additional material and is highly recommended on this matter.)
Vatican II: Council of Apostasy - Video
Debate: does Vatican II teach that non-Catholics may lawfully receive Holy Communion? [39 min. audio – June 2, 2008]
The Third Secret of Fatima (3rd edition) – An Overview of the Entire Vatican II Apostasy
An Introduction to False Ecumenism and some comments on Heretical Actions
*Ecumenism is a word that was used before Vatican II to indicate the apostolic endeavor to convert all to Catholicism. An “ecumenical” Council is a universally binding general Council of the Catholic Church, such as the Council of Trent. But after Vatican II and as a result of it the term has taken on a new meaning: “ecumenism” now describes the movement to unite with, accept, endorse and/or pray with heretical sects and false religions.
Kasper was appointed specifically to this post by John Paul II to express his views on this very topic. This is because John Paul II and Benedict XVI, who both worked closely with Kasper, held the exact same thing.
Here we see Benedict XVI bluntly stating that he absolutely rejects the “ecumenism of the return,” that is, that non-Catholics must reject their own Protestant “faith” and convert to Catholicism for unity! Benedict XVI boldly repeats the heresy of Kasper, and bluntly rejects the dogmatic teaching contained in Mortalium Animos on the necessity of the ecumenism of “the return” to the Catholic Church! “Absolutely not!” says Benedict XVI to the idea of Protestants needing to convert! Benedict XVI couldn’t be more formally heretical.
This kind of false ecumenism is the distinguishing feature of the Vatican II apostasy, and it is totally condemned by Catholic teaching. It makes a complete mockery out of the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation (an article of Faith defined many times), the necessity of accepting the dogmas of the Catholic Faith, the martyrs of the Catholic Faith, and Jesus Christ.
Pope Pius XI's Encyclical Mortalium Animos (This encyclical condemns false ecumenism as a total abandonment of the Catholic Faith; see especially #2)
The Vatican II sect and its Antipopes want you to be in communion with Devils
The Catholic Church teaches that there is only one true religion and the rest are false. The Catholic Church teaches that pagan religions (such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Voodooism, etc.), which worship various “gods,” actually worship demons, since all the gods of the heathen are the devils.
St. Paul says that when the pagans worship their gods they are worshipping devils, and he doesn’t want you to be in communion with devils. The Vatican II sect, however, endorses these false religions which commit idolatry and worship devils. This is unspeakably evil; it is a total rejection of the teaching of the Gospel and the Catholic Church, and it is condemned as apostasy by Pope Pius XI in Mortalium Animos.
At the notorious interfaith “ecumenical prayer gatherings” – the most well-known occurring at Assisi in 1986 and 2002 – religious leaders from all the major false religions were invited to pray alongside John Paul II at a “Catholic” church.
Each religion was invited to offer its own prayer for peace – blasphemous prayers, for instance, as the Hindu prayer said: “Peace be on all gods.” But their gods are devils, as we saw above, so peace was being prayed for all the devils (who created these false religions) at the Vatican-sponsored World Day of Prayer for Peace. The Vatican II religion wants you to be in communion with devils.
The Vatican II Sect on Islam
Then we have the Vatican II sect’s teaching on the false religion of Islam, which rejects the Holy Trinity and the Divinity of Jesus Christ. Benedict XVI and John Paul have praised Islam, a false religion of the devil. Here we see John Paul II in the Temple of infidelity (the mosque), endorsing their false religion.
The Catholic Church teaches that Islam is “an abominable sect” of infidels (unbelievers). An “abomination” is something that God abhors; it is something that He has no esteem for and no respect for.
The Vatican II sect, however, teaches that Islam is a good and noble religion of “believers.” This has its foundation in the teaching of Vatican II on Muslims, the real meaning of which is expressed by the heads of the Vatican II sect (John Paul II and Benedict XVI below). These apostates even encourage the spread of this abominable sect of infidels.
The Vatican II sect on the Jews
*The Vatican II sect teaches that Jews don’t have to believe in Jesus Christ for salvation. Vatican II’s Declaration Nostra Aetate specifically declares that the Jews are not rejected by God, even though they reject Our Lord Jesus Christ. See: The Most Specific Heresy in Vatican II. The Vatican II sect also teaches that the Old Covenant is still valid, which is a rejection of the following dogma defined by the Council of Florence.
Here we see Cardinal Walter Kasper, who was specifically appointed to his post by John Paul II to express his views on this topic, asserting that the Vatican II sect has abandoned the above dogmas:
Both John Paul II and Benedict XVI have been and are in full agreement with Kasper’s heresy:
In fact, Benedict XVI is even worse than Kasper (if that’s possible) because Benedict XVI teaches that the Jews not only don’t need to believe in Christ (total heresy), but that the Jewish reading of the prophecies of the Old Testament about the Messiah – in other words, the Jewish position that Our Lord is not the Messiah – may be the true reading!
This is such bold antichrist apostasy that there are almost no words to describe it – but this is what the man who is currently claiming to be the pope teaches. He is a non-Catholic antipope. Anyone aware of these facts and argues that Benedict XVI is not a manifest heretic is an antichrist. In fact, Benedict XVI teaches the same thing in his book Milestones that we read above in God and the World. It is perfectly accurate to say that Benedict XVI doesn’t believe in Jesus Christ. That is why, as we see below, on Aug. 19, 2005, he traveled to the synagogue and took active part in a Jewish worship service. To take part in non-Catholic worship has always been condemned by the Church, and if one does so at a non-Catholic Temple this is a manifestation of heresy or apostasy. The entire event was a validation of the Jewish religion, and a manifestation of his apostasy and his position that Jews are perfectly fine even though they don’t accept Jesus Christ.
Heresy and Apostasy Manifested by Word and Deed
How many of those outside the Catholic Church manifest that they are not Catholics by issuing written statements or making speeches that they are not Catholic? The answer is very few. Most heresy and apostasy is manifested by deed, not word. People manifest their heresy and apostasy by attending the synagogue or by worshipping at the mosque or by joining the Protestants in their worship at their churches.
So, when John Paul II and now Benedict XVI (with high-ranking members of the Vatican II sect) attend the mosque, the Buddhist Temple, the Lutheran temple and the synagogue they are manifesting their apostasy by their deed. They are manifesting by their deed that they accept these false religions, and that these people don’t need to become Catholic for salvation. When Benedict XVI entered the synagogue and took active part in a Jewish worship service on August 19, 2005, he was manifesting his apostasy (his acceptance of the false Jewish religion) by his deed. That is why St. Thomas Aquinas taught that if anyone were to worship at the tomb of Mohammed he would be an apostate. Such an action alone would show that he does not have the Catholic Faith, and that he accepts the false Islamic religion.
John Paul II did the equivalent of worshipping at the tomb of Mahomet when he kissed the blasphemous Koran, when he praised Islam and its leaders countless times, and when he attended the mosque. Just imagine what the Catholic saints would say about the Vatican II sect and John Paul II? They would utterly denounce John Paul II and the Vatican II sect as completely apostate just for their teaching and actions with regard to the false religion of Islam:
The Vatican II Sect on Heretics
The Vatican II sect also mocks the saints and martyrs and rejects the entire Catholic Faith with its teaching and actions on heretical sects, such as the Protestant sects. Because Margaret Clitherow refused to accept the Anglican sect and its “Mass” – but rather invited Catholic priests into her home against the penal laws – she was martyred by being crushed to death under a large door loaded with heavy weights. This style of execution is so painful that it is called “severe and harsh punishment.” She suffered it all because she wouldn’t accept Anglicanism. The Vatican II sect, however, teaches that Anglicans are fellow “Christians” who don’t need conversion, and whose invalid “bishops” are actually true bishops of the Church of Christ. The Vatican II sect teaches that her martyrdom was completely pointless.
Here is John Paul II, in mockery of all the Catholic saints and martyrs, such as Margaret Clitherow, endorsing the Anglican sect by kissing the ring of its non-Catholic leader, Rowan Williams. John Paul II also gave Williams a gift, a pectoral cross, and a telegram of approval. The pectoral cross is a sign of Episcopal authority – indicating that John Paul II considers that Williams, a layman posing as a bishop, is a valid bishop with Episcopal authority, even though Pope Leo XIII infallibly declared that the Anglican ordinations are invalid in Apostolicae Curae. John Paul II’s action with regard to Rowan Williams is a perfect example of an action which manifests heresy: the action manifests that John Paul II accepts the Anglican sect and its leaders as true Christians and valid bishops. Margaret Clitherow and all the Catholic saints would denounce John Paul II and the Vatican II sect as manifestly heretical, not even remotely Catholic and totally evil.
The Vatican II Sect on Schismatics
The “Orthodox” Schismatics reject the Papacy, Papal Infallibility and approximately the last 13 dogmatic councils of the Catholic Church. But the Vatican II teaches that the Eastern "Orthodox" don’t need to believe in the Papacy and accept the Catholic Faith for salvation. The Vatican II sect issued the official Balamand Statement with the Orthodox (see below), which declared that they have no obligation to convert to the Catholic Faith for salvation. John Paul II approved of this agreement and taught the same many times.
This statement just boldly declared that schismatics don’t need to accept the Catholic Faith! And below we see John Paul II sitting on equal level chairs with the schismatic Patriarch Teoctist. This action is meant to indicate that the schismatic position, according to which all bishops are equal in the Church and the Bishop of Rome doesn’t possess universal jurisdiction, is accepted by John Paul II. Below we also see John Paul II signing the common declaration of faith with Teoctist, in which they both denounced trying to convert each other. This couldn’t be more formally heretical or schismatical. It is a total rejection of the dogmatic teaching of Vatican I on the necessity to accept the Papacy for salvation, and a bold rejection of the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation. (Benedict XVI teaches the same as the Balamand Statement and John Paul II, as one can see in the Heresies of Benedict XVI file above.)
More information on all of these topics is available in the articles on our website, in our books and DVDs, in our archived radio programs, etc. But this small introduction is meant to show people that the Vatican II counterfeit “Catholic” sect is anti-Catholic, totally heretical and apostate. It is not the Catholic Church, but it is the counterfeit “Catholic” sect of the last days. Those who defend Vatican II and the post-conciliar “popes” actually think that they are defending the Catholic Faith, but they are deceived. They are defending a completely non-Catholic (and antichrist) sect and, in the process, they are attacking the Catholic Faith and becoming its enemies. They are attacking the Papacy and all the dogmas by defending a sect which mocks the Papacy and all the dogmas of Our Lord Jesus Christ. They are being used by the Devil if they obstinately defend this sect in the face of these facts, and will perish forever unless they wake up and convert. Those who see these facts and who say that the Vatican II antipopes are wrong for doing these things, but not manifest heretics (such as the false traditionalists) don’t understand Catholic teaching on heresy and the supernatural union which requires holding the true faith to be part of the Church.
The fruits of the Vatican II religion
The fruits of the Vatican II religion have been covered above on the sections on statistics, annulments, religious ordes, sex scandals, “Catholic” colleges, pro-abortion politicians scandal, etc. We encourage you to consult those sections. They show that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church. As covered above, entire dioceses have now been liquidated to pay off for the Vatican II sect’s pervert “priests.” All of this is also covered in our new book, The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II. Millions have left the Church, millions have embraced paganism, and almost all who claim to be “Catholic” are in heresy, apostasy or don’t have the foggiest idea what the Catholic Faith is about. The Vatican II religion is a vapid, apostate, empty, and worldly religion of man.
Here is a picture of young people at World Youth Day in Germany (Aug. 2005). They are basically worshipping Benedict XVI, just as the people at a Rock concert worship a Rock Star. This picture captures the reality of the non-Catholic counterfeit Vatican II sect: it captures what “the Papacy” has become in the Vatican II sect. The people don’t have a clue about what true fidelity to the Papacy is, but rather they follow (and worship as a Christ) the man who they think has been elected pope - no matter if he preaches a new Gospel or renders Jesus Christ meaningless, as Benedict XVI does. No matter that Benedict XVI just attended the synagogue a few days before demonstrating that Christ is meaningless (according to him)… no matter, they worship him all the same. They don’t have any clue about what true fidelity to the Papacy is – how it is fidelity to its unchangeable dogmas – nor any clue that the pope and the Papacy are there to faithfully transmit what Jesus Christ and the Apostles gave to the Church in the deposit of unchangeable Faith. It’s all about man, and the man they think (quite wrongly) is the pope, whom they treat as if he is Christ Himself.
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