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The Vatican II Revolution
What Vatican II Said About Protestants & “Orthodox” – Heresy Refuted In 5 Minutes
Vatican II Is A New Religion (22 minutes)
Vatican II’s Protestant Heresy (18 minutes)
Vatican II’s Jewish Heresy (10 minutes)
Vatican II’s Intercommunion Heresy (6 minutes)
Was Vatican II Infallible?
(42 minutes)
The Heresies in Vatican II [PDF File]
Vatican II: Council of Apostasy – Video
(This is the most complete and devastating exposé of the heresies in Vatican II that has been done; it includes photos.)
We will cover the heresies found in the following documents of Vatican II:
Heresies by Document
1. Unitatis Redintegratio – Decree on Ecumenism
2. Orientalium Ecclesiarum – Decree on Eastern Catholic Churches
3. Lumen Gentium – “Dogmatic” Constitution on the Church
4. Dignitatis Humanae – Declaration on Religious Liberty
5. Ad Gentes – Decree on Missionary Activity
6. Nostra Aetate – Decree on Non-Christian Religions
7. Gaudium et Spes – Constitution on the Church in the Modern World
8. Sacrosanctum Concilium – Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy
Was Vatican II infallible? (This article is for those who already recognize that there were heresies and false doctrines in Vatican II, but hold that the Vatican II “popes” who promulgated them still hold true authority in the Catholic Church.)
The Truth about What Really Happened to the Catholic Church after Vatican II Audio Program, Part 1, Part 2 [2 hrs. each part]
Debate: does Vatican II teach that non-Catholics may lawfully receive Holy Communion? [39 min. audio – June 2, 2008]
The Vatican II Revolution (1962-1965)
Vatican II was a council that took place from 1962-1965. Vatican II was a false council that constituted a revolution against 2000 years of Catholic teaching and Tradition. Vatican II contains many heresies that were directly condemned by past popes and infallible councils, as we will see. Vatican II attempted to give Catholics a new religion. In the period following Vatican II, massive changes in every aspect of Catholic Faith ensued, including the implementation of a New Mass.
Vatican II also came out with new practices and views toward other religions. The Catholic Church cannot change its teaching on other religions and how it views the members of other religions, since these are truths of Faith delivered by Jesus Christ. Vatican II attempted to change those truths of the Catholic Church.
Vatican II was called by John XXIII, and it was solemnly promulgated and confirmed by Paul VI on Dec. 8, 1965. Vatican II was not a true general or ecumenical council of the Catholic Church because, as we will see in detail, it was called and confirmed by manifest heretics (John XXIII and Paul VI) who were not eligible for the papal election (see Paul IV’s Apostolic Constitution above). The fruits of Vatican II are plain for all to see. Any honest Catholic who lived before the council and compares it with the religion in the dioceses today can attest to the fact that Vatican II inaugurated a new religion.
- The Most Specific Heresy in Vatican II –
Vatican II uses the same verb as the Council of Florence to teach just the opposite
The Council of Florence dogmatically defined that any individual who has a view contrary to the Catholic Church’s teaching on Our Lord Jesus Christ or the Trinity, or any one of the truths about Our Lord or the Trinity, is rejected by God.
This is an infallible dogmatic definition of the Catholic Church on individuals who have a view on Our Lord Jesus Christ or the Holy Trinity that is contrary to that of the Church (e.g., Jews, Muslims, etc.). The Council of Florence solemnly defines that whoever has a view contrary to the Church’s teaching on Our Lord and the Trinity (e.g., the Jews) is condemned and rejected! Note: the Council is not merely saying that the view contrary to Our Lord is rejected, but that the individual (e.g., the Jew) is rejected. This dogma is rooted in the truth that Our Lord specifically revealed in Sacred Scripture.
The word “deny” means to reject or to repudiate. He who denies Our Lord is rejected by Him. But in its Decree on Non-Christian religions, Vatican II taught just the opposite.
Vatican II denied the divinely revealed truth of Matthew 10:33, which was solemnly defined by the Council of Florence. The teaching of Vatican II is blatantly heretical.
But it gets even worse when one considers this in more detail. In case you have any doubt about this heresy, please consider the following:
Vatican II vs. The Dogmatic Council of Florence
Nostra Aetate #4 of Vatican II: “…the Jews should not be presented as rejected or cursed by God...”
Vatican II, Nostra Aetate #4, Original Latin: “…Iudaei tamen neque ut a Deo reprobati neque ut maledicti exhibeantur…”[4]
Dogmatic Council of Florence: “Therefore it [the Church] condemns, rejects, anathematizes and declares to be outside the Body of Christ, which is the Church, whoever holds opposing or contrary views.”
The Latin of the Council of Florence: “Quoscunque ergo adversa et contraria sentientes damnat, reprobat et anathematizat et a Christi corpore, quod est ecclesia, alienos esse denuntiat.”[5]
In making the infallible dogmatic declaration that all who have a view contrary to faith in Our Lord or the Trinity are rejected, the original Latin of the Council of Florence uses the word “reprobat,” which means “rejects.” It is from the Latin verb reprobo, which means “I reject” or “condemn.”
But here’s the bombshell: In Nostra Aetate #4 (Vatican II’s Decree on Non-Christian Religions) to declare exactly the opposite, Vatican II uses the same verb! Vatican II uses “reprobati,” which is the past participle passive of reprobo – the very same verb that the Council of Florence used! This means that Vatican II and the Council of Florence are talking about the exact same thing – they use the exact same verb – and they teach exactly the opposite! The Catholic Church defines that all individuals (Jews, etc.) who have a view contrary to Faith in Christ or the Trinity the Church “reprobat” (rejects). Vatican II tells us that the Jews should not be considered as “reprobati” (as having been rejected). Vatican II could hardly contradict Catholic dogma any more precisely!
There can be absolutely no doubt that Vatican II denies the dogmatic teaching of the Council of Florence. Although there are many blatant heresies in Vatican II, as we will see, this is the most specific one. Anyone who would deny that Vatican II teaches heresy, in light of these facts, is simply a liar.
This heresy in Vatican II’s Declaration Nostra Aetate is the theological foundation for the Vatican II sect’s current teaching on the Jews. It is the reason that the Vatican currently publishes books which teach that the Jews are perfectly free to live as if Christ had not come. It is the reason that the Vatican II sect teaches that the Old Covenant is valid. It is the reason why John Paul II and Benedict XVI both made trips to the synagogue to attempt to validate the Jewish religion, as we will see.
We will now cover the other heresies found in the following documents of Vatican II:
Heresies by Document
1. Unitatis Redintegratio – Decree on Ecumenism
2. Orientalium Ecclesiarum – Decree on Eastern Catholic Churches
3. Lumen Gentium – “Dogmatic” Constitution on the Church
4. Dignitatis Humanae – Declaration on Religious Liberty
5. Ad Gentes – Decree on Missionary Activity
6. Nostra Aetate – Decree on Non-Christian Religions
7. Gaudium et Spes – Constitution on the Church in the Modern World
8. Sacrosanctum Concilium – Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy
[1] Yves Marsaudon in his book Ecumenism Viewed by a Traditional Freemason, Paris: Ed. Vitiano, 121; quoted by Permanences, no. 21 (July 1965), 87; also quoted by Bishop Tissier De Mallerais, The Biography of Marcel Lefebvre, Kansas City, MO: Angelus Press, 2004, p. 328.
[2] Denzinger, The Sources of Catholic Dogma, B. Herder Book. Co., Thirtieth Edition, 1957, no. 703-705.
[3] Walter M. Abbott, The Documents of Vatican II, The America Press, 1966, p. 666.
[4] Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, Sheed & Ward and Georgetown University Press, 1990, Vol. 1, p. 970.
[5] 1937 Latin Version of Denzinger, Enchiridion Symbolorum, Herder & Co.., no. 705.
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