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Antipope John Paul II tells us: No Words of Consecration, No Problem. He approves a “Mass” as valid which has no words of Consecration!
Heresy of the Week, Week of 12/26/03 By Bro. Michael Dimond and Bro. Peter Dimond For more see: Heresies of the Week of John Paul II and the Vatican II sect regarding Heretics and Schismatics Preliminary Comment: The following is an excerpt from a document issued by the Vatican, and approved by “Cardinal” Ratzinger and John Paul II, on whether Chaldean Eastern Rite Catholics are permitted to have inter-Communion with the Assyrian Schismatics of the East (non-Catholics who reject the Catholic Church). The document says yes; and therefore, according to the document, the Assyrian schismatic non-Catholics are allowed to receive Holy Communion from Catholic ministers, while the Chaldean “Catholics” are allowed to receive Communion at the Assyrian Schismatic churches. Besides the obvious sin of heretical inter-Communion with non-Catholics, there is an additional problem. These Assyrian Schismatics – unlike most Eastern Schismatics – don’t have any words of Consecration in their liturgy! Their liturgy doesn’t even have “This is My Body” or “This is My Blood, etc.”; it doesn’t have the words of Institution, as the words of consecration are frequently called! Thus, the Assyrian Schismatic Liturgy isn’t even valid. But the following document of the Vatican tells us: no words of consecration, no problem! It tells us, incredibly, that their liturgy is nevertheless valid – despite no words of consecration – and that “Catholics” can receive “Communion” at such a liturgy.
Comment: Here the official Vatican document, approved by John Paul II, is admitting that the words of “Eucharistic Institution” (the words of Consecration which Christ Himself instituted as necessary for the confection of the Eucharist) are not present in this Assyrian liturgy. After admitting this fact, it tries to explain it away by asserting that the words of consecration are present in a “dispersed euchological way,” which is a neat way of saying that they are not actually present at all, but are somehow accounted for in other “prayers of thanksgiving, praise and intercession” which mention nothing of them! How convenient! The words of Consecration, instituted by Christ as part of the substance of the Sacrament of the Eucharist, are accounted for in other prayers of thanksgiving, praise and intercession which don’t mention them, according to this absurd document. But the reader should see the significance of this amazing heresy. This heresy devastates all Catholic sacramental teaching; it bluntly rejects Catholic dogma on the necessity of the words of Consecration for a valid Eucharist. We can see from these infallible statements that the words instituted by Christ – the words of Consecration – are necessary for a valid confection of the Holy Eucharist. And while the Eastern Rites of the Catholic Church don’t all possess the exact same formula of consecration as the Roman Rite, all the Catholic rites effect the Sacrament of the Eucharist with the words instituted by Christ Himself. In light of these facts, one can see that this heresy of Antipope John Paul II and the Vatican is equivalent to saying that one can validly baptize without water – it is a rejection of the substance of the sacraments, those things specifically instituted by the Lord Himself as necessary for the confection of the Sacraments, and over which no man – even a true Pope – has any power to change or alter. I continue with another excerpt from the Vatican document approved by Antipope John Paul II, explicitly allowing “Catholics” to receive the invalidly consecrated piece of bread that the Assyrian schismatics think is Holy Communion. Notice how the Vatican document “warmly invites” the Assyrian schismatics to use the words of Institution. What a bad joke! They are “warmly invited” to use the words instituted by Christ as the absolutely essential form for confecting this sacrament; but if the schismatics aren’t “warmed up” to this idea, no problem – presto: it’s somehow valid anyway according to Antipope John Paul II and the Vatican II sect. In light of these facts, how is affirming communion with these men (Antipope John Paul II, Cardinal Ratzinger, etc.) any different from affirming communion with Protestant ministers? For more see: Heresies of the Week of John Paul II and the Vatican II sect regarding Heretics and SchismaticsSign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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