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"Vatican-approved Jesuit rector: I still want to see homosexual couples blessed and women ordained"
"Father Ansgar Wucherpfennig, S.J. has recently been re-instated by the Vatican as the rector of the Jesuit graduate school in Frankfurt, Germany, in spite of his statements in favor of blessings for homosexual partners and female ordination.
As he now says in a new interview: 'I did not recant anything.' Wucherpfennig also adds that it was Jesuit Superior General Father Arturo Sosa who handled his case and now even asks him to publish essays on these two controversial topics.
LifeSiteNews has reported that the Vatican – after an initial demurral to give a Nihil obstat ('nothing stands in the way') to his re-election as the rector of the Jesuit school – has now accepted Wucherpfennig's simple statement that, while teaching Catholic doctrine, he will always present the statements of the Magisterium, but at the same time he will continue to question certain aspects of it.
Now, in a new interview, Father Wucherpfennig responds to this recent Vatican decision and makes it clear that he has not withdrawn any of his controversial statements in favor of the blessing of homosexual couples, as well as female ordination.
'No, I did not recant,' he said.
The priest explains that he only dealt, through his own German superior, with Father Arturo Sosa, the head of the Jesuits, and not with the Vatican. He adds that it was Sosa who gave him the mission to write about these controversial topics: 'The General Superior, Father Sosa, however, has given me the task to make further research about these two topics [homosexuality and female ordination] and to further develop, with a creative loyalty, the Church's views.'
Wucherpfennig makes it clear that he told Father Sosa that he 'as a Christian and academic' has the 'hope that the teaching with regard to these two points will change and will widen.'"
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