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Crop Circles
Many believers in ETs think that crop circles and designs in crop fields were created by aliens. Crop circles are a modern occurrence, first appearing in large numbers in the late 1970s. They became more widely known in the late 1980s.[1] “Initially, farmers around southern England started to find circular depressions in fields of wheat and other crops.”[2] In 1991, two men (Doug Bower and Dave Chorley) from Southampton, England, said they had been the original designers of crop circles in England for over fifteen years. They had seen reports of UFO ground markings in Australia and decided they would have fun recreating them in England.[3]
Doug Bower’s wife suspected him of committing adultery when she noticed the high number of miles being put on his car. Bower then confessed to her that he was driving around making crop circles. He and Dave Chorley then also informed a national British newspaper. Bower stated that if it had not been for his wife’s suspicions, he would have taken his crop making secret to the grave, never divulging that it was a hoax.[4] Crop circle making has now become a popular art form. There is a group called Circle Makers ( which designs complex circle designs in crop fields. They have even been paid by companies to advertize their products with crop circles. Their clients to date include BP, Microsoft, Nike, Shredded Wheat, Pepsi, the BBC, NBC, the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, and others.[5]
While most of the crop circles are certainly man-made, the Circle Makers group has found that, while making these crop circles, strange supernatural things seem to happen.[6] They have taken photos while working on the crop circles. Sometimes, when they are developed, UFOs have appeared in the photos. This can be seen on their website. Thus, in this case, we have UFOs not being seen by human eyes, but appearing only in the photos. This is strikingly similar to some people who have claimed to have been abducted by aliens. “There have been [UFO] contactees who, at the behest of ‘aliens,’ took photographs of scenes in which nothing unusual was visible, but when the photos were developed, UFOs appeared in the pictures! This phenomenon is basically the same as what is otherwise known as ‘spirit photography’ which originated in occult circles in England back around the year 1900.”[7]
These kinds of false signs and wonders were predicted to take place on the earth in the last days of the world. The Devil is powerless against God, and can only do what God allows him to do. However, to test the world in these last days, God has allowed the Devil to have significant power to attempt to deceive mankind. These false signs, such as UFOs, are done by demons “...according to the working of Satan with all power, signs and lying wonders” (II Thessalonians 2:9).
God wants to see if people will abandon Him and His truth to believe in lying signs and wonders. The Devil’s deceptions will influence many. We read that he “shall show great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” (Matthew 24:24)
Help spread this critical information so that people will learn the real truth about UFOs.
[1], p. 2.
[2] Gary Bates, Alien Intrusion, p. 213.
[4], p. 3.
[5], p.7.
[7] soon/occult.html
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