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UFO - Biblical Incompatibility
The Aliens’ Messages to UFO Abductees
If you went to a bookstore to find a book on UFOs, you would probably find the book in the New Age/Occult section, not the science section.[1] The belief in UFO contact through visits and communication with aliens is a part of the New Age philosophy.
Most of the abductions happen at night time, and the person then wakes up. In their messages, the aliens have said the Bible is outdated or false, and that Jesus Christ is not God. The aliens say that we need to unite into a global religion and government.[2] These aliens have also made false prophecies, promoted a false Jesus, and attempted to explain that sin doesn’t exist. In their messages, the aliens say that they are our creators, but we can also evolve into gods. In some messages they say that everyone is God.[3] This is simply the original temptation from the Devil in the Garden of Eden. “For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5).
Also interesting is that certain aliens have warned of a time of tribulation and disasters which will occur in the near future. These predictions bear a close resemblance to certain predictions in the Bible. Their goal is to increase the credibility of their own message by incorporating elements of well known and true prophecies.
Robert Prentiss (a former California policeman) and his wife claimed to see a multitude of UFOs. The UFOs appeared in a variety of different colors and shapes over a period of weeks. Prentiss said: “During the weeks of tantalizing sightings, I became totally obsessed with the UFOs, convinced that something great was about to happen. I abandoned my daily Bible reading and turned my back on God.”[4]
One reason that many people are so interested in UFOs is that they hope for an alien salvation. They hope that we might soon make contact with some advanced race of people out there which has discovered the secrets of how to escape death. For many, following UFOs has become a substitute religion. Whitley Strieber remarked: “The only thing now needed to make the UFO myth a new religion of remarkable scope and force is a single undeniable sighting.”[5]
Common Sense Questions About UFOs
If the aliens are all around us, why is it that no one has ever seen them getting out of their spacecrafts to eat or drink anything? We don’t see them landing to take some food and water back to their spacecraft. If the “aliens” really wanted to make contact with us, why would they land in remote areas and make personal contact with just a few people? Why wouldn’t the aliens land in a major city and appear in front of huge crowds of people? How come no one has found even one UFO landing area or base when there are so many in the air “flying around”?
Why haven’t they landed and taken us over? If their intelligence and technology are more advanced than ours, they would have probably taken us over a long time ago. Or why would aliens have to endlessly observe our activity? If these aliens are as advanced as some people think, for them to just keep observing us for centuries or decades would be a complete waste of time and utterly stupid. Besides, the aliens would have detection devices that would have told them everything they needed to know a long time ago. If these super-advanced aliens are material beings, how could they instantly disappear and pass through walls and the ground, as they are said to do?
Numerous people have claimed to have been contacted by aliens and even taken aboard their spacecrafts. Yet no one has ever recovered a spacecraft, or the undisputed fragments of a spacecraft. A UFO skeptic who has spent 28 years investigating UFO cases put it this way: “… why is it that not one person who claims to have been aboard a flying saucer has ever brought back a paper clip or cigarette lighter or some other souvenir?”[6]
No one has ever recovered even one alien, or even one piece of wreckage from an alien craft. Another skeptic of aliens said: “One would think that if aliens actually desired to make contact, that we would have at least one rock-solid, irrefutable close encounter of the third kind, complete with credible eyewitnesses and proof to substantiate it beyond question, before the military could seal off the area and deny everything.”[7] The fact is that there has never been even one undeniable encounter with an alien that has ever been even reasonably verified. The reason for this is that there are no aliens. It’s all a highly sophisticated demonic deception. All these facts prove that UFOs and “aliens” are a spiritual phenomenon, not a material phenomenon. They come from another dimension, the spirit world right around us. UFOs are indeed false apparitions produced by Satan, the “prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2).
Is It Theologically Possible for Other Alien Races to Exist in Addition to the Human Race?
The Bible doesn’t mention ETs. In Romans 5:12, it states: “through one man [Adam] sin entered the world.” The original Greek word for world is kosmos, which is usually translated to mean the entire universe. Also, Romans 8:22 says: “the whole creation groans and suffers” as a result of Adam’s sin. This would mean that alien beings in outer space which didn’t descend from Adam, would still suffer because of his original sin, which makes no sense. Jesus died once on planet Earth to save the sons of Adam, and He will not die again (Romans 6:9-10; 1 Peter 3:18).
Biblical Verses on the Powers of Angels & Fallen Angels
In the Bible, we see many supernatural objects described as wheels, pillars, thrones, chariots, lights and fire, balls of fire, flaming chariots, spinning objects, dark objects and shining clouds. These descriptions bear a striking resemblance to modern UFOs. These objects in the Bible have been described doing things such as flying, hovering, ascending, and descending.
In Exodus chapters 7 & 8, we see that God allowed the Devil to imitate some of God’s wonders in order to deceive people. The Devil was allowed to cause physical changes to material things.
Angels are very powerful spiritual beings that can:
Angels can take on many different forms and shapes. It would make sense, therefore, that if demons are fallen angels, they possess many of the same abilities which the faithful and good angels described in the Bible possess. Many people who say they have encountered aliens have described a reptilian likeness to their appearance. It’s very interesting that when Satan appeared to Eve in the Garden of Eden, he appeared in the form of a snake (a reptile). A snake may be the first thing that comes to a person’s mind when you hear the word reptile.
You now have seen many facts which demonstrate that UFOs are demons. UFOs are Satan’s trap for people: to convince us that there are aliens who are advanced races of beings who are watching us, visiting us, and with us. UFOs are Satan’s trick that there are aliens who are about to make first contact or take us over soon. UFOs are spiritual materializations orchestrated by the Devil. UFOs are a monumental deception with the goal of robbing or corrupting faith in the one true God, Jesus Christ. UFOs are simply a massive demonic deception right from the pit of Hell.
[2] For example see Jacque Vallee, Messengers of Deception, p. 163.
[3] Brad Steiger, The Fellowship, Doubleday, 1988, p. 170.
[4] Clifford Wilson & John Weldon, Close Encounters, A Better Explanation, San Diego, CA, pp. 297-302.
[5] Dr. Jacques Vallee, Dimensions, Ballantine Books, New York, NY, 1988 edition (not in new 2008 edition), quote from forward of Whitley Strieber.
[7] David Benoit & Eric Barger, Entertaining Spirits Unaware, Heathstone Pub., Oklahoma City, OK, p. 74.
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