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"U.S. Police Departments Deploy Drones Donated By Chinese Manufacturer"
"A Chinese manufacturer is donating drones to police departments across the United States so agencies can better surveil citizens they suspect are violating social distancing orders. Shenzhen-based DJI Enterprise recently donated monitoring equipment to the Battle Creek Police Department and Kent County Sheriff’s Department in Michigan. On the manufacturer’s website, DJI uses examples of police agencies, like Daytona Beach, Florida police, who plan on using the drone’s loud speaker to disperse crowds to avoid the spread of COVID-19... In Westport, Connecticut, police will be using drones to 'make sure people aren’t getting too close to each other,' News 12 reported. The drones can 'spot things like body temperature and illness.' The surveillance is part of the department’s 'Flattening the Curve' pilot program."
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