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Traditional Catholic Issues and Groups
This section of our website contains additional articles and issues which pertain to the Catholic faith, and groups which purport to be Catholic or traditional Catholic. These issues are discussed on a daily basis in the E-Exchanges section of our site, which is found on our homepage. Also, our main sections on “Antipopes Francis, B16, JPII, etc.” and Outside the Church There is No Salvation, Vatican II, etc. contain many things which are obviously relevant to this topic.
Fatima (the sign, the miracle, the Consecration of Russia, the False Sr. Lucy) [Link to Section]
The Society of St. Pius X [Link to Section]– Detailed coverage and refutations of their positions, a debate, etc.
Natural Family Planning: A Birth Control Deception - video
Why Natural Family Planning is Sinful Birth Control [link to section]
This crucial video is our most recent item on Natural Family Planning. It contains much new and updated information. The article also proves that so-called Natural Family Planning [NFP] is sinful birth control, and that it contradicts Catholic teaching by subordinating the primary purpose of marriage and the marriage act. This article doesn’t deal with artificial contraception, which most know is condemned as mortally sinful in Catholic teaching.
EWTN and the Charismatic Movement [link to section]
This section covers some of the main problems and heresies with EWTN and its foundress, Mother Angelica
False Apparitions (Divine Mercy, Bayside, Medjugorje) [Link to Section]
Beware: "Traditionalist" Groups and Individuals who teach Heresy – [Link to Section] Many different articles about many different groups... This section names groups and exposes heretics…
Was Vatican II Infallible? (video)
Was Vatican II Infallible? (article)
This article is for those who already recognize that there were heresies and false doctrines in Vatican II, but hold that the Vatican II “popes” who promulgated them still hold true authority in the Catholic Church.
Accepting Francis = Apostasy (video)
Recent Featured Videos and Articles contains some of the most recent, up-to-date materials on these matters.
Concerning those who reject the Vatican II religion but accept the Vatican II antipopes [PDF File]
Detailed audios refuting the “No Jurisdiction Position”
JURISDICTION: Facts which Demolish the "No independent priest today has Jurisdiction" Position - Did St. Vincent Ferrer have jurisdiction? If you hold the position that “no independent priest today has jurisdiction,” then your answer must be no. [PDF]
This article refutes the false position that no independent priest today has jurisdiction. The “no independent priest today has jurisdiction” position is more widespread than one might think. We have received many questions about this issue. Therefore, we strongly recommend that those who are interested in or concerned about this topic print this article out and read it.
Examining the Theological Status of Geocentrism and Heliocentrism and the Devastating Problems this creates for Baptism of Desire Arguments [PDF] *very important article which demolishes popular baptism of desire arguments, contains a new quote from a pope on geocentrism and much more
The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith for Converts
Where To Receive Sacraments
New sub-section on finer points, quotes, arguments, objections and issues relevant to certain "traditionalists"
New quotes, responses, points, etc. are added frequently to this page.
Some of the Recent Feature Articles
This section contains many other articles, features, book reviews, etc. concerning groups and individuals who purport to be traditional Catholics
The Modernist Errors of Cardinal John Henry Newman [article]
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