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Top Teachers Unions NEA and AFT Make Huge Donations to Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA) are among a handful of Unions that have donated to Planned Parenthood in the United States. For example, in 2012, the New York City chapter of AFT gave $125,000 to the abortion company. Then, in the wake of the organization’s scandal regarding selling aborted babies’ body parts, the New York City branch of AFT said they still support Planned Parenthood and urged “all members to support Planned Parenthood as members and contributors.” The Washington Free Beacon reports that over the last five years Planned Parenthood has also received money from the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, United Autoworkers Union, Service Employees International Union, and the United Food and Commercial Union. The vice president at the National Right to Work Foundation, Patrick Semmens, said that many union members do not hold the views of union leadership when it comes to abortion. However, he said... the states do not give them the option to cancel their membership. Semmens explained, “Whether it is sending dues money to Planned Parenthood, the Clinton Foundation, ACORN or any other organization that has nothing to do with representing rank-and-file workers, employees will have no way to hold union bosses accountable for how their money is spent as long as union officials are empowered by law to make payment to the union mandatory.” James Sherk, the senior policy analyst in labor economics at The Heritage Foundation said, “Most union members have no idea that their union donates their dues to the largest abortion provider in America.” He added, “Federal law does not require unions to get their members’ authorization before spending their dues on controversial causes. Union leaders have wide discretion to spend their members’ money as they like.”...
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