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DVD: The Third Secret of Fatima
This DVD contains the very best information from all the DVDs we have ever put out dealing with the post Vatican II apostasy. It also contains critical new information, and connects everything with what is predicted in the Third Secret of Fatima. This is the best DVD we have ever released, and the most important DVD that has been produced on the Catholic Church. This is a must-see.
The Third Secret of Fatima (3rd Edition) - (2 hours 30 minutes)
Prices for The Third Secret of Fatima DVD in U.S.: 1 copy for $5.00; 10 for $8.00; 25 for $12.00; 40 for $15.00; 60 for $25.00; 125 for $40.00; 200 for $65.00; 300 for $100.00 (All prices include shipping inside the U.S.) Foreign prices: 1 for $5.00. For bulk prices to foreign countries, please e-mail us or call us and we can arrange a price. Get the new blockbuster DVD (2 hours and 30 min.): You can order it here.
The Message of Fatima: a heavenly sign marking the beginning of the end timesand a prediction of apostasy from the Church
The Whole Truth about the Consecration and Conversion of Russia and the Impostor Sr. Lucy
(left) The people witnessing the Miracle of Fatima in 1917
(right) The three children who saw the Mother of God at Fatima: Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta
The sections covered on the DVD are:
Part 1: Fatima
Part 2: The Impostor Sister Lucia
Part 3: The Vatican’s version of the Third Secret
Part 4: The true message given in the real Third Secret
Part 5: The Election of Cardinal Siri
Part 6: John XXIII
Part 7: Paul VI, the New Mass, and the New Rite of Ordination
Part 8: The Antipopes’ Heresies with Other “Christians”
Part 9: The Antipopes’ Heresies on Other Religions
Part 10: A Heretic Cannot be the Pope
Part 11: The Apostasy of the Vatican II Hierarchy, Colleges, and High Schools
Part 12: The Heresies of the Impostor Sister Lucia
Part 13: The Assassination of John Paul I
Part 14: The Conversion and Consecration of Russia
Part 15: The Great Apostasy and the Antichrist
Part 16: The Whore of Babylon
A few testimonials from those who have watched the new DVD:
I just completed watching the Fatima movie. Brilliant and marvelous... Overflowing with wonderful information. Irrefutable. Thank you for solving the timeframe of poor Sr. Lucy's death and possible murder, which would therefore have been a martyrdom, hidden to us... From start to finish, a brilliant historical review of the 20th century's central tragedy: the infiltration of the Vatican and the installation of the direct descendants of Caiaphas as the head priests in the Vatican.
God bless you in your continued work,
Dear MHFM,
Did my first run-through of the Fatima dvd. Mindboggling, to say the least.
I received the Fatima dvd… hurried to the player and proceeded to watch the presentation 8 times… Thank you so very much…
I just received your DVD today in the mail and all I can say is WOW!!! I just finished watching the 2 and 1/2 hour presentation on The Third Secret of Fatima, the Impostor Sr Lucia and the End of the World. It is absolutely FANTASTIC!! You have outdone yourselves in presenting the truth! … it is explained so well. It almost made me cry to think that we have come to this! … Never, in my wildest dreams, would I have thought that this present situation we are in could have happened… Everyone MUST see this video! I can't understand how anyone could see this information, so well presented , and not believe!! God bless you for this and all that you do!!
Kathryn Rubio
I just finished watching your new DVD, The Third Secret of Fatima, the Impostor Sr. Lucia, and the End of the World. It is truly brilliant. I've never seen such a beautiful and profound explanation of the facts surrounding the Great Apostasy… This is by far your most important DVD, a death-blow to the Vatican II sect and its snakes… May the Hearts of Jesus and Mary convert many thousands by this DVD.
Chris White
Just finished watching the Fatima DVD, what a fireball this thing is!!! I enjoyed on how it started out with the Old testament, moved through the New, and goes all the way to the end which were now living and Mary’s role with it all..I liked also the way it brought up things I didn’t know about such as certain dates & events that corresponded / overshadowed each other, such as Pope Pius XII (the one who consecrated Russia) becoming a bishop on May 13th, which was also the same date that Mary appeared at Fatima. Also the sea shells that Benedict XVI was pictured wearing at times in lieu of what the Illuminati chief Adam Weishaupt’s statement was about the plan to make Rome an 'empty shell' itself..--Lots of rich information about the underhandedness in Rome during the birth of Vatican II. Captivating info on the Vatican bank / John Paul I etc...for a moment there it was as if I were watching a Vatican thriller movie the way it kept me on the edge of my seat... I will pray that those I give it to will watch it without distraction. Anyone who honestly watches this will not be able to deny that we are truly in the last days and that the Catholic Church is the Devil & friends #1 enemy...Only question I have is, what kind of speech is Brother going to give when they hand him the microphone after he wins an Oscar for 'Best Picture'...
I found myself in a captivated awe while watching this dvd. It is a masterpiece, a true work undoubtedly guided by our Lord! I would like to take a minute to detail why I feel this way.... your dvd, for which I'm certain required much valiant effort, has made it so that even the laziest of man can now have NO excuse… As Christ appropriately admonished the Apostle (doubting) St. Thomas - (John 20:29)...":blessed are they that have not seen, and have believed" after the Apostle expressed he would not believe unless he put his fingers in Christ's side, He still allowed for this Saint the opportunity to see Him in the Flesh and acquire Sainthood. I personally believe with this dvd, in a very similar fashion, Christ is allowing us doubters (naysayers) to see His Church and simultaneously see, "in the flesh" anti-christ.
Peter Inglima
The Fatima dvd was very fascinating and flowed wonderfully… truly amazing. The fake Sister Lucia proof was more than persuasive. How will the V2 sect - and false traditionalists - be able to hide from all of this proof? May God reward you for your tireless efforts.
Teri Thurman
Thanks to God and Our Lady I have finally got it into my thick skull the full truth about what has been happening to the Church. I obtained a copy of your Fatima DVD and it literally stabs straight into the heart of the devil and his illuminati plan to establish spiritual deception amongst the faithful and the world... I know hold to the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church. Thanks for the help Bros!...
I wish to express how much my wife and I enjoyed your new DVD! It is a tremendous work of charity! I have read the comments of others on the website and I can say that I echo their praises for the tireless work you have labored within to help save many souls! Thank you!... In my estimation, any person who will, after viewing this DVD, write into MHFM and argue with the truths that are depicted, cooperates in the same evil. Those who do so are liars and have themselves CHOSEN to remain ignorant and blind.
I was watching your new DVD about fatima yesterday. Great DVD! Very shocking and convincing! I don’t see how anyone can watch it and remain unconvinced…
Mark Vasquez
I found your new DVD on Fatima in my mailbox today. I am truly blessed and speechless… To my amazement you were able to show without a doubt, the history of the true faith; the truth behind Fatima; and that Vatican II is the Whore of Babylon with its leaders and members being anti-Christ as predicted in the bible and by the saints. I highly recommend watching this video in one sitting as the movie flows beautifully from beginning to end. God's hand has blessed your ministry with the accomplishment of this new DVD.
Thank-you, In Christ's Name, God Speed, Tom Miles
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