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The Schismatic R.I. hurls a new accusation against us and then refuses to defend his position in a debate; his position and abjuration are crushed by various teachings of the Church (PART 1)
NOTE: In recent months, this individual R.I. has actually denounced canonized Catholics saints as heretics. Specifically, he has denounced St. Alphonsus and St. Thomas Aquinas as heretics. This proves what I have said about him, that he is a non-Catholic heretic who has literally founded his own sect. Some people couldn’t see it then, but perhaps they see it now. By denouncing as heretics canonized saints, he actually has put himself on the level of the Protestant reformers. He is now in the category of Protestant revolutionaries Martin Luther, John Calvin and other heretics (such as Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormons) who founded their own “Churches.” He would literally have to hold that the Catholic Church fell into apostasy for centuries, by honoring and declaring as saints those he considers non-Catholic heretics, and that it is he who must come to “restore” the purity of the Gospel. He even said that, if he could, he would “bring St. Thomas Aquinas back from Hell, put his skin on him, rip it off, and then pour vinegar on his wounds!” Yes, R.I. actually said this while claiming to be Catholic (listen to part 4 of the audios below).
Part 1- Introduction and quick background on these radical schismatics [9 min audio.]
Part 2 - In depth refutation of their false arguments regarding the Council of Basel and the salvation dogma [50 min. audio]
Part 3 - Refutation of the Argument that Canonizations are not infallible by virtue of the teaching of Vatican I [20 min. audio]
Part 4 - Exposing the demonic and shocking statements of the schismatic RI – the source for many strains of "traditionalist" schism [16 min. audio]
By Bro. Peter Dimond, O.S.B. PART 1: -Introduction- How the New Controversy Materialized My first e-mail to R.I. challenging him to a debate My second e-mail to R.I. challenging him to a debate and answering his first question My third e-mail to R.I. challenging him to a debate and asking for a response to my question My public letter to R.I. which reveals the teaching of the Council of Elvira, St. Francis De Sales, Pope Pius XI and more which crushes his position on when people become heretics and blows his schismatical abjuration away Other brief points regarding the Schismatic R.I. This Teaching on When People Become Heretics makes perfect sense-Introduction-
Some of our readers are familiar with R.I. Our article “Refuting R.I.” dealt with his false teachings. Please read that article if you are not familiar with where we differ from him. In that article I exposed his basic views: that all people who attend any traditional Mass in the country are heretics – clearly false; that all non-sedevacantists without exception, even those unfamiliar with the issues involved, are heretics – clearly false; that heretics don’t have to be obstinate, etc. – clearly false, as demonstrated in the aforementioned article. But a new article was necessary because R.I. has recently hurled a new accusation our way. R.I. has accused us of denying the dogma Outside the Catholic Church There is No Salvation! Since R.I.’s accusation is completely false – and, quite frankly, one of the biggest insults that has ever been hurled our way, considering the time, effort and devotion we have given to this dogma – a public response was necessary. Allow me to give a little background on the issue involved which prompted his false accusation. This issue concerns what it takes to become a heretic. It is very important for all familiar with R.I. to understand this issue, because it lies at the heart of all of his schismatic views. And once it is shown that his view of when people become heretics is completely wrong, as I will prove here, his whole schismatical program crumbles.HOW THE NEW CONTROVERSY MATERIALIZED
To illustrate the difference between our views of what it takes to become a heretic, let’s look at the case of two members of the SSPX. First, I should note again that R.I. holds that all people who attend the SSPX are heretics, whereas we correctly say that only those who obstinately agree with them once they become familiar with the issue are heretics. Okay, let’s say there are two members of the Society of St. Pius X who obstinately agree with the SSPX that souls can be saved in false religions, that John Paul II is the Pope (after seeing the evidence against him) and who believe that they are free to reject the “Canonizations” of the man they deem to be the Pope. Unfortunately, these two SSPX members are, in fact, heretics for obstinately holding such positions. But what about their baptized children? All infants who are baptized are Catholics. So do the baptized children of these SSPX heretics become heretics when they reach the age of reason? The answer is no, because in order to be a heretic one must obstinately reject a Catholic teaching. If one is not aware of the Catholic teaching or is not familiar with the issue involved, he is not necessarily a heretic. The children of these SSPX heretics don’t become heretics at the age of reason; they become heretics at the point when they hear about and understand the issue at stake and then obstinately reject the Catholic position. Thus, it would be totally false and schismatical to assert that all the children above reason at the SSPX chapels are heretics. But this is exactly what R.I. asserts in his self-composed abjuration. These assertions are clearly false, but R.I. attempts to defend them by saying that if the children of SSPX heretics are Catholics then so are the children of Protestants. AND THIS IS HOW THE NEW CONTROVERSY MATERIALIZED. This led to one of his followers asking me when the baptized children of Protestants become heretics like their parents. I responded by saying: There are a few points regarding this answer that will be expanded upon later in this article, but it is true as it stands. The children of Protestants and Eastern Schismatics don’t become Protestant heretics and Eastern Schismatics at the age of reason (this will be proven more thoroughly as we proceed). Like the children of the SSPX, the baptized children of Protestants and Eastern Schismatics (who believe in the Trinity and the Incarnation) don’t become heretics or schismatics until they comprehend the issue involved and then obstinately reject the Catholic position or the authority of the Catholic Church. But upon hearing about my response to the question, R.I.’s friend misrepresented what I said. He wrote back: Notice that this is not what I said. R.I.’s heretical follower misrepresented what I said. And this is how Satan works to deceive. So after hearing of my answer to his friend’s question, R.I. accused my position of being heretical, since he holds that all the baptized children of heretics become heretics at the age of reason, not when they obstinately reject a Catholic dogma. This is how he “justifies” condemning as heretics all the children above reason at the SSPX, CMRI, etc. R.I., Accusing us of denying Outside the Church There is No Salvation: “Peter Dimond took his erroneous theology to its heretical conclusion by believing that all Protestants [sic] who never heard of Catholic dogmas are actually Catholics by default, because, according to Peter, they can never become heretics unless Catholic dogmas are first presented to them, until they first know the Catholic position. He said, “The children of Protestant families do not become Protestants (i.e., heretics) until they reach an age where they comprehend the differences between Catholicism and Protestantism and then obstinately reject the Catholic position.” He pretends his conditions only apply to children, but, if he is to be consistent, his erroneous theology logically applies to all Protestants with the use of reason no matter what age they are. Therefore, according to Peter, it is not a matter of age but of learning the Catholic position and then denying it. Peter’s heresy is the root of the denial of the Salvation Dogma. It was very first one the Salvation heretics introduced to laymen in the 19th century.” R.I. stated that my position was heretical and a denial of the salvation dogma. I responded with the following e-mail and challenged him to a debate on the topic.MY FIRST E-MAIL TO R.I. CHALLENGING HIM TO A DEBATE (12/23/04)
Bro. Peter Dimond to R.I. (12/23/04):On 12/28/04 R.I. responded to my e-mail but did not accept the challenge to debate. He said that he would only respond to my question as to when the baptized children of heretics become heretics after I answered 14 of his questions, most of which had nothing to do with the topic. After listing his 14 questions, R.I. stated: So, R.I. did not accept the challenge to debate us on this topic of when the baptized children of heretics become heretics. He likes to accuse others of heresy whom he feels that he can refute, but lacks the backbone to meet us in a debate and substantiate and defend his accusations. He is obviously scared to debate us, which is why he attempted to divert by asking us 14 different questions. So, I wrote R.I. another e-mail in which I responded to his first question, and then asked him my own. (The reader will notice that my language in the following e-mail is deliberately meant to challenge R.I. I repeatedly ask him to state his position clearly “like a man,” in the hope that this will cause him to actually respond and debate me; for I know that if he accepts the challenge of the debate his false position will be exposed by the facts, and that it will be very beneficial to those who have signed his schismatical abjuration. But if he refused to debate, some of his followers who were reading the exchange wouldn’t see his position refuted. So, I wanted to challenge him to come out and state his position. Also, those who are familiar with R.I. will understand that he specializes in extravagant denunciations and verbal tirades. Thus, when you communicate with him the tone is necessarily harsh.)
Bro. Peter Dimond to R.I. (12/29/04):The reader can see that I answered his question in detail, and then posed my own. But I received no response from R.I! I received no response to my question or my challenge to debate him. He backed down like a coward, and refused even to answer my simple question. He refused to answer my simple question after I went out of my way to answer his question first, in addition to the fact that he was the one to launch the accusation of heresy against me. So, I waited a few days for the schismatic coward R.I. to respond, and since no response was forthcoming, I wrote him again:
Bro. Peter Dimond to R.I. (12/31/04)I never received an answer to my question or my challenge to debate to R.I. He backed down because he is scared to defend his position against us in a debate. And we must remember that R.I. is constantly condemning others for failing to profess the Faith, for supposed sins of omission and for not condemning heresy, yet this abominable hypocrite runs away when we challenge him to debate this issue and answer one simple question! R.I. is a complete fraud.
Bro. Peter Dimond to R.I. (Public Letter) 1/8/05We can see that R.I.’s position is clearly refuted by the teaching of the Catholic Church. Those who have signed his heretical and schismatical abjuration and obstinately defend it have entered a non-Catholic sect and become schismatics. Schism is defined as a sin against charity, because schismatics unjustifiably break communion with Catholics who hold to no heresy, and condemn people as heretics without justification. R.I.’s false views are clearly schismatic and a mortal sin against charity. R.I. is also a heretic who, by his positions, denies the dogma that Divine Revelation ended with the death of the last apostle, as I proved in “Refuting R.I.” But his heresy is entwined with his schism. Those who refuse to denounce him as a schismatic and a heretic after seeing these facts are heretics. Those who have read the above facts should easily see that R.I. is definitely used by Satan to take uncompromising traditional Catholics into schism and outside the Catholic Church. R.I. refused to debate me in cowardly fashion, after accusing us of heresy, because he sensed that he would be refuted; and he was correct. Because those who have signed R.I.’s schismatical abjuration and obstinately embraced his positions have fallen into schism and actually entered a non-Catholic sect, such an act needs to be abjured. They need to make the Profession of Faith from the Council of Trent for converts (available on our website) and at the end of it they need to add that they reject the sect and abjuration of R.I. After that, they need to confess to a validly ordained priest that they signed a schismatical abjuration form which condemns as heretics people who are not heretics. And all who are familiar with R.I.’s writings should be referred to this article.
It is also worth noting that R.I. claims that all of his writings are “by the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,” with his cooperation – as if his writings flow forth directly from Jesus Christ through the “pure medium” R.I! This is clearly presumptuous and blasphemous, and reveals R.I.’s astounding pride and false view of himself. R.I. also claims to be one of the two witnesses of the Apocalypse, when he is clearly not. On the contrary, I have shown on dogmatic grounds that he is a non-Catholic schismatic, and thus a false prophet. When people claim to be prophets, but aren’t, they are most probably possessed. R.I. also recently changed #23 of his abjuration! Regarding a baptism issue which is not related to the issue discussed in this article, R.I changed his position and no longer condemns as schismatics those whom his abjuration solemnly declared to be schismatics. So much for that! Writings “by the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ” don’t need revision. So he got his followers to sign and solemnly denounce as non-Catholic schismatics people whom he now admits are not even schismatics. I’m also stunned by the bad will of his followers who have signed his abjuration form. I have spoken to some of them and carefully explained the contradictions in his position, but they refuse to admit there is any contradiction. They are following a man, and not Jesus Christ. For instance, they say there is no excuse for anyone to believe that John Paul II is the Pope even if they haven’t seen his heresies or the teaching proving that he is not the Pope. But when I bring up the case of Fr. Feeney and Padre Pio, who both thought that the manifest apostate Paul VI was the Pope, they excuse them by saying “it’s not the same.” Here is what one of R.I.’s followers wrote to me when I asked her about this issue:“The issues regarding Fr. Feeney and Padre Pio, I still maintain, are different from today's situation. The heresies then weren't as manifest as they are today.”
This shows the disgusting bad will of the followers of R.I. They are no different from liars. If Fr. Feeney and Padre Pio could be Catholics because they had not seen the evidence against Paul VI and the teaching proving that he was not the Pope, then it is possible for people today to be in the same situation, even if the number is smaller. To deny this is to deny that revelation has ended with the death of the last apostle and to state that a new public revelation has occurred to all between the death of Fr. Feeney and today. They are so blinded that they cannot perceive that if Fr. Feeney and Padre Pio were excused because the issue was not manifested to them individually, then it is still a matter of the heresies and the sedevacantist issue being manifest to the individual. But they deny this, and state that today it is no longer necessary for the issue to be manifest to the individual. No, they say everyone is culpable today because the issue is somehow manifest corporately to all. Thus, they teach a new revelation; they deny the above dogma and are heretics. They are following a man, and rejecting Christ. The followers of R.I. are also incapable of logical arguments, and when presented with them they quickly have recourse to emotion. For instance, when you prove to them that it is unjustified on theological grounds to say that all people without exception who still believe that John Paul II is the Pope are heretics (as I have proven in this article), they respond by arguments which make it seem as if you are justifying believing that John Paul II is the Pope. That is uncharitable, bad willed and cowardly because it runs from facts. An honest person can see that by (correctly) pointing out that some people who have not seen the evidence against John Paul II may be Catholics one is not justifying those who have seen the evidence. Or when you point out to them how one cannot condemn all the children of SSPX members as heretics, they say “well then how can you judge John Paul II as a heretic?” Any sincere person can see the illogic in this. We can judge that John Paul II is a heretic because it is easily proven that he rejects teachings of the Church; they cannot prove that all the people they condemn reject teachings of the Catholic Church. But because they are not following the truth, but rather are believing only on emotion, logic goes out the window. In fact, the followers of R.I. are following a false Christ. They are following a false Christ because they are following a man who preaches a new revelation not taught by Jesus Christ and “proves” it solely on his authority. Allow me to prove the point: They profess that everyone without exception “in the latter days of the great apostasy” who believes that John Paul II is the Pope is a heretic. But, as I said, they make exceptions for Fr. Feeney, etc.. So, when I ask them when the “latter days of the great apostasy” began and when all exceptions for believing that John Paul II is the Pope (due to ignorance of his heresies, etc.) ceased, they cannot give me a date! So, think about this: if they cannot even give me a date as to when the “latter days of the great apostasy” began and all exceptions ceased, but are solemnly professing it as infallible truth anyway, upon whose authority are they making this act of Faith? The answer is that they are making this solemn profession of Faith, that all exceptions to believing that John Paul II is Pope have ceased today, solely on R.I.’s authority! They have made an act of Faith on something that can only be substantiated on the word of R.I. Thus, whether they admit it or not, they are worshipping R.I. as a false Christ, who declares a new public revelation; and this new revelation which he preaches contradicts the Revelation given by Jesus Christ on what are the absolutely essential mysteries of Faith which all must know without exception since the death of the last apostle until the end of the world. One of R.I.’s followers was even asked what the necessary truths of salvation are for a person to absolutely know. His follower answered in an e-mail I read: “The 46 articles” composed by R.I. This reminds me strikingly of the Thirty-Nine Articles of the “Church of England” (the Anglican Sect), a formulation of their beliefs which was imposed on its clergy as a profession of Faith in 1571. R.I. is a schismatic and the founder of his own sect, just like the major Protestant heretics. The difference between R.I. and the Protestant heresiarchs is that his sect is more alluring and deceiving for Catholics because it professes many truths of the Catholic Faith and condemns many people who are in fact heretics – but then proceeds to condemn many people who are not heretics. In fact, after signing the “46 articles,” many of the followers of R.I. even send in their signed abjuration form to his residence! Those who sign his schismatic abjuration are entering a non-Catholic sect, which is headed by R.I. But then we have the people who go from the extreme schismatic views of R.I. to liberalism and justifying heretics. I’ve seen a number of people who, after abandoning R.I.’s schismatic views, go to the other extreme and justify many “traditionalists” who are in fact heretics and can be shown to be heretics. Frankly, this shows the bad will of the people who get wrapped up in the schism of R.I.: they go from one error to another, failing to see the true position at every turn.THIS TEACHING ON WHEN PEOPLE BECOME HERETICS MAKES PERFECT SENSE
The position discussed in this article on when the baptized children of heretics become heretics makes perfect sense. For instance, when King Henry VIII imposed his schismatical oath of Supremacy he tore all the churches in England from communion with the Catholic Church and instantly made them Protestant churches. Did all of the people in those churches instantly become Protestant heretics and fall outside the Catholic Church? No, of course not. They became heretics and schismatics when they individually embraced the heresy and the schism of Henry VIII. Another good example would be the Great Western Schism. During the Great Western Schism Catholics were following three different claimants to the Papal Throne. Only one was the true Pope, while the rest of the Catholics were attending churches which were, strictly speaking, not in communion with the Catholic Church but a false hierarchy. Were all of these people attending these churches ipso facto non-Catholics because they were in church buildings which were not in communion with the Church? No. Even though they were attending church buildings which were not in communion with the Catholic Church (the true Church of Christ), they were not aware of this fact and were not guilty of heresy or schism. Since they were not guilty of heresy or schism they were still members of the Catholic Church. Below is a brief study of this teaching concerning when the baptized children of heretics become heretics. This study shows how this truth is perfectly in line with all the definitions of the Church declaring that all who die as non-Catholics are lost; that all who die without the Catholic Faith are lost; that all must be inside the government of the Church to be saved; that all must be subject to the Roman Pontiff to be saved; and that all must have the Catholic Faith to be saved.Sign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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