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The Fatima Crusader tells us that Antipope John Paul II is not the heretical Antipope who is predicted to come! (False Traditionalism)
Heresy of the Week, Week of 12/17/04
By Bro. Peter Dimond
For more see: Heresies of the Week Relating to “Traditional” Issues and Persons
Comment: “Rome will be taken over by an Anti-pope, who will be entirely without Catholic faith, entirely heretical…” Hmmm? Who could that possibly be? Could it be the man who removes the crucifixes from Catholic churches and allows voodoo highpriests to preach to the people? Hmmm… could it be the man who declares that all men are saved and that the Holy Ghost is responsible for false religions of Satan? Hmmm... the man who kisses the Koran and asks St. John the Baptist to protect Islam? Could it be the man who praises Martin Luther, the United Nations and the Social Justice of Communist China? How about the man who teaches that there are saints and martyrs in false religions, and that Holy Communion should be given to heretics? How about the man who says that Masses are valid which have no words of Consecration? Hmmm… the man who declares that Christianity is the deep amazement at each man and that man is the Christ, the Son of the Living God? Could it possibly be the man who overturns the Council of Trent, gives donations and relics to non-Catholic sects, and prays with the Jews for the coming of the Messiah?
Do the people at The Fatima Crusader think that the Antipope who will overtake Rome will carry a sign saying: “I am a heretic!” Do they think that he will announce to the people, “I am the Satanic Antipope who is to come!” Any sincere person aware of the facts can immediately recognize that Antipope John Paul II is “entirely without Catholic faith, entirely heretical…” No phrase describes him better. He has denied every major dogma of the Faith and approved of every false religion. The statement by Paul Kramer in The Fatima Crusader that Antipope John Paul II is not the heretical Antipope who is entirely without Catholic Faith is, quite frankly, evil.
What’s ironic is that this statement is made in an issue of The Fatima Crusader which contains the first sort of attack against John Paul II that I’ve ever read in the pages of the magazine. I was actually surprised to see that on pages 88-89, in an article by Paul Kramer, it is stated that John Paul II actually spoke heresy. Hip-hip-hooray! After 25 years of apostasy and heresy, he’s finally mentioned for the first time (as far as I’ve seen) as having uttered a heresy (not as a heretic, of course)! It seems that the people at The Fatima Crusader were a bit shaken up by the recent Fatima Congress, at which it was announced that the Shrine of Our Lady would be open to all the false religions of Satan. (They’ll really be shaken up on Judgment Day when they find out what John Paul II really was all about). Nicholas Gruner (Director of The Fatima Crusader) calls the apostasy in Fatima “the abomination of desolation.” So perhaps that is why they actually ran an article in which the arch-apostate and main enemy of Jesus Christ, John Paul II, is finally mentioned as one who promotes heresy, rather than an article along the lines of “Pope John Paul II gives us the real key to the Third Secret of Fatima,” which they have carried in two parts before. Here are a just a few quotes which illustrate the type of heretical, spiritual dishonesty and spiritual deception in The Fatima Crusader, quotes which are geared to exonerate Antipope John Paul II of his crimes and promote him as a man who is just surrounded by bad guys. (The bolding and underlining are my own).
This statement is totally dishonest! If there are two texts to the Third Secret of Fatima (we reject this idea, but this is what Nicholas Gruner claims) and John Paul II has read both texts, as Gruner admits, then obviously John Paul II knows that the public is being defrauded of the other text and John Paul II is therefore defrauding and lying to the public! So what Gruner says here is simply wicked dishonesty!
Gruner here is implying that it’s not John Paul who is primarily responsible for failure to Consecrate Russia, but rather it is the people around him who are primarily responsible! This is not to mention the fact that Gruner continues to ask Antipope John Paul II to do the Consecration of Russia, a Consecration which he has no power to perform anyway, since he is not the Pope.
These are just a few quotes that I quickly located. One “traditionalist” priest once correctly described The Fatima Crusader magazine as an evil mélange (mixture) of truth with error. Yes indeed, The Fatima Crusader is an evil mélange of truth with error. In one part of the magazine it correctly labels the apostasy in Fatima as an “abomination,” while in the same issue it has two pictures of John Paul II, a quote from him on the Rosary, and tells us to “Follow his directive…” (p. 23)! So, while they declare the event in Fatima an “abomination,” and even “the abomination of desolation,” they promote in a positive light the man who is ultimately responsible for this abomination and whose interreligious actions of a similar nature form the very basis and justification for the “abomination of desolation” in Fatima! Thus, The Fatima Crusader mixes Our Lady of Fatima with apostasy; it condemns the abomination in Fatima while it promotes again and again the man ultimately responsible for it (Antipope John Paul II). It finally mentions John Paul II as teaching a “heresy,” while in the same issue it declares that John Paul II is not the heretical Antipope who is entirely without Catholic Faith. It lures its readers in by some beautiful truth on spiritual matters and Our Lady, while at the same time it leads them right back to the very sources of the apostasy.
If we were to examine more of the past issues of The Fatima Crusader and its treatment of Antipope John Paul II (with pictures of this abominable heretic – in a positive light – in almost every magazine!), its quoting from him in a positive way, without ever denouncing him as a heretic, then one could see that it is fair to say that its treatment of the apostate John Paul II is an abomination that cries to heaven. That’s right, a pseudo-traditionalist magazine which claims to be “The Fatima Crusader” and which purports to give people the truth about Our Lady of Fatima and the crisis of Faith, which simultaneously promotes for years and years – again and again – the main source of the apostasy, apostate Antipope John Paul II, is an abomination. No one, of course, should donate a penny to the heretical magazine, The Fatima Crusader.
For more see: Heresies of the Week Relating to “Traditional” Issues and Persons
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