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Syracuse "Catholic" churches hold workshops on how to promote "trans rights"
DUSTIN SIGGINS "As the debate over transgenderism grows across the country, two Catholic churches are holding what local news calls a 'series of talks on what it's like to be transgender.' The talks, which are sponsored by All Saints Catholic Church and St. Lucy's Catholic Church, were organized by the All Saints LGBT Task Force and 'volunteers from Family Allies for Trans Equality in New York State.' They will all be held at the All Saints Parish's Bishop Harrison Center. The events will conclude with an all-day workshop March 8, tackling topics such as 'Understanding Transgender' and 'Becoming an Effective Ally for Trans Rights.' Empire State Pride Agenda will also have a presence through Sheilah Sable, who will present on legal concerns related to the lives of transgender people. The Diocese of Syracuse did not return a request for comment on the speaker/workshop series and whether the workshops and presentations violate Church teachings. Empire State Pride Agenda is an organization with a long history of supporting same-sex 'marriage' and other issues at odds with Church doctrine... The next event for All Saints and St. Lucy's is on March 4, and is called 'Voices From The Journey: Hearing From Transgender Persons.'"
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