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Switzerland plans to ban electric cars from its roads
The Swiss government announced that it will ban electric cars from the country’s roads if the energy crisis worsens. In the event of Switzerland running out of energy this Winter, then ‘non-essential’ journeys using electric vehicles will be prohibited.
Because the country is dependent on imports, the government fears there could well be a shortage of energy in the coming months. Around 60 per cent of Swiss energy is generated via hydroelectric power stations.
Another 30 per cent comes from nuclear facilities but the government is already committed to phasing this out as an energy source. Wind farms and traditional fossil fuels provide the remainder of Switzerland’s energy...
In the event of blackouts affecting the country, a plan has been drawn up by the Swizz government to combat such a scenario. These will include the opening hours of shops being cut by two hours each day...
Temperatures in other buildings will be limited to a maximum of 20C.
Further measures could include sporting facilities and stadiums being forced to shut, Christmas lights being turned off, and streaming services and gaming consoles being banned...
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