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The infinite stupidity of the theory of evolution on display again
Heresy of the Week, Week of 8/6/04 By Bro. Michael Dimond and Bro. Peter Dimond For more see: Heresies of the Week – Miscellaneous Articles and Issues
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This week an electrician came to the monastery to help us with a minor problem we had. The man did the work very well and fixed our problem. He was a very nice person, naturally speaking, and very easy to deal with. In the course of his visit, we got into a religious discussion. This electrician happened to be a severely anti-God atheist who said: “I love to debate religion.” He came to the right place. Believe it or not, he was even wearing a shirt which read: “In blues we trust”. Apparently it was a mockery of the slogan: “In God we trust.” I can’t remember many I’ve come across who were more enthusiastic about their detestation for religion than this man; yet, being mature adults, we were able to discuss our differences without anyone getting upset.
In the course of the discussions we discovered, not surprisingly, that he believed in the “theory” of evolution. It must be remembered that this man is intelligent. He knows how to do almost anything when it comes to fixing or constructing a house. The “theory” of evolution holds that over billions of years, by a gradual process, dirt (yes, dirt) eventually became a human being. Many proponents of the “theory” of evolution deny that this is their position. However, when go back to what they believe started the whole evolutionary process, they are forced to admit that it was dirt.
The man was vehemently opposed to murder. That was the great moral evil, according to him. He believed that those who commit murder should be put to death. He said that one of his problems with the idea of God is that those who commit murder can repent and be saved. But we pointed out to him his inconsistency. We said: “If there is no God and man evolved, by what criteria do you say that murder is wrong?” He answered by repeating the same thing he already told us, that murder is evil because it takes away the life of another. But we again pointed out to him his inconsistency: “If there is no God, then there is no moral law, there is no absolute right or wrong. One can say that I hate murder and it’s wrong, but the next man could say ‘murder makes me happy.’ By what criteria does one say that the second man is absolutely wrong and the first man is right? The fact is that without God one cannot say the second man is wrong.”
But he responded with a different, illogical argument. He said that the law of the land prohibits murder. We responded by pointing out that there have been many regimes in history where the law of the land allowed murder, and in which those in power murdered and made murder a way of life. So, to be consistent, he would have to admit that murder was justified in those regimes, since it was the law of the land. But no: he illogically deviated from his principles again. When you would pin him down, he would ignore you or switch the subject, just like the people who defend Antipope John Paul II. (In seeing the illogic, inconsistency and dishonesty that he displayed because deep down he is running full speed away from the truth, I was strikingly reminded of those who believe that John Paul II is the pope and reject his “canonizations” and then say that one must not deny a canonization proclaimed by a pope before Vatican II.)
Furthermore, if there is no God and man evolved, then the evolutionist must also admit that killing a human being is morally no different from killing a deer or a wild animal. We said that to be consistent he must admit that there's nothing immoral in murder. At best, he could only say that it is inexpedient in human society, because those who murder are more likely going to get murdered; but he would have no basis to say it's wrong. Nothing is right or wrong, according to him, since we all evolved from dirt and there is no God. But, of course, he did not admit this. Instead, he asked whether we believed that one could be a good person if one did not believe in God. We responded: “No.” It is interesting to note that almost all of these atheists want to think of themselves as good people. It's more proof that God’s natural law is written on their hearts.
Realizing that he wasn’t going to be consistent on the murder issue, we moved back to his belief that a human being evolved from dirt. When we pointed out to the electrician how irrational it is to actually think that a human being or any creature evolved from dirt, he actually responded:
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the Heresy of the Week! This is actually what these people believe! I guess this is why God sends them to Hell forever. Yes, just get some dirt, water, and a few billion years and you have a human being! And, guess what, if you throw in a few sand pebbles, you get a cat! Mix in some grass with the dirt, and you get a dog! How desperate man is to deny God; they will truly believe in anything but Him.
The human eye alone contains the following parts: Eyeball muscle; retina; fovea; blind spot; optic nerve; vitreous body; rods; cones; bipolar cells; ganglion cells; choroids coat; scherotic coat; cornea; iris; lens; pupil; aqueous humor; zonules; ciliary muscle. Each part is extremely complex, performing many functions and incorporating various systems. Each part works together so that a person can see. If you have one part and not the others, you cannot see.
At the thought of the human eye, even Charles Darwin (the originator of the “theory” of Evolution) was forced to confess the absurdity of the theory of evolution.
No Charles, all of creation tells us that evolution is absurd in the highest degree. Mathematicians have actually calculated the probability that man could have miraculously evolved. The probability is zero. There is more chance that a man could get trillions of letters, dump them on the ground, and come up with a well ordered university library, than there is that a man could have evolved by chance. Atheistic evolution is infinitely stupid, and it denies the infinite God. And theistic evolution is also false for reasons one cannot get into here. At the end of his visit, we gave the atheistic electrician some materials and he said he would look at them. We should pray for his conversion.
Religion is defined as “Human recognition of superhuman controlling power…” So, whether the atheistic evolutionists want to admit it or not, their religion is that they believe in dirt. We believe in God; they believe in dirt. This is a fact. They believe that dirt was the eternal, uncreated thing that miraculously (and by chance) became all the living beings we have on earth. Can anyone think of anything that is more stupid? It is so stupid that they will spend all eternity in Hell and never plumb the depths of its stupidity! They will have millions and millions of years, burning in the eternal flames, to consider its never-ending stupidity: “So I guess dirt became the clouds, and the water, and the trees?” And yet this monstrosity is being taught in all the public schools as fact. Wow, how darkened can man’s mind become?
The only thing that can explain why evolution is accepted is that men’s minds are so darkened by the devil that he blinds them and they cannot see or perceive the folly into which they have fallen. Those who don’t think that we are in the last days of the world should consider this: evolution (the worship of dirt) is being taught as fact to all children in the public schools today, while the fact of creation is not even allowed. God help us.
For more see: Heresies of the Week – Miscellaneous Articles and Issues
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