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A Brief Study demonstrating how this truth regarding when the baptized children of heretics become heretics is perfectly compatible with all other dogmas on salvation (PART 2)
NOTE: In recent months, this individual R.I. has actually denounced canonized Catholics saints as heretics. Specifically, he has denounced St. Alphonsus and St. Thomas Aquinas as heretics. This proves what I have said about him, that he is a non-Catholic heretic who has literally founded his own sect. Some people couldn’t see it then, but perhaps they see it now. By denouncing as heretics canonized saints, he actually has put himself on the level of the Protestant reformers. He is now in the category of Protestant revolutionaries Martin Luther, John Calvin and other heretics (such as Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormons) who founded their own “Churches.” He would literally have to hold that the Catholic Church fell into apostasy for centuries, by honoring and declaring as saints those he considers non-Catholic heretics, and that it is he who must come to “restore” the purity of the Gospel. He even said that, if he could, he would “bring St. Thomas Aquinas back from Hell, put his skin on him, rip it off, and then pour vinegar on his wounds!” Yes, R.I. actually said this while claiming to be Catholic (listen to part 4 of the audios below).
Part 1- Introduction and quick background on these radical schismatics [9 min audio.]
Part 2 - In depth refutation of their false arguments regarding the Council of Basel and the salvation dogma [50 min. audio]
Part 3 - Refutation of the Argument that Canonizations are not infallible by virtue of the teaching of Vatican I [20 min. audio]
Part 4 - Exposing the demonic and shocking statements of the schismatic RI – the source for many strains of "traditionalist" schism [16 min. audio]
By Bro. Peter Dimond, O.S.B. All who die without baptism are lost Eugene IV defines that all who die as pagans, Jews, heretics and schismatics are lost Regarding when and which people are heretics and schismatics The Catholic Church teaches that infants baptized in heretical churches are Catholics The Catholic Church teaches that infants baptized in heretical churches are also within the government of the Catholic Church The Catholic Church teaches that infants baptized in heretical and schismatical churches are also subject to the Roman Pontiff What is the “Catholic Faith” in its simplest components? This truth is proven on the Mission Fields Further demonstrating the utter stupidity of the position of R.I. So, when do the baptized children of heretics become heretics? Finally, this truth shows us something very important about the visibility of the Catholic Church in the times of the Great ApostasyThe following points demonstrate how this teaching of when the baptized children of heretics become heretics is perfectly in line with all of the other dogmas on the absolute necessity of the Catholic Church and Catholic Faith for salvation.
It is a defined dogma that all who die without the Sacrament of Baptism cannot be saved. Not only this, but all of the following eleven arguments from the infallible teaching of the Catholic Church prove that only the sacramentally baptized can be saved. These points are proven and expanded upon in my book Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation. Thus, all the pagans, Jews, Muslims, infidels, etc. who die without baptism, which incorporates one into the Catholic Church, are lost.EUGENE IV ALSO DEFINES THAT ALL WHO DIE AS PAGANS, JEWS, HERETICS AND SCHISMATICS ARE LOST WITHOUT ANY EXCEPTION
It is de fide that who die as pagans, Jews, heretics and schismatics go to hell.REGARDING WHEN AND WHICH PEOPLE ARE HERETICS OR SCHISMATICS
But, as we will see, the Catholic Church doesn’t define exactly what persons are heretics or schismatics. Nor does the Catholic Church teach anywhere that all who are present in a heretical church building are heretics. The Catholic Church doesn’t teach that all who are present in a heretical church building are heretics because, in fact, She teaches just the opposite.THE CATHOLIC CHURCH TEACHES THAT INFANTS BAPTIZED IN HERETICAL churches ARE CATHOLICS
The Catholic Church teaches that the baptized infants of heretics are actually Catholics, even though these infants are baptized by heretics in a heretical church building and are taken to the heretical church every week. This is de fide. It is de fide that all baptized infants without exception who die go straight to the “eternal fatherland” (heaven). So, infants born to heretics or schismatics and baptized by heretics or schismatics, and present in a heretical church building which contains heretics, are actually Catholics; and anyone who denies this is a heretic.THE CHURCH TEACHES THAT INFANTS BAPTIZED IN HERETICAL churches ARE ALSO WITHIN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH
These baptized infants in heretical churches are also within the government of the Catholic Church, even though they are present in a heretical church building which is separated from the government of the Catholic Church. We know that these baptized infants in such buildings are within the government of the Catholic Church because no one can be a Catholic in the Body of Christ, as these infants are (de fide), without being inside the government of the Church (de fide). No one can be in the Body (the Catholic Church) if he is divided in government from Catholics. The baptized infants in heretical churches are inside the Body, the Catholic Church (de fide). Thus, the baptized infants in heretical churches are within the government of the Catholic Church, even though they are present in a heretical church building (de fide).THE CHURCH ALSO TEACHES THAT INFANTS BAPTIZED IN HERETICAL AND SCHISMATICAL churches ARE ALSO SUBJECT TO THE ROMAN PONTIFF
These baptized infants in heretical and schismatical church buildings are also made subject to the Roman Pontiff. The Church teaches that valid baptism makes an infant subject to the Church, and therefore to the Roman Pontiff who possesses supreme authority in the Church, until the infant severs that subjection by heresy or schism, which infants cannot do: We also know that these infants baptized in heretical or schismatical church buildings – with heretical and schismatical family members – are subject to the Roman Pontiff because they are saved if they die as such (de fide, Council of Lyons I above), and no human creature can be saved without subjection to the Roman Pontiff: Thus, I have established the following points without a doubt from the teaching of the Catholic Church: By the way, this important truth also refutes baptism of desire, because no one is subject to the Church or Roman Pontiff without the Sacrament of Baptism (de fide, Leo XIII above and Julius III below) and no one can be saved without such subjection (de fide, Boniface VIII above). Thus, no one can be saved without the Sacrament of Baptism. To summarize what has been established thus far: I have proven the following three points without any doubt from the dogmatic teaching of the Catholic Church:1) It is de fide that certain persons baptized in heretical and schismatical church buildings are Catholics in the state of grace;
2) It is de fide that certain persons baptized in heretical and schismatical church buildings are within the government of the Catholic Church;
3) It is de fide that certain persons baptized in heretical and schismatical church buildings are subject to the Roman Pontiff; and that certain people are subject to the Roman Pontiff without any knowledge of the Papacy or who the Pope is.
No one can reject even one dogma without ceasing to be Catholic and losing his salvation. But every person above the age of reason is not bound to positively know all articles of the Catholic Faith to be saved. Notice here that there are certain mysteries of Catholic Faith that all above reason must know to be saved. But all aspects of Catholic Faith one does not have to know. Pope Pius X reiterates the same truth: So what mysteries does everyone above reason have to positively know, without any exceptions for anyone, to be saved? The answer is very clear in the dogmatic teaching of the Church, as well as in Church Tradition. The answer is that the Catholic Faith, if defined by its simplest mysteries, is belief in the Trinity and the Incarnation. These are the essential mysteries of the Catholic Faith which all persons above reason must positively know to be saved without any exceptions for ignorance. Those above reason who are ignorant of these mysteries cannot be saved. Notice that the dogmas of the Trinity and the Incarnation are even defined as the Catholic Faith by this dogmatic Creed. This is because these are the two essential mysteries of the Catholic Faith that everyone above reason must know to be saved with no exceptions for ignorance. And this truth is reflected again and again in Holy Office decrees and the teaching of the Doctors of the Church. Again and again we see that the absolute bare-minimum is the Trinity and the Incarnation Below we see that the Holy Office under Pope Clement XI responded that a missionary must, before baptism, explain these absolutely necessary mysteries to an adult who is at the point of death. Another question was posed at the same time and answered the same way. The same truth is taught by St. Thomas Aquinas. Notice that no other mysteries are mentioned as absolute necessities of means for all above reason. Here is another Holy Office Decree reflecting the same truth: St. Athanasius is not denying that the Church was founded upon St. Peter; he is rather illustrating that the principal dogma of the Catholic Faith is the Trinity, which is bound up with the Incarnation and Our Lord’s Divinity as the Son of God. Thus, again and again we see that the Trinity and the Incarnation are shown to be the Catholic Faith in terms of its simplest mysteries and the mysteries that no one above reason can be ignorant of and be saved. It should now be well established that not all aspects or dogmas of the Faith must be known by all above reason, but only the Trinity and the Incarnation are absolutely necessary for everyone above reason to know without any exceptions or excuses for ignorance.THIS TRUTH IS PROVEN ON THE MISSION FIELDS
The truth that baptism and belief in the Trinity and Incarnation is the Catholic Faith (in terms of its simplest mysteries) is proven by the lives of the Church’s greatest missionaries. Missionaries like St. Francis Xavier and St. Isaac Jogues often only had time to explain to the converts these most essential mysteries before baptizing them. Here we see a case where St. Isaac Jogues clearly only had the time to explain to the converted heathen the most essential Catholic mysteries just before baptism. Yet, these converts became true baptized Catholics [Christians] while knowing this and almost nothing else; and because they did not reject any teaching of the Church of which they were aware. In addition to illustrating that a Catholic is not required to have a positive knowledge of every dogma to be saved, this teaching should illustrate for us how absolutely necessary is knowing the Gospel (the Catholic Faith) and being baptized. Below is another description of how St. Isaac Jogues and companions could only translate the most essential mysteries of the Faith into the Huron tongue for a certain group of heathen. Since the translation into the Huron tongue was so difficult, the Fathers reduced to script and translated the essential truths of the Catholic Faith that the heathen had to know before Baptism. Those truths obviously concerned the Trinity and the Incarnation, as they are the essential mysteries, as declared by the Church time and again. We see the same thing in the life of St. Francis Xavier in translating the central mysteries of the Catholic Faith into the Malabar tongue. If the heathen rejected any other truth of the Catholic Faith they would have been heretics, but this – along with being baptized – was all they had to positively know without excuse to be saved.FURTHER DEMONSTRATING THE UTTER STUPIDITY OF THE POSITION OF R.I.
This enables one to further illustrate the absurdity of R.I.’s false abjuration. Suppose for a moment that St. Isaac Jogues lived in our day. Suppose that one of St. Isaac’s converts named Joseph met a non-sedevacantist “traditionalist” who claimed to be a Christian [Catholic] like himself. Suppose that the non-sedevacantist “traditionalist” informed Joseph that John Paul II is the Pope and showed the new convert a picture of John Paul II. Suppose, then, that Joseph died shortly thereafter. Would Joseph be a heretic for believing that John Paul II was the Pope, because he was told this by the non-sedevacantist? Of course not. Since Joseph was not aware of John Paul II’s heresies and did not hold the position that John Paul II is the Pope in contradiction to any dogma that he was aware of (such as the dogma that heretics are not members of the Church) he would not be a heretic. But R.I’s abjuration professes that such a man is lost, because it solemnly professes that all without exception who believe him to be the Pope are heretics! I pointed this example out to a girl who had taken R.I.’s abjuration. In first responding to my question whether such a person could be saved, she said no. This is clearly absurd, but consistent with R.I.’s schismatical abjuration. Then, changing her position, she wrote back to me and said that she was wrong. She admitted that such a man could be saved because he was only guilty of a “blooper” and, as she said, he hadn’t taken part in any una cum ceremonies. I wrote back to her and pointed out that by saying that such a one could be saved (who believed that John Paul II is the Pope) she denied #31 of R.I.’s abjuration. She wrote back and (showing bad will) stated that she had not denied #31 of his abjuration because #31 only applies to those who partake in una cum ceremonies with John Paul II. I wrote back and said that that is not true and that #31 applies to all who are associated with John Paul II (see above), not only those who partake in una cum ceremonies. I further proved the point by pointing out that #32, not #31, deals with una cum ceremonies. Thus, #31 deals with something different than una cum ceremonies (namely, any association with John Paul II). So, if she were an honest person, she would have admitted that R.I.’s #31 is false and that she cannot believe in it. But she didn’t acknowledge the error in the abjuration and continued defending the schismatic who has led her outside the Church. And I could just as easily have proven that she denies #32 of his schismatical abjuration. For suppose that Joseph went to Mass a few times with the non-sedevacantist friend he met, where they prayed for John Paul II as the Pope. Could he be saved? Obviously he could, since he was not aware of John Paul II’s heresies and did not hold the position that John Paul II is the Pope in contradiction to any dogma that he was aware of (such as the dogma that heretics are not members of the Church). Thus, #32 of the abjuration is proven to be nonsense. Let’s take another example. It is well known that Bishop Lefebvre was a heretic who believed that souls could be saved in false religions and, in fact, in any religion (Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, etc.) Yet, it is also true that as a missionary in Africa he converted numerous people. So, were all the people he converted in Africa non-Catholic heretics because the man who converted them was actually a non-Catholic heretic? They were associating with a non-Catholic heretic, praying with him and even receiving instruction and blessing from him? So, were they all heretics because they were evangelized by a heretic, even if Lefebvre never brought the issue up with them? No, of course not. It would be utterly false to say that they were heretics because they were evangelized by a heretic such as Bishop Lefebvre. They would only become heretics when they obstinately embraced his heresy after seeing the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation! This and countless other examples that one could give demonstrate the utter stupidity of the abjuration of R.I. Those who have actually signed it should be totally ashamed of themselves. They should be ashamed of how they have been lured in by Satan into such an illogical schism. They have been totally blinded by his emotional, illogical and non-factual arguments. One lady who came out of it confessed that when following his heretical views it was like she was a zombie. She was correct. In the following quote we again see the same truth about what are the central mysteries of the Faith summed up.SO, WHEN DO THE BAPTIZED CHILDREN BORN TO HERETICS OR SCHISMATICS BECOME HERETICS AND SCHISMATICS LIKE THEIR PARENTS?
[Please note again, all who die as heretics or schismatics are lost; this is de fide. We are examining when certain persons actually become heretics and schismatics.] This question has been answered in part 1 and part 2 of this article. The answer is as soon as they obstinately reject a Catholic dogma or the authority of the Catholic Church. At that point they become heretics who have severed themselves from the Catholic Church and who draw down on their heads damnation (if they die in that state), automatic excommunication and mortal sin for heresy or schism. But, as I said in my second e-mail to R.I., if they are baptized and they don’t obstinately reject any dogma of the Catholic Faith or the authority of the Catholic Church because they don’t know about any other Catholic dogmas (other than the Trinity and Incarnation) then they are not heretics but Catholics [Christians], unless they hold a position that is incompatible with Faith in the Trinity and the Incarnation or deny a truth that all know about God and the natural law or deny something that they know to be clearly taught in Scripture. In each of these cases, however, they are still rejecting a dogma by rejecting a truth they know to be taught by God.REGARDING THOSE FEW YOUNG PEOPLE WHO MAY BE CATHOLICS ABOVE REASON IN HERETICAL CHURCH BUILDINGS
It should be pointed out that those people who are above reason in notoriously heretical or schismatical church buildings, such as Protestant or Eastern Schismatic churches, must be presumed to be heretics in the external forum, even if a few of them aren’t because they have not yet obstinately rejected a dogma or the Church. This is because malice is presumed in the external forum until the contrary is proven (canon 2200.2). We cannot say infallibly that all of them are, in fact, heretics because it’s possible that a small number of the younger ones are not heretics, but Catholics, as I have shown. But they must be presumed to be, and one could determine whether they are obstinate if one simply met them and asked them some questions about what they know about Catholic teaching and what they are willing to accept. Further, those few people who may be Catholics in such heretical or schismatical church buildings will almost certainly become heretics and schismatics if they remain surrounded by heretics and schismatics for a significant period of time. The chance that they will not obstinately embrace the heresy surrounding them if they spend many years around it is extremely small. Further, just because a very small number of the people above reason at such heretical and schismatical church buildings are not necessarily heretics (because they don’t reject any dogma of the Catholic Faith they are aware of) doesn’t mean that they are free from mortal sin. On the contrary, it is probable that almost all of such persons are in mortal sin. Those who are not taught more about the Catholic Faith will not be able, barring an extraordinary grace, to avoid the occasions of sin. If they aren’t taught about the necessity of Confession, avoiding mortal sin and the occasions of sin; if they are not taught about the necessity of devotion to Our Lady and the Rosary; if they are not taught about the necessity of a prayer life, etc., they will most certainly fall into mortal sin in a short period of time. Regarding the people who are in churches which profess to be Catholic but are actually heretical since various heresies are held by the priests (such as the churches of the SSPX), the presumption would not be the same as at the notoriously heretical Protestant and Eastern Schismatic churches. This is because these churches (the SSPX’s churches, etc.) profess to be Catholic in the external forum, even though the priests violate the Faith. Thus, one couldn’t presume that all those who go there are heretics; you must have evidence against the individual to presume him a heretic, which is the case with many of those who go there. If one doesn’t know what a person at such a church believes (the SSPX’s churches, etc.), one would have to get to know him and talk to him about what he believes and is willing to accept to form a judgment about whether he is a heretic. FINALLY, THIS TRUTH SHOWS US SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT ABOUT THE VISIBILITY OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE TIMES OF THE GREAT APOSTASY In this article I have shown from the dogmatic teaching of the Catholic Church that certain Catholics are present in heretical church buildings. If certain Catholics belong to the visible Catholic Church while being present in non-Catholic buildings then THE VISIBILITY OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS NOT DEFINED BY CATHOLIC BUILDINGS. If it were, then the baptized infant could not be part of the visible church while attending a building that is heretical. Thus, if the visibility of the Catholic Church is not defined by Catholic buildings, as is certain, then the Catholic Church can still be visible in the time of the great apostasy today, even though there are almost no Catholic church buildings where the fullness of the Faith is preserved. The Catholic Church is and will always be visible in its members, wherever they are. The Church is visible in all who are baptized and profess the true Faith and don’t hold to or compromise with any heresy. Hopefully this article has demonstrated when the baptized children of heretics become non-Catholic heretics based on Catholic teaching, relating to the defined dogma that all who die as non-Catholics are lost without exception.Sign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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