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Statistics contradict Obama's gun control arguments
A new CDC study contradicts the Obama administration’s insistence that firearm homicides represent a growing threat, with Americans more likely to die from accidental poisoning or the flu than being shot with a gun.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released the report last week but it has received very little press attention. The figures show that there were 33,636 firearms related deaths in 2013, with 21,175 being suicides, 505 “accidental discharges,” and 11,208 being assault related (homicide).
To put this into context, 31,240 people died in accidental falls, meaning that Americans face a bigger threat from tripping in the shower or slipping on ice than they do being shot dead.
Being poisoned (48,545 deaths), alcohol abuse (29,001 deaths), and motor vehicle accidents (33,804 deaths) all pose a greater danger than homicides, many of which are gang related anyway.
As Michael Strickland points out, gun deaths are so comparatively unremarkable that the CDC doesn’t even put them in their own category.
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