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St. Ephrem: Satan & Heretics Misuse Scripture
St. Ephrem, Commentary On Tatian’s Diatessaron, Section 4, #8: “Therefore he [Satan] said to him, Fall down from here, for it is written, They will guard you lest you stumble [Luke 4:9-11]. O tempter, if it is concerning him that the psalm is fulfilled, is it not also written there, With his wings, that he may deliver you [Psalm 91:12]. It is not possible for a bird to fall, for the air beneath its wings is like the earth. Is it not also written, You will tread on the serpent and the basilisk [Psalm 91:13]. But Satan only studied those passages from Scripture which were convenient to him and omitted those which were harmful to him. The heretics are like this too. They appropriate from Scripture those passages which suit their stumbling-blocks, and omit those that refute their errors, thereby demonstrating that they are disciples of their master.”
This is particularly applicable to Protestants who ignore dozens of passages that refute their position on justification and focus on abusing a few that are more difficult for people to understand (2 Peter 3:15-16).
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