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The St. Benedict Center’s Newsletter condemns sedevacantism as schismatic and says “No Pope? No Hope!” – oops, they just condemned themselves out of their own mouth
Heresy of the Week, Week of 2/3/06
By Bro. Peter Dimond
For more see: Heresies of the Week Relating to “Traditional” Issues and Persons
It’s often the case that God allows heretics who attack His truth to condemn themselves out of their own mouths. We find a prime example of this here with Doug Bersaw, writing for the St. Benedict Center in NH. (Since newsletters such as this are fraught with such contradiction, such blindness, such hypocrisy, they, in particular, spark a Catholic’s righteous indignation.) Mr. Bersaw entitles his brief attack on sedevacantism “No Pope? No Hope!” Let me repeat that: his article, which defends that Benedict XVI is the Pope, and asserts that sedevacantism is schismatic and a denial of Vatican I, is called “No Pope? No Hope!” This is astounding, because it is Benedict XVI who explicitly says that there is no “hope” in converting schismatics and Protestants to an acceptance of the Papacy and Vatican I!
Did you get that, you blind fools of the St. Benedict Center? That means that Benedict XVI holds that there is no hope in converting schismatics and Protestants to an acceptance of the Papacy and Vatican I! In other words, he holds that there is no hope in accepting a true Pope! And that is why he is not a Pope, because he holds that there is no hope in accepting a true Pope.
Since this crowd at the St. Benedict Center is very obstinate (they have rejected and attacked this truth for years, and fact after fact that has been presented to them), one can say – and must say – that they are blind fools, enemies of God, and bad willed, non-Catholic heretics on the road to damnation. They reject Vatican I by obstinately asserting that one should hold communion with non-Catholics who totally reject the dogmatic teaching of Vatican I, such as Benedict XVI.
In summary, the people at the St. Benedict Center call sedevacantism “schismatic” and a denial of Vatican I, when they are defending the number one, top-ranked schismatic and denier of Vatican I in the world: Antipope Benedict XVI.
So, in response to “No Pope? No Hope!” We say: Wrong again! It’s your schismatic Antipope who says that there is no hope in accepting a true Pope, and that is precisely why he is not the Pope!
What is written here applies not only to the heretical and schismatic St. Benedict Center, but to all of those people out there who think that they are defending the Papacy while defending Benedict XVI. They are actually enemies of the Papacy and enemies of Vatican I. They are too blind to see that the one they are defending totally rejects Vatican I.
Benedict XVI is referring to the Papal Primacy here, and he says that all Christians are not bound to believe in the Papal Primacy as defined by Vatican I in 1870! This means that Benedict XVI claims to be a Catholic and the Pope while he holds that heretics and schismatics are not bound to believe in the Papacy! This is one of the greatest frauds in human history. Benedict XVI even admits that Paul VI’s ecumenical gestures with the schismatics were meant to show precisely that the schismatics don’t have to accept the Papal Primacy. This is a blatant denial of Vatican Council I.
Just like the notorious heretic “Cardinal” Kasper, Benedict XVI blatantly rejects the “ecumenism of the return,” that is, that non-Catholics return to the Catholic Church, accept the Papacy and reject their heretical sects. He rejects the teaching of Pope Pius XI word for word.
Benedict XVI encourages the non-Catholic, schismatic Patriarch to resume his non-Catholic and schismatic ministry, which rejects Vatican I and the Papacy!
For more see: Heresies of the Week Relating to “Traditional” Issues and Persons
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