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The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX)
MUST-SEE VIDEO ON THE SSPX: The Truth About The SSPX, The SSPX-MC, And Similar Groups
The article below contains a detailed explanation of the SSPX’s positions, and it shows why they are not consistent with Catholic teaching in various areas. It includes a collection of little known quotes from Archbishop Lefebvre which demonstrate that he was on the verge of embracing the sedevacantist position. It also shows how the SSPX holds that souls can be saved in non-Catholic religions, which is heresy.
The founder of the SSPX, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) to receive 40 million dollars for their heretical seminary project
This article also summarizes some of their errors and heresies.
The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope
Bishop Fellay of the SSPX rejects Catholic dogma by teaching that Hindus can be saved
Canonizations Are Infallible This article includes a section on the apostasy of Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation – This important book contains sections which address and refute the SSPX’s books on salvation, including Is Feeneyism Catholic? and Baptism of Desire.
Antipope John Paul II's "Canonization" of Josemaria Escriva Reveals Schism among many "traditionalists"
Was Vatican II infallible? – [PDF] This article is for those who already recognize that there were heresies and false doctrines in Vatican II, such as the SSPX, but wrongly hold that the Vatican II “popes” who promulgated them still hold true authority in the Catholic Church.
Bishop Richard Williamson of the SSPX: a schismatic and a wolf in sheep's clothing
Conversation with supporter of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) [51 min.]
Bishop Tissier De Mallerais of SSPX says Benedict XVI has taught heresies and more
The File on the positions of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX)
[Note: What is said in this section applies not only to the Society of St. Pius X, but to many other similarly-minded, independent “traditionalist” groups which resist the Vatican II apostasy and the New Mass by holding positions similar to the SSPX.]
The SSPX is a “traditionalist” order of priests founded by the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. Lefebvre was an archbishop in France who resisted many things about the post-Vatican II religion, recognizing them to be departures from traditional Catholicism. He recognized the New Mass to be Protestant and opposed to Tradition. He also opposed the heresies of “ecumenism” and religious liberty, which were taught at Vatican II. He began seminaries for the formation of priests who would be offering exclusively the traditional Mass, and he ordained them in the traditional rite of ordination. In order to do this, he had to remain independent of the Vatican II antipopes, even though he continued to take the position that they were legitimate popes who held the office of the Papacy. He was also independent of the working communion of the “bishops” who had gone along with the new religion. On June 30, 1988, Lefebvre decided (independently of the Vatican II antipopes) to consecrate four bishops in the traditional rite of Episcopal Consecration, so that these bishops could continue to ordain priests for the traditional rites. He was “excommunicated” by John Paul II within 72 hours, even though (as we’ve discussed already) no prominent pro-abortion politician has yet been excommunicated by any of the Vatican II antipopes.
The SSPX has many traditional Mass locations around the world, and is a major force influencing and providing sacraments for those who profess to be traditionalist-minded Catholics. We want to emphasize that the SSPX does many good things; it has been an avenue by which many have been introduced, and come back, to the traditional Catholic Faith. However, in various areas the SSPX’s positions are unfortunately heretical and contrary to the Catholic Faith. First, the SSPX holds and teaches that souls can be saved in non-Catholic religions, which is heretical.
These statements constitute blatant heresy against the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation; yet they are printed in the very best-selling materials of the SSPX. In fact, almost all priests who even celebrate the traditional Mass hold this heresy.
Also, while resisting the Vatican II apostasy, the SSPX obstinately maintains an allegiance to the manifestly heretical “bishops” of the Novus Ordo/Vatican II Church, as mentioned above. At the same time, however, the SSPX doesn’t operate in communion with what it calls “the New Church” – the Novus Ordo Church – the Church of the Vatican II “bishops” and “popes” (who are actually antipopes). Their position is a contradiction. It’s an affront to Catholic teaching on three counts: 1) They recognize manifest heretics (the Novus Ordo bishops and the Vatican II antipopes) as Catholics who possess authority in the Church, which is heretical They need to recognize that these heretical bishops are outside the Church and have no authority at all.
2) The SSPX obstinately operates outside of communion with the Novus Ordo hierarchy, even though it recognizes it as the Catholic hierarchy. This is actually schismatic. In fact, the SSPX boldly refuses communion with the Novus Ordo Church (see below), even though it recognizes the Novus Ordo hierarchy as the true Catholic hierarchy!
To refuse communion with the Novus Ordo Church and not the head of the Novus Ordo Church is like saying that one refuses communion with the Communist Party but not the head of the Communist Party! It’s a contradiction.
Moreover, by its recognition of the Vatican II “popes” and “bishops” as the Catholic hierarchy, the SSPX is in communion with this “counterfeit Church.” At the same time, the SSPX is in schism with this “counterfeit Church” because it blatantly refuses communion with the members of this Church, as we see above. (If it sounds contradictory, that’s because it is.) The position is schismatic.
For decades now, the SSPX has been obstinately working outside of communion with the “bishops” and “pope” it deems to constitute the Catholic hierarchy. This is schismatic.
3) The SSPX holds that the Catholic Church has become a “New Church,” a modernist sect – a non-Catholic sect which is rife with heresy and apostasy – which is impossible. The Church is the immaculate Bride of Christ, which cannot officially teach error.
For instance, the SSPX even rejects the solemn canonizations of the Vatican II “popes” it recognizes. This position is terribly schismatic, for it asserts that a true pope and the Catholic Church have officially erred in canonizing saints.
Since so many have a high regard for the SSPX, they have been led into the same schismatic position. All of these false positions on the post-Vatican II situation are a result of the SSPX’s unwillingness to see the truth that the Vatican II sect is a counterfeit Church from top to bottom, and that the post-Vatican II “popes” are actually invalid antipopes.
Some very interesting statements by Archbishop Lefebvre expressing his view that the Vatican II “popes” might not be valid popes
No matter how untenable their present position is – nor how clear the evidence in favor of the sedevacantist position – the SSPX continues (even at this late stage in the Vatican II apostasy) to publish books and tracts which attack the sedevacantist position. They fail to realize that the founder of their Society, Archbishop Lefebvre, made numerous statements which demonstrated that he was on the verge of the sedevacantist position back in the 1970’s and 1980’s. These quotations should be known by members of the Society of St. Pius X.
-Some more important points pertaining to the positions of the SSPX are found on our website under the following titles; they are summarized briefly here–
Bishop Fellay of the SSPX rejects Catholic dogma by teaching that Hindus can be saved
The SSPX rejects John Paul II's "canonization" of Josemaria Escriva, thus revealing its Schism
Since they recognize that John Paul II was a true pope, to reject his solemn “canonization” is clearly schismatic.
Bishop Richard Williamson of the SSPX says John Paul II was a “good man” and says the SSPX’s religion is not the same as that of the Vatican II “popes” it recognizes!
Bishop Williamson of the SSPX boldly states that he doesn’t have the same religion as the “pope” and “bishops” he recognizes as the Catholic hierarchy! This, ladies and gentlemen, sums up the completely ridiculous – and schismatic – position of the SSPX, which is (for lack of a better description) so obstinately inconsistent that it is correctly labeled THEOLOGICAL PUKE.
Bishop Tissier De Mallerais of the SSPX rejects the concept of Church communion and says Benedict XVI has taught heresies
It makes sense that the SSPX (or, at least Bishop Tissier De Mallerais) would not believe in the concept of being in communion with all in the Church. “Communion means nothing to me,” Bishop Tissier De Mallerais says. Yes, we can all see that very well. Since he doesn’t believe in it, refusing communion with the hierarchy and members of what he deems to be the Catholic Church is obviously not a conscience-problem.
The Society of St. Pius X’s book Most Asked Questions about the Society of St. Pius Xsays the Vatican II “popes” CANNOT teach infallibly
The Society of St. Pius X is not merely stating here that John Paul II did not fulfill the requirements to speak infallibly; the SSPX (writing during the reign of John Paul II) stated that he (the man they considered to be the true pope) cannot speak infallibly.
For those who are for some reason not grasping the impact of this statement by the SSPX, allow us to summarize it: the SSPX correctly points out that an infallible teaching by a pope on faith or morals is irreformable, as Vatican I declared (Denz. 1839). But according to the SSPX, the Vatican II “popes” are such Modernists that they believe in the evolution of doctrine; they don’t believe that anything is irreformable. So, according to the SSPX, even though they are valid popes, the post-conciliar “popes” CANNOT teach infallibly! This is a rejection of the dogma of Papal Infallibility.
By definition, a pope is the Bishop of Rome who possesses supreme jurisdiction in the Church and who CAN teach infallibly, if he fulfills the requisite conditions. If he is incapable of speaking infallibly, he is therefore not a valid pope!
All of these schismatic positions (e.g, the SSPX’s rejection of “canonizations” proclaimed by their “pope”) and perversions of the Papal Office are a result of the SSPX’s failure to see the truth of the sedevacantist position (i.e., that the Vatican II “popes” are not popes at all, but antipopes).
Benedict XVI personally tells SSPX that it must accept Vatican II
In his Conference in Denver in 2006 (carried in an article in The Angelus), Bishop Fellay of the SSPX mentioned a very important point. He admitted that, in his personal meeting with Antipope Benedict XVI, the antipope made it very clear to him that the SSPX must accept Vatican II.
How many times does this have to be proven? The false traditionalists need to give up their impossible position, according to which it’s acceptable to reject Vatican II and accept the Vatican II “popes” as legitimate. They must reject Vatican II and the non-Catholic antipopes who enforced it.
Important points regarding the claim of SSPX supporters – and those who hold similar positions – that they just live a Catholic life, attend the SSPX (or some other independent chapel) and don’t get involved with these issues, such as sedevacantism
We frequently hear from people, especially supporters of the SSPX, that they are just laypeople who cannot get involved in these theological issues, such as the sedevacantist issue. They just go to Mass at the SSPX, support them and try to be good, spiritual people who live the Faith. This is the response of many SSPX supporters when confronted by sedevacantist arguments.
Okay, if that’s the case – if you don’t have the authority to get involved with these issues and you are just a “simple layman who goes to Mass” and tries to live the Catholic Faith – THEN YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO ATTEND THE SSPX OR ANOTHER INDEPENDENT CHAPEL.
IF YOU ARE TOO SIMPLE TO “FIGURE THIS STUFF OUT” AND YOU CANNOT GET INVOLVED WITH THESE ISSUES – IF THAT IS YOUR POSITION (WHICH GOD FORBID) – THEN LOGICALLY YOU WOULD HAVE TO SIMPLY ACCEPT YOUR LOCAL NOVUS ORDO CHURCH, GO TO THE NEW MASS, AND ACCEPT VATICAN II, WHICH IS THE RELIGION APPROVED BY THE LOCAL NOVUS ORDO “BISHOP.” But “no,” the would-be “simple” layman who “just goes to the SSPX and tries to live a good life” and doesn’t get involved in “these issues” all of a sudden gets involved in the issues and becomes a “theologian.” He “knows” that he cannot accept the New Mass and his local Novus Ordo religion. He thus condemns himself out of his own mouth, refutes his own argument and shows his hypocrisy by only “getting involved” where he wants to get involved.
For the bottom-line is that if one can accept the New Mass and Vatican II religion and save his soul then there is no justification whatsoever for going to an independent chapel or the SSPX. It’s all a matter of preference, in that case. But if one holds that Faith obliges him to reject the New Mass and the Vatican II religion as something which will cause the loss of his salvation (which is the truth), then the local church and the New Mass (and the authorities who imposed it) cannot represent the Catholic Church. That leads one inescapably to the sedevacantist position, for the Holy Catholic Church does not lead us to Hell.
All of this hopefully shows us again that the only Catholic position is, of course, the sedevacantist position, and that all the other false positions are inconsistent with Catholic teaching. Since the SSPX promotes heretical positions which are inconsistent with Catholic teaching, no Catholic can financially support them under pain of mortal sin.
Quick Thoughts on a Possible Reunion of the SSPX completely with the New Church
At the time this book is being finalized (2007), there is some talk that the SSPX will enter into full communion with the Vatican II sect, in exchange for Antipope Benedict XVI’s wider permission for the Latin Mass and a possible lifting of the excommunications against their society. If this occurs, this will represent a complete selling out by the SSPX to the Counter Church. Benedict XVI, being guided by the Devil, is well aware that, at this point, the apostasy of the Vatican II sect is so firmly in place, and almost all of the priests are invalid since they were ordained in the New Rites of Paul VI, that he can afford to make concessions to traditionalist-minded groups in order to lure them back into the Counter Church whereby they will be completely denying Christ by full acceptance of the new religion and things such as a “canonization” of the apostate John Paul II.
If Benedict XVI does make a deal of this type with the SSPX, don’t be deceived; it will be a tactical move by the Devil to attempt to deceive traditionalists at this late stage of the Great Apostasy. If this does occur, we think it would result in the fracture of the SSPX into factions pro and con the full reunion with the Counter Church.
[1] Bishop Tissier De Mallerais, The Biography of Marcel Lefebvre, p. 536.
[2] The Papal Encyclicals, by Claudia Carlen, Raleigh: The Pierian Press, 1990,Vol. 1 (1740-1878), p. 229.
[3] The Angelus, Angelus Press, May 2000, p. 21.
[4] Jurgens, The Faith of the Early Fathers, Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1970,Vol. 1:50.
[5] Jurgens, The Faith of the Early Fathers, Vol. 2:1371a.
[6] The Papal Encyclicals, Vol. 3 (1903-1939), p. 317.
[7] The Papal Encyclicals, Vol. 3 (1903-1939), p. 275.
[8] Denzinger, The Sources of Catholic Dogma, B. Herder Book. Co., Thirtieth Edition, 1957, 1836.
[9] St. Alphonsus Liguori, The Great Means of Salvation and Perfection, 1759, p. 23.
[10] Quoted by Tanquerey, "Synopsis Theologiae Dogmaticae Fundamentalis" (Paris, Tournai, Rome: Desclee, 1937), new edition ed. by J.B. Bord, Vol. I. p. 624, footnote 2.
[11] Bishop Tissier De Mallerais, The Biography of Marcel Lefebvre, p. 487.
[12] Bishop Tissier De Mallerais, The Biography of Marcel Lefebvre, p. 489.
[13] Bishop Tissier De Mallerais, The Biography of Marcel Lefebvre, p. 492.
[14] Bishop Tissier De Mallerais, The Biography of Marcel Lefebvre, p. 501.
[15] Bishop Tissier De Mallerais, The Biography of Marcel Lefebvre, p. 536.
[16] Bishop Tissier De Mallerais, The Biography of Marcel Lefebvre, pp. 537, 623.
[17] Bishop Tissier De Mallerais, The Biography of Marcel Lefebvre, p. 537
[18] Bishop Tissier De Mallerais, The Biography of Marcel Lefebvre, p. 547.
[19] Bishop Tissier De Mallerais, The Biography of Marcel Lefebvre, p. 548.
[20] Bishop Tissier De Mallerais, The Biography of Marcel Lefebvre, pp. 549, 625.
[21] Bishop Tissier De Mallerais, The Biography of Marcel Lefebvre, p. 561.
[22] Bishop Tissier De Mallerais, The Biography of Marcel Lefebvre, p. 548.
[23] Bishop Tissier De Mallerais, The Biography of Marcel Lefebvre, p. 549.
[24] Interview with The Remnant, May 15, 2005 issue.
[25] The Papal Encyclicals, Vol. 4 (1939-1958), p. 41.
[26] Interview printed in The Remnant, Forest Lake, MN.
[27] The Papal Encyclicals, Vol. 2 (1878-1903), p. 396.
[28] Denzinger 1839.
[29] The Angelus, “A Talk Heard Round the World,” April, 2006, p. 15.
[30] Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, Sheed & Ward and Georgetown University Press, 1990, Vol. 1, p. 234.
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