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Benedict XVI Approves Artificial Contraception in Certain Situations [article] This is a short new article summing up Benedict XVI’s recent heretical teaching on condom use. It also refutes the lie, spread by many false traditionalists, that the Vatican’s note of clarification on Benedict XVI’s statements proves that he didn’t endorse artificial contraception in any way. "Sacraments from Undeclared Heretics" Debate - The Important Quotes [article] The purpose of this article is simple: since so many documents and citations were covered in the recent debate, it’s helpful for people to see the most significant ones in writing. The article also deals with some matters that did not come up in the debate. John Salza's arguments against Sedevacantism Crushed [article] This article examines and refutes an attack on the sedevacantist position that recently appeared in a false traditionalist publication. This attack apparently convinced some people that the sedevacantist position is not the true position. By carefully examining the arguments, one can see which position is true. Catholicism for Dummies Exposed [article] Catholicism for Dummies was authored by “Fr.” John Trigilio, a featured speaker on EWTN. It has also been promoted by Novus Ordo “apologist” Jimmy Akin and “Catholic Answers.” For those reasons, the outrageous heresies in the book are all the more revealing about the apostate Vatican II sect. The Catholicism Answer Book Exposed [article] This article exposes the astounding heresies in another popular book by the EWTN authors mentioned above. The Modernist Errors of Cardinal John Henry Newman [article] The Ravenna Document - the Vatican II sect's latest ecumenical outrage with the "Orthodox" This article concerns the bold heresies present in the document which was talked about so much in the media recently, concerning the union of Benedict XVI’s Vatican II sect with the “Orthodox.” New Paul VI Photos New John XXIII Photos New John Paul II Photos Above are some new files with very interesting new photos of the Vatican II antipopes. Was the most powerful "Cardinal" in America after Vatican II a secret Satanist? [pdf] Facts which Demolish the "No independent priest today has Jurisdiction" Position - Did St. Vincent Ferrer have jurisdiction? If you hold the position that "no independent priest today has jurisdiction," then your answer must be no. [pdf] *new feature article This covers a very important issue because the “no independent priest today has jurisdiction” position is more widespread than one might think. We have received many questions about this issue. We strongly recommend that those who are interested in or concerned about this topic print this article out and read it. This article specifically addresses and completely refutes those who hold this position. It specifically mentions the writing of Barbara Linaburg on this topic. But what is said applies to many others who have held and promoted this false position. Examining the Theological Status of Geocentrism and Heliocentrism and the Devastating Problems this creates for Baptism of Desire Arguments [PDF] *very important article which demolishes popular baptism of desire arguments, contains a new quote from a pope on geocentrism and much more Benedict XVI's new "conservative" Vatican document on the Church reaffirms only Vatican II's heresies and denies the true Church This article exposes the numerous heresies in the recent document published by the Vatican II sect, which is entitled: Responses to Some Questions Regarding Certain Aspects of the Doctrine of the Church. This article examines all five responses which the Vatican II sect gives to explain its doctrine on “the Church.” In addition to exposing the heresies in this new document, it discusses the Vatican II sect’s use of “subsists” and exposes certain false traditionalists who actually praised this heretical document. The staggering implications of Benedict XVI's new blatant heresy on Limbo The Whole Truth about the Consecration and Conversion of Russia and the Impostor Sr. Lucy * an article that all traditional Catholics need to read David Allen White's revealing and heretical encounter with an Atheist on a radio program See how a supposed “traditional Catholic,” who has been prominently promoted by various “traditional” groups, uses false ideas on salvation and “invincible ignorance” to justify outrageous heresy and evil. A Response to the Attack on Sedevacantism in The Fatima Crusader, Catholic Family News and The Remnant– A four-part series The most comprehensive response on this issue available; it systematically refutes their false arguments and positions The Great Western Schism (1378-1417) and what it teaches us about the post-Vatican II apostasy - Massive confusion, multiple antipopes, antipopes in Rome, an antipope recognized by all the cardinals; The Great Western Schism proves that a line of antipopes at the heart of the post-Vatican II crisis is absolutely possible- Sean Hannity's revealing encounter with a Novus Ordo "priest" who denounces him as a heretic for his support of birth control Exposing Bob Sungenis and his recent debate -Benedict XVI's recent retraction of his quote against Islam is one of the most revealing heresies he has uttered – and truly exposes his personal apostasy, his role to deceive “traditionalists” in this late period of the Great Apostasy, and that true Catholics must not believe a word he says -What does a canonization mean? Who produces saints? New points from Pope Pius XI which are quite devastating to the heretical Vatican II sect - and quite relevant to refuting in advance the position of false traditionalists on upcoming "canonizations" -Benedict XVI praises Bro. Roger again, and the Huge Lie that Bro. Roger converted -Protestant pastor dies trying to walk on water - a case of spiritual blindness -Some comments on Mel Gibson's scandalous outburst - heresy and mortal sin combine to form a huge scandal that is exploited by the Jews -St. Anthony Messenger's Special Issue on Vatican II strikingly confirms Vatican II's real meaning and teaching Yoga is prevalent in the Novus Ordo/Vatican II Church. What's wrong with it? A Review of the book EWTN: A Network Gone Wrong – its positive points as well as its real purpose, its dangers, its falsehoods and its big lie The Joint Declaration of Schism by Catholic Family News and The Remnant - and its major blasphemy against the Catholic Church The False Apparitions at Bayside, New York This article exposes the lengths to which the devil has been allowed to go to deceive people about the Vatican II apostasy, the Vatican II Antipopes and the New Mass Paul VI says that the New Mass and Vatican II are binding This blows away one of the biggest false traditionalist myths. Since Vatican II is heretical, and the New Mass is a false “Mass,” this is powerful proof that Paul VI was not the pope St. Alphonsus rejected the idea that souls in invincible ignorance can be saved An important new quote from St. Alphonsus on this issue Refuting a common objection in favor of baptism of desire from Sess. 7, Can. 4 of the Council of Trent Can one be "inside" the Catholic Church without being a "member"? -A Review of the book, The Catholic Church and Salvation, by Msgr. Joseph Clifford Fenton- (An article that deals with key issues relating to the baptism of desire controversy, and the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation) Some Comments on the Limbo Fiasco -SOME COMMENTS ON “FR.” HARRISON’S ARTICLE ON THE RECENT LIMBO FIASCO -FALSE TRADITIONALISTS HIDE THE TRUTH -“FR.” HARRISON’S ASTOUNDING OMISSION REGARDING BAPTISM OF DESIRE E-Mail Discussions President of “Catholics United for the Faith” responds; and a response to him The Great Apostasy, not The Great Facade This is an article which exposes the false arguments and conclusions of this book A Critique of Is Feeneyism Catholic? by Fr. Francois Laisney (SSPX) Exposes the outrageous falsehoods, errors and lies in this book… other articles and critiques of this sort are found in our section and book on Outside the Church There is No Salvation Canonizations Are Infallible Antipope John Paul II's "Canonization" of Josemaria Escriva Reveals Schism among many "traditionalists"Sign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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