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Shoppers Stock Up On Rifles, Shotguns Before California Long Gun Registry Begins
A new gun law coming in 2014 has gun owners stocking up on long guns before a new registry begins.
Even though the law is at least temporarily boosting his bottom line, Just Guns owner John Deaser isn’t a fan. He says requiring people to register their rifles and shotguns is an unnecessary invasion of privacy.
In the last week of 2013, he says sales of long guns are up 30 to 50 percent.
The registry goes into effect on Jan. 1, and would require long gun owners to register their weapons like handgun owners already do. It would track the make, model and serial number of the gun, as well as the person who owns it.
Previously dealers would destroy personal information on long gun owners after a background check had been completed. Now they’ll register those purchases with the state.
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