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Shocking News items provide a summary of the Apostasy of the Vatican II Sect’s dioceses, faithful, clergy, religious orders, etc.
The seemingly bottomless pit of scandal produced by the Vatican II sect in the areas of outrageous New Masses (many of which we have already catalogued), “Catholic” colleges and universities, and the actions of its apostate hierarchy and members, is documented on the internet basically on a daily basis.
Here are just some of the headlines which we have posted in the “News and Commentary” section of our website about the scandal of the Vatican II sect in the past year or so. Obviously, we cannot reproduce the full articles which corroborated these headlines. We have endnotes for almost all of the headlines listed here; those without a reference are from real articles that we linked to, but which have been moved to a different place or are no longer stored on the host website. All of these headlines are real reflections of true occurrences in the Vatican II sect. More of the same come out every day.
-Novus Ordo “Cardinal" Cheong of Seoul sends greetings for Buddha’s Birth and says: "We need Buddha's teaching more and more"[1]
Wow, that’s some apostasy… but the “cardinal” is just following the lead of the Vatican II antipopes. Remember this one:
-Buddhist Ritual in Novus Ordo Cathedral
“Pyeonghwa Broadcasting Corporation (PBC), the cable TV station run by Seoul Archdiocese, invited Buddhists to perform the Yeongsanjae ritual at Coste Hall in the Myongdong Cathedral compound on April 19. The performance was part of a mostly musical program for an audience of about 200 Buddhists and Catholics.
“It marked the first time that Myongdong Cathedral has held such a Buddhist ritual in its compound, according to the cathedral office.”[3]
-So-called “Catholic priest” denies that Jesus even founded a Church on Larry King Live’s (CNN’s) promotional for “God or the Girl”
On April 13, 2006, Larry King Live hosted a program called “God or the Girl” about young men torn between choosing the Novus Ordo “priesthood” or marriage. It was a promotional for a program by the same title that appeared on another network. As part of the panel, Larry King had so-called “Catholic priest” Fr. Michael Manning, the host of “The Word in the World.” Fr. Manning is frequently shown on Larry King Live supposedly to give the official “Roman Catholic” perspective. Well, as we can see above, when asked whether Jesus even founded a Church, Fr. Manning said “not necessarily,” and that this was formed much later on! This is such an outrage that one is at a loss for words to comment on it.
One of the young men on the show named Dematte – who is considering the Novus Ordo “priesthood” – actually chimed in, to his credit, and refuted the heresy, as we see in the transcript above. But this tells us where we are in history, and how far from Catholic the Vatican II sect is: a supposed Catholic priest, featured by CNN to give the official “Catholic” line to millions of viewers, denies that Jesus even founded a Church.
-New Novus Ordo "Archbishop" of San Francisco finds Gay Cowboy movie “Very Powerful”[5]
-Circus and Clown “Mass” in Florida
“Priests in multicolored vestments depicting lions, tigers, clowns and other circus performers concelebrated the circus Sunday Mass for a more-than-capacity congregation Jan. 15 [2006]. The annual Mass at St. Martha Parish in Sarasota was celebrated by Father Fausto Stampiglia, SAC, pastor, and Bishop John Kinney of the Diocese of St. Cloud, Minn.”[6]
This is a complete mockery of God and the Catholic Faith, but it’s just another day in the Vatican II sect. Notice that a Novus Ordo “bishop” was fully involved with this outrage. It was also performed before a more-than-capacity congregation.
-Vatican newspaper agrees that Intelligent Design should not be taught in schools[8]
What more proof could one possibly need that we are in the Great Apostasy, and that Rome is occupied by a counterfeit non-Catholic sect, than the fact that the official Vatican newspaper agrees that Intelligent Design should not be taught in schools? Wow!
-With the “Bishop’s” permission, Novus Ordo “priest” announces he’s gay during the Novus Ordo “Mass,” and declares that he will be leaving to pursue a gay relationship[9]
Thunder Bay (Ontario) Diocesan Bishop Fred Colli also said that he “admires” the priest’s decision.
-Archdiocese of Los Angeles officially invites all to ecumenical Taize prayer services
-Muslims are going to Heaven, says EWTN priest[10]
- Rabbi Made a “Papal” Knight by the Vatican II sect
“Rabbi David Rosen, the American Jewish Committee's international director of interreligious affairs on Thursday became the first Israeli citizen, the first Orthodox rabbi and the fifth living Jew to be invested with a papal knighthood... The investiture was conducted by Cardinal Walter Kasper, President of the Holy See's Commission for Religious Relations with Jewry.”[11]
-Novus Ordo “Priests” seek to adopt Hindu rituals
“A gathering of leading Catholic clergymen from all over India have asked the Vatican to endorse their proposal to include Hindu rituals in the church. The Pune Papal seminary said priests from all over India were unanimous that the Catholic clergy must incorporate Hindu practices like performing aarti during mass, studying Sanskrit and the Vedas, and experiencing ashram life.”[12]
-Novus Ordo Diocesan Agency helps Gays Adopt Children
-The official website of the Novus Ordo "Bishops" officially pays homage to pro-abortion and pro-homosexual Rabbi Balfour[13]
The website also declared that this Jewish Rabbi may rest in peace with the Lord, and asks that his name may forever be a blessing. If this isn’t apostasy then nothing has ever been apostasy.
-Lutheran funeral service for non-Catholic Rehnquist to be held in Novus Ordo Cathedral[14]
-Canadian Novus Ordo Diocese of St. George to sell all of its churches to pay Sex Abuse Claims[15]
-Diocese Settles Lawsuit over accused molestation by “traditional” Society of St. John priests[16]
-45% of "Catholic" Hospitals in US Dispense Abortion Drugs[17]
-Benedict XVI Invites Rabbi of Rome to Installation
-Novus Ordo “Bishop” of San Diego Apologizes for Not having Catholic Funeral for Gay Nightclub Owner! The “bishop” now agrees to have “Mass” in memory of the sodomy promoter.[18]
-St. Petersburg's "Bishop" Lynch Favors Starving Terri Schiavo[19]
-Novus Ordo “Mass” with firecrackers, drums, gongs and a costumed dragon dance
-England’s “Bishops” Adopt Gay Equality Agenda[20]
-Another Pro-Gay/ "Sodomy Mass" in the Novus Ordo[21]
-EWTN Priest says that it’s okay to attend Protestant services[22]
The EWTN “priest,” Rev. Mark J. Gantley, JCL, even agrees that it’s okay to attend a JW or LDS service, which means a Jehovah’s Witness or Mormon service! Jehovah’s Witnesses reject the Most Holy Trinity. Mormons allow polygamy and believe that men can become gods. But, if you believe that the Vatican II “popes” are legitimate, don’t complain about this advice. This apostate “priest” is just following what is officially taught by John Paul II in #118 of the incredible Directory for the Application of the Principles and Norms of Ecumenism, as we covered earlier.
In # 118, the Directory says that Catholics who attend non-Catholic churches are "encouraged to take part in the psalms, responses, hymns and common actions of the Church in which they are guests."
On March 25, 1993, John Paul II "approved this Directory, confirmed it by his authority and ordered that it be published. Anything to the contrary notwithstanding."[23]
This is why a manifest heretic could never be a true pope. These people are following the official teachings of the Vatican II religion and they are following it right to Hell! The authoritative teachings of a true pope don’t lead one to Hell!
-Jews, Buddhists and Unitarians worship together with “Catholics” at a Novus Ordo church
-Kickapoo Tribe member preaches at another interfaith service at a Novus Ordo church
-"Catholic" University of Notre Dame has Gay Lifestyle Celebration[24]
-Hundreds of Baptisms declared invalid at Novus Ordo church in Australia[25]
-Novus Ordo "Archbishop" of Dublin favors Homosexual Spousal Rights[26]
-Novus Ordo Chaplains will be combined with Protestant Chaplains
-Novus Ordo “Catholic Bishops” Celebrate Anniversary of Protestant Revolution with the Lutherans!
The question must be asked: Is this your hierarchy? If you are a Catholic the answer must be a resounding no. The apostate “Catholic Bishop” of Bismarck also made sure to quote the incredible Joint Declaration with the Lutherans on Justification in this celebration.
-“Cardinal” of Mexico unveils plate commemorating Dalai Lama’s visit[27]
-Buddhists Defile Mexico City Cathedral with “cardinal’s” permission[28]
Please notice the striking contrast in the picture on the left with Mexico’s “Cardinal” Norberto Rivera and the Dalai Lama. Above, we see the large crucifix of Our Lord Jesus, while below – like the serpent slithering on the ground – we see his enemy, the Dalai Lama, invading His space and corrupting the children, with the Novus Ordo “cardinal” looking on, encouraging and enabling him. This picture captures in one shot the striking reality of what has occurred: a phony, antichrist, non-Catholic sect has arisen with Vatican II, and it attempts to eclipse the true Church of Christ (the true Catholic Church), which has been reduced to a remnant of faithful Catholics.
-Novus Ordo Nun Obsessed with Elvis
-Two Novus Ordo hospitals Commit Live-Birth Abortions, condoned by bishops[29]
-“Catholic” Loyola University Chicago Invites totally pro-abortion Howard Dean to speak[30]
-Kid dressed as Harry Potter helps priest at New Mass[31]
-Occult-like practices rampant in the Novus Ordo[32]
-St. Joan of Arc church promotes Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Agenda[33]
-Only 8 Novus Ordo “priests” to be ordained in all of Ireland[34]
There is only one seminary left in the entire country; all the rest have been closed.
-Only 18 Novus Ordo “priests” to be ordained in all of England and Wales[35]
-Bishop Bernard Harrington of Winona Diocese says yes and appoints gay predator “priest”[36]
-"Cardinal" Law's prestigious new role in Rome, given by John Paul II
Thanks to John Paul II, one of the most abominable men in the Novus Ordo sect, “Cardinal” Law of Boston – the man who shuffled pedophile “priests” from parish to parish in Boston, including the founder of the unspeakable man-boy love association – is now on commissions overseeing the appointment of bishops and the oversight of priests. Law “is the titular head of two significant churches there: the Basilica of St. Mary Major, one of the four patriarchal basilicas of the Catholic Church, and Santa Susanna, an ancient parish now dedicated to serving Americans in Rome. He is seen about town with some frequency, patronizing some of the same restaurants he preferred when Rome was just a place he visited, and sitting in the front row at important Vatican events.”[37]
-Novus Ordo Molesters Were Moved From Country to Country[38]
-“Cardinal” Maida of Detroit OK's Tridentine Mass only to keep people away from independent Traditional Masses[39]
This is an interesting article. It demonstrates that the Novus Ordo bishops are quite evil. Maida is concerned that too many people in Detroit are going to the Traditional Mass because they see the Novus Ordo for the bad joke it is. This he must stop, while he allows all kinds of other sacrileges and abominations and every heresy under the sun.
-Scranton Seminary closes
“Citing a shortage of priests and the lack of those interested in becoming priests, Diocese of Scranton Bishop Joseph F. Martino announced Thursday the shutting down of St. Pius X Seminary… Priest shortages have crippled dioceses throughout the country. The Diocese of Scranton, with 355,000 Catholics in 11 counties, is served by 224 priests -- fewer than half the number serving in 1966.”[40]
Why would this seminary remain open? According to the Vatican II sect, Islam should be protected, Protestant religions are a means of salvation, Eastern schismatics should not be converted, and Christ is united with everyone because of the Incarnation.
-“Cardinal” Mahony, the apostate phony, says Rainbow Sash Protesters OK to receive Communion
This article also mentions that “Cardinal” George, the apostate Archbishop of Chicago, has instructed the Novus Ordo “priests” to deny the Rainbow Sash protesters (active homosexuals) Communion. The Novus Ordo “conservatives” are really emphasizing this fact. George is considered to be an “ultra-conservative” among the pack of heretics that makes up the Vatican II sect. Yet George recently celebrated the Muslim holyday of Ramadan in a Mosque together with a group of priests and nuns from his diocese. The Chicago Tribune noted that George “was the first Chicago archbishop to attend such an event,” and that “as the last verses of the Imam Senad Agic’s melodious prayer resonated under the white and gold dome… clerics and laypeople of both faiths bowed their heads.”[41] This is utter apostasy, of course.
“Cardinal” George in his diocesan newspaper also wrote that “The Church has also sinned against the Jewish people, first of all, in teaching that God’s covenant with Israel is no longer valid…”[42] This means that George holds that the Jews have a valid covenant with God and don’t need to convert to the Catholic Faith or Jesus Christ for salvation. Remember, he’s a “conservative” among the Vatican II sect’s bishops!
-Pictures of the Novus Ordo “bishop” who threw his election party at a Masonic Temple![43]
-John Paul II Applauds the Charismatic Renewal[44]
-Boston “Archdiocese” will close 65 parishes and 60 churches
“The Boston Archdiocese will lose 65 of its 357 parishes in a massive restructuring brought on partly by the sex abuse scandal that aggravated already shrinking Mass attendance and weekly collections.”[45]
-Novus Ordo Priest Denies "Holy Communion" to Pro-life Politician because he was kneeling
“On September 22, the Cathedral Rector, Fr. Dominic Irace, refused to give Communion to Delegate Black since Black was kneeling to receive. Fr. Irace told him he must stand to receive, but Black chose rather to genuflect and withdraw.”[46]
-Gymnastics practiced inside this French Novus Ordo parish!
-John Paul II's Envoy Favors Recognition of Sodomite Unions
“Departing from his prepared speech, the ‘papal nuncio’ added that although the law in Spain, and many other countries, defined marriage as the union of a man and a woman, ‘there are other forms of cohabitation and it is good that they be recognized.’”[47]
-Britain’s vocation crisis deepens
“As Catholics around the world prayed for vocations yesterday, congregations in Britain were asking for nothing short of a miracle. Only 38 men entered the country's seminaries this year meaning that, with the deaths and retirements of their predecessors, the number of priests in Britain could be halved in less than ten years.”[48]
-Toronto "Catholic" University Alumni Magazine Boasts of Homosexual "Marriage"[49]
-Ontario "Catholic" Teachers' Union Website Promotes Transvestites and Drag Queens!
“The conference keynote address, titled Loving the Difference: Drag Queens, Transvestites and Me, will be given by professed transvestite Sky Gilbert. The occasion also features such offerings as: Enhancing sexual empowerment: Therapeutic use of sex toys; Tantra: Ancient sex for modern times; and Outside of the boxes: Youth perspectives on gender and sexual identities.”[50]
-Inter-religious service at Arcadia Parish
The Blessed Sacrament (or, rather, what they wrongly deem to be the Blessed Sacrament) was removed from the parish so that “pastors” of various heretical denominations could partake in an ecumenical prayer service and intone prayers in the “Catholic” church.[51]
-"Cardinal" Martini says “Catholic Church” should abandon the Papal Monarchy and become a democracy[52]
Martini, now retired, was actually one of the most prominent “cardinals” in the world as “Archbishop” of Milan. The article indicates that he favors women deacons, laymen selecting bishops, and a governing council to rule his “Church” along with the “pope.”
-John Kerry Receives "Communion" and is applauded at the New “Mass”!
-Novus Ordo Priest's New Way of Praying the Rosary: Focus on Yourself, Not Christ[53]
-What a Surprise: Pro-Abort Politician Durbin Receives “Communion” in the Novus Ordo[54]
-More Paganism in the Novus Ordo: Kansas City members celebrate “Year of the Monkey”[55]
-The “Cardinal Archbishop" of Paris, Jean-Marie Lustiger, Condemns The Passion[56]
“Cardinal” Lustiger, who was raised a Jew, stated in a 1981 interview: “I am a Jew. For me the two religions are one.”[57] So the Vatican II sect has two openly Jewish bishops, Gourion in Jerusalem (see next section) and Lustiger in Paris. What an absolute joke that this man was the head of the Vatican II sect in Paris, an archdiocese which is one of the largest and most prominent in the world. The Vatican II sect is a sick joke.
-The Vatican II sect is the “Church” of Sodom[58]
Here is a partial list of “Gay Friendly” parishes in the Vatican II sect. The promotion of homosexuality and lesbianism is rampant in the dioceses of the Vatican II sect.
-Novus Ordo “Priests” dying of AIDS all over the place
The death rate of priests from AIDS is at least four times that of the general population, the newspaper said.[59]
-Novus Ordo “Franciscans” welcome homosexuality[60]
St. Anthony's will hold a gay and lesbian Sunday brunch Dec. 8, which it calls an "Afternoon of Reflection: Body, Mind & Spirit."
- John Paul II “canonized” and “beatified” more people than all the popes combined since the formal process was created
Antipope John Paul II did this in order to demean the significance of sainthood and in order to make the road to Heaven seem very wide, so that not only are all men saved (as he repeatedly taught), but basically everyone is a saint. Fortunately for Catholics, Antipope John Paul II had no authority to canonize or beatify anyone, since he was a non-Catholic antipope.
-Novus Ordo “Franciscan” Friars in Boston angrily oppose the distribution of flyers against homosexual “marriage”[61]
Hmmm, we wonder why…
-The Novus Ordo “Archbishop” of Johannesburg, South Africa, supports the offering of the blood of sacrificed animals during the Novus Ordo “Mass”[62]
-Here is another article reporting the same[63]
“Archbishop” Buti Tlhagale of Bloemfontein, South Africa proposes that the blood of the slain animal – be it goat, chicken, sheep or cow – can be presented during the Mass as ‘a gift to the ancestors...’ He also asserts that "Animal sacrifice has a special place in the scheme of things and is celebrated in almost all African families. We have kept it out of God's Church for too long."
This is satanic. But again, this wicked “archbishop” is just following John Paul II’s lead. Remember that it was John Paul II who was a good buddy of the voodooists and allowed them to preach from “Catholic” pulpits and practice their satanic rites in “Catholic” churches, such as on the World Day of Prayer for Peace, Jan. 24, 2002.
-A Witch gets Novus Ordo Burial[64]
-L.A. Cathedral features a liturgy with 50-foot dragons representing the god of rainfall!
The “Cardinal Archbishop” of Los Angeles, Roger Mahony, was in attendance, while “the program handed out before the Mass dedicated the first page to justifying the presence of the dragon and lion dances. The dragon, according to the program, is a legendary animal in Chinese mythology, signifying power, prosperity, fertility, majesty, and regal dignity. Believed to be the governing god of rainfall, and China being traditionally an agricultural country, the ‘veneration to the dragon,’ read the program, ‘slowly evolved as a cult.’”[65]
Those who consider Benedict XVI as the pope must recognize Roger Mahony as the leader of the “Catholic Church” in Los Angeles. Such an idea is obviously insane.
-Novus Ordo priest commemorated by liturgical dancers with face paint during Sunday “Mass”
-Bishop of San Jose Denies Historical Accuracy of the Gospels
“The Roman Catholic bishop of San Jose, California has written an editorial for the local paper in which he denies the historical truth of the Gospels. In response to the accusations of anti-semitism which have been made against the film, "The Passion of the Christ," Bishop Patrick J. McGrath wrote in The Mercury News on February 18, that the charge of anti-Semitism cannot be leveled against Catholicism since Catholics do not adhere to the literal, historical truth of Scripture.”[66]
Pope St. Pius X condemned anyone who would deny the historical accuracy of the Gospels in "Lamentabili Sane," #’s 11, 14 and 16.[67] Besides all of the other heresies, when we consider the fact that this Novus Ordo bishop publicly denies one of the foundations of divine revelation (Sacred Scripture), and nothing was done to him since many others feel the same, it is further proof that the Novus Ordo/Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church.
-Crowd erupts into wild frenzy as six Novus Ordo "Priests" sing love songs
“The crowd erupted into a wild frenzy near the end of the show, with the priests dancing and singing "Mr. Suave" and "Otso-otso," which was performed twice and had the people dancing to the ubiquitous tune.”[68]
-The Vatican II sect has basically eliminated the Catholic Faith from Ireland
“The Catholic Church in Ireland faces the worst crisis in its history. The scandal of clerical sexual abuse has compounded the catastrophic decline in vocations to the priesthood. All but one of the diocesan seminaries have closed and a generation of religious illiterates is being produced by the current catechetical program. The pews are emptying more rapidly than ever before. In some Dublin parishes, Sunday Mass attendance has fallen to well below 10 per cent.”[69]
-Novus Ordo "Church" in Australia openly promotes Occultism and Witchcraft
This article shows how the Australian Vatican II “church” is rife with occultism, witchcraft and goddess worship. “That the Australian church today has been seriously compromised by Goddess worshippers can be seen on a number of fronts: For example, many churches, as a matter of custom, contain "pagan blessing trees" — dead tree limbs festooned with red, large yellow, green, and blue ribbons. Also, prayers — even official prayers such as that used for the success of the Brisbane Archdiocese’s Synod 2003 — omit any reference to "God" or the traditional formulary "through Jesus Christ our Lord," but rather refer to the "Holy Spirit of Fire . . . [to] help us recognize wisdom even from unlikely sources."[70]
-Michigan Basilica Featured Buddhist Prayer Chants[71]
Buddhist monks had a chanting prayer service in a Michigan basilica. Certain traditionalist-minded folks, who were not part of the Novus Ordo church where this was occurring, protested this outrage. They actually made moves to force the Buddhist chanting to stop. The traditionalist-minded protesters were opposed by angry members of the Novus Ordo, who said: “maybe you should take it up with John Paul II – he's a good friend of the Dalai Lama.” The members of the Novus Ordo also complained to the protesters: we came to see the monks – referring to the Buddhist monks!
-Diocese of the Vatican II sect in Cleveland is Worried about "The Passion of the Christ"
“The Diocese of Cleveland sent a February memo to all its parishes asking Catholics to be aware of the potential for anti-Semitism [from the film].”[72] Let’s get this straight: the Novus Ordo “bishops” allow every kind of heresy and abomination to occur and do nothing to stop it, but get worried and take immediate action against anything that might be good and Catholic. Would they ever send a letter to all of their parishes warning about the rise of modernism, liturgical abuse, the acceptance of contraception and permissive lifestyles, and the gay agenda in “Catholic” circles? No. But when something good is out there, especially something that the Christ-rejecting Jews don’t like, they move immediately and contact every single parish. It’s just amazing. It’s truly the Counter Church.
-Toronto Novus Ordo "Catholic" Priest Files Supreme Court Affidavit Supporting Gay Marriage[73]
This priest is “highly credentialed” and in good standing in the Vatican II sect in Toronto.
-Novus Ordo "Priest" has Puppet "Masses"
“The children get so excited [at “Mass” about a puppet!] that they can hardly stay seated in the pews”! Whew! This is truly a new religion! This article about “Fr.” Doug and the puppet “Masses” is featured on the official website of the Diocese of Shreveport, Louisiana.
-Novus Ordo priest uses Muppets Fr. Kermit and Sr. Piggy at Sunday Mass in Alaska[75]
A woman from Anchorage informed us that every Sunday at her parish (for many months during the year), the Novus Ordo “priest” Fr. Patrick Fletcher uses muppets. “Fr. Kermit” and “Sr. Piggy” emerge from a box on the altar and carry on a dialogue in their distinctive voices in order to instruct the people. This is truly a new religion and a false religion.
-Break-Dancers perform for Antipope John Paul II and Get His Blessing
VATICAN CITY – “In an unusual spectacle at the Vatican, Pope [sic] John Paul II presided Sunday over a performance of break-dancers who leaped, flipped and spun their bodies to beats from a tiny boom box. The 83-year-old pontiff seemed to approve, waving his hand after each dancer completed a move, then applauding for the entire group. He watched the performance from a raised throne. ‘For this creative hard work I bless you from my heart,’ he said.”[76]
-“Fr.” Stan Fortuna is the Rapping "Priest"
The “Rapping Priest,” “Fr.” Stan Fortuna, is promoted even by “conservative” sectors of the Vatican II “Church,” such as EWTN and “Franciscan” University. Stan has stated publicly that he was “inspired” to his current activity by John Paul II’s promotion of Rock Music. One of his songs is called, “Say Yes to Sex (Theology of the Body).”[77] Notice that in the photo[78] “Fr.” Stan seems to be giving the El Diablo (the horned Devil sign), which is popular among Satanists and satanic rock groups. Many give this satanic hand gesture without knowing it because they’re taken over by the evil spirit, as the “Rapping Priest” probably was at this time. As stated earlier, some point out that the El Diablo (Devil’s horns) sign is similar to the hand gesture for “I love you” in sign language. That’s true, but that’s probably because the inventor of the deaf signing system, Helen Keller, was herself an occultist and a Theosophist. She wrote a book called My Religion, in which she explained her occult views.[79] Some believe that she designed the “I love you sign” to correspond with the horned Devil sign so that the one making it is literally saying that he or she loves Satan.
-German Diocese Offers Zen Meditation[80]
The bulletin is in German, but you can see the promotion of satanic Zen Meditation at the top.
-Novus Ordo Priest says, "I hate the Rosary."
This was an article about a Novus Ordo priest who carries off statues to the trash and dresses up as superman or the grinch for "Mass," and much more. What is perhaps almost as bad as this satanic (obviously possessed) priest is that he operates in good standing in his diocese. His wicked bishop and the Vatican do nothing, but this shouldn’t be a surprise. He presides over a large Novus Ordo congregation and the numbers of his "church" are growing.
Here are a few quotes from the priest: On life after death, in a 1981 interview:``There's just God and me and you. No Devil. No angels. But there is a Heaven, and Jesus is in it. And I can't wait to get there.'' On the Rosary: ``I hate the Rosary.'' On himself: "I hope I haven't scandalized you. I wouldn't mind if I did." On the design of his last church: ``I hired a Jewish architect. I told him, "If you make it look like a church, I'll kill you.''
This article not only reminds us how wicked the apostate religion of the Novus Ordo is (something one can tend to forget if one has been removed from this for a long time), but the article shows how (sadly) most of the people at the church are almost as bad as the priest; for they accept and even embrace his antics. The fact that these people consider themselves "Catholics" and still attend this man's "church" is mind-boggling. In fact, the article points out how this priest's parishioners are the most dedicated donors in the diocese!
-St. Louise Novus Ordo church Conducts Interfaith Service at a Synagogue With Jews
Temple B'nai Torah was host facility this year for the annual Joint Community Prayer Service with St. Louise, Cross of Christ and Church of the Resurrection.[81] This is heresy, apostasy and a rejection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. But once again, the “priests” of this church are just following the lead of the Vatican II antipopes.
-Novus Ordo Nun who is responsible for education for a parish of 3000 says that she is happy that she has homosexuals at her Parish
“This parish of 3,000 is diverse, friendly and welcoming,” says Holy Names Sister Dolores Barling, responsible for RCIA, adult education, liturgy and Bible study. "It's a wonderful parish," she adds, praising the parish's outreach to the poor. "We have elderly, lesbians, gays and a variety of ethnic backgrounds --- lots of diversity." "I love the people. I think sometimes that I am surrounded by saints."
-The Official Website of the Novus Ordo Bishops Endorses Teilhardian Pagan Spirituality[82] (Look at “Cosmic Artist”: Sister Blanche Marie Gallagher)
Conclusion on these sections concerning the scandals and unholiness of the Vatican II Counter-Church
The headlines and sections that we’ve covered are just the tip of the iceberg. Examples like the ones covered above could be continued for many pages. The Vatican II/Novus Ordo sect is characterized by its inexhaustible scandal. More scandals and acts of unholiness come out almost daily. Since holiness is one of the marks of the true Church, if scandal and immorality are basically universal in a Body which purports to be the true Church, that serves to prove it’s not the true Church and that the true Catholic Faith is also not present. And we’ve already proven that the Vatican II sect rejects the true Faith, and thus cannot be the Catholic Church based on doctrinal grounds. To sum it up simply: the scandals and unholiness we’ve exposed are the fruits of the heresies and false doctrines embraced by the Counter Church. And by their fruits you shall know them (Matthew 7:16). What we have just covered about its inexhaustible scandal serves to confirm this fact by showing that it’s not the Holy Catholic Church.
We must now continue with this theme. We will now take a closer look at the beliefs of the hierarchy, and some of the prominent members, who are underneath the Vatican II antipopes.
[2] L’Osservatore Romano (the Vatican’s Newspaper), May 14, 1984, p. 7.
[6] Story and photo by Lois Kindle:
[7] Story and photo by Lois Kindle:
[13] Text of the press release issued by the Office of Media Relations of the United States Catholic Conference, Sept. 2, 2005.
[23] Directory for the Application of the Principles and Norms of Ecumenism, by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, Boston, MA: St. Paul Books & Media, p. 124.
[41] Chicago Tribune, “George Breaks Fast with Muslims, Jan. 21, 1998, Section 2, p. 3.
[42] Cardinal Francis George, “The Sins of the Church: God’s Forgiveness and Human Memories, Catholic New World,” March 19, 2000.
[57] Romano Amerio, Iota Unum, Kansas City, MO: Angelus Press, 1998, p. 578.
[67] Denzinger The Sources of Catholic Dogma, B. Herder Book. Co., Thirtieth Edition, 1957, nos. 2011, 2014, 2016.
[75] Personal communication to MHFM.
[79] Texe Marrs, Codex Magica, pp. 120, 134.
[83] Denzinger 1794.
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