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The Massive Sexual Scandal among the Vatican II/Novus Ordo “priests”
“Cardinal” Bernard Law, formerly of Boston, who presided over the Vatican II sect’s massive sexual scandal there
Almost everyone reading this book is probably familiar with the massive sexual scandal among Novus Ordo/Vatican II “priests” that was unceasingly exposed by the mainstream media from approximately 2002-2004. The sexual perversion of the Novus Ordo/Vatican II “priests” is so pervasive that whole dioceses of the Vatican II sect have gone into bankruptcy to pay out legal settlements to abused victims. The Diocese of Davenport provides the most recent example.
Traditional Catholics need to seriously consider how severely this scandal has damaged the Catholic Church in the eyes of the world. Even though we can prove that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church and that the men intimately involved in this scandal adhere to the new religion, not the real Catholic religion – as we will continue to do in this book – for those outside the scandal is seen as coming from “Catholic priests.” Non-Catholic after non-Catholic uses this priestly sex scandal as a cheap way to attack the true Church and dissuade potential converts. It is truly one of the worst scandals in human history when we consider the truth of the holy priesthood and the Catholic Faith.
We’ve spoken to so many non-Catholics who, when approached about embracing the truth of the Catholic Faith, have immediately answered back with facts about the Vatican II sect’s pervert priests. “Why would I want to join a Church whose priests molest children?,” they say (or words to this effect). In trying to convert people, we’ve been rejected for this reason dozens of times. People need to realize that the fact that God allowed this massive scandal to occur, which has undoubtedly discouraged millions and will continue to discourage millions from investigating or seeing the Catholic Faith as true, shows us that we are in the time of the Great Apostasy and Great Spiritual deception. It’s only Catholics who are fully aware of the truth who can take heart in the realization that these priests are not adherents of the true Catholic Faith at all, but adherents of the non-Catholic counterfeit sect. This manifestation of perversion is simply the underlying reality of the post-Vatican II apostasy coming out for what it really is.
During “Cardinal” Law's tenure in Boston, Paul Shanley and John Geoghan were moved from parish to parish within the diocese, despite repeated allegations of molestation of children against them. Later, it was discovered that Father Shanley advocated the North American Man-Boy Love Association.
But this scandal was by no means limited to Boston.
Examples of this corruption among the Vatican II clergy could be multiplied for pages, but the reader should get the idea: this unspeakable scandal is present among the Vatican sect simply because it’s not the holy Catholic Church. Who would dare say it is? The scandal we’re talking about is so outrageous – indeed one of the very worst scandals in history – that it could only be a sign of the end times and of the apocalyptic counterfeit church which will characterize the last days. You know things are bad when the most prominent thing at the top of the website for the Diocese of Pittsburgh is a toll-free number for sex abuse response.[13]
The website for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia has as its fifth option a section on “Children and Youth Protection” [14] – protection, that is, from its pervert “priests.” It’s such a problem that every diocesan website we checked has a prominent place for the abuse problem. What follows are just a few more examples from the diocesan websites of Miami[15] and Milwaukee.[16] Notice that the sexual abuse issue is one of the most prominent things mentioned on the websites (underlinig and bracketing are our own).
Nor is the Vatican II sect’s sexual scandal limited to the U.S. The sexual scandal that has engulfed the Vatican II sect has indeed spread all over the world. On July 8, 2002, “The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines apologizes for ‘grave sexual misconduct’ by Filipino priests, and promises a protocol to address future cases of abuse.”[17]
In the Archdiocese of Vienna in 2004, for instance, 10,000 people left the Novus Ordo church in a few months over two high profile sex scandals involving clergy, child pornography and alleged molestation.[18]
[1], July 23, 2003.
[2] – Jan. 25, 2005.
[3] The Christian Century Foundation:
[4] – Jan. 25, 2005.
[5] – Jan. 25, 2005.
[6] – Jan. 25, 2005.
[7] – Jan. 25, 2005.
[9], Oct. 3, 2006.
[10] – Jan. 25, 2005.
[11] – Jan. 25, 2005.
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