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The Verdict is in: Boston Leads the Way in a Massive Priestly Scandal that Rocks the Nation
As I have documented in the foregoing sections, it was in Boston where Fr. Leonard Feeney, S.J. was persecuted – the one priest in the 1950’s who had publicly pinpointed and opposed the denial of the dogma, Outside the Church There is No Salvation. It was in the Archdiocese of Boston where the heretical Protocol 122/49 was published. It was in Boston where Fr. Feeney was silenced and interdicted which eventually led to his bogus “excommunication” from heretical clergymen in Rome. And it is now in Boston that they are feeling the effects of God’s wrath.
Boston was the signal spot where the massive sexual scandal was uncovered, and Boston was the epicenter of the spiritual earthquake. Boston literally became “the scoff,” “the reproach,” “the astonishment” of the media and of the world! Why is this? The answer is obvious for those who have eyes to see (Ezekiel 5).
The people and the clergy of Boston hated, persecuted and cursed (“excommunicated”) the true meaning of the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation and the priest faithfully defending it. So God left their house completely desolate and gave it over to a legion of devils. There is no doubt that the scandal in other areas of the counterfeit, non-Catholic, Vatican II sect was and is incredibly widespread and horrible, but Boston (without any doubt) was by far the most notorious. They got their pack of “non-Feeneyite” priests for sure, just as they desired. They got their priests who believed in “baptism of desire” and “invincible ignorance” for sure.
The heretics in Boston didn’t want the truth of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His dogma on the absolute necessity of the Catholic Faith and Baptism for salvation, so God allowed them to have their own pack of apostate priests and perverts – just as they desired.
This should actually strike fear into the hearts of those – especially many of the “traditionalists” – who claim to oppose this apostasy and yet hate this dogma, despise and mock Fr. Leonard Feeney, and others who faithfully hold Church teaching on this issue. Such people make themselves hateful to God and were one of the primary causes for this apostasy, an apostasy which is manifested by the incredible scandal among the non-Catholic, counterfeit Vatican II priests. The fact that the Archdiocese of Boston had to mortgage its very cathedral and the archbishop’s residence because of the sexual abuse of its priests is highly symbolic. It is not an accident. It shows how those who deny the Catholic dogma on salvation forfeit their place in the Church of Christ and have no authority whatsoever. The Lord has spoken, and accomplished in His fury His indignation to rest upon them.
Before I get into this point, I must remind the reader that we are not “Feeneyites” and that I had never heard of Fr. Leonard Feeney when I came to the same conclusion on the absolute necessity of water baptism based on the dogmatic teaching of the Catholic Church. We don’t agree with some of Fr. Feeney’s conclusions on Justification (we believe he was mistaken in good faith on these points).
In the following passages from Fr. Feeney’s book, Bread of Life—which is made up of Fr. Feeney’s sermons before Vatican II—he connects the eventual loss of the pope (i.e., what we have experienced with the reign of the Vatican II antipopes) to the denial of the dogma Outside the Catholic Church There is No Salvation. As I have shown, heretics who denied this dogma were entrenched in high positions of the Church before Vatican II, and were teaching that men could be saved in false religions. Fr. Feeney seemed to prophesy that it is because of this heresy that God will allow the Great Apostasy and the loss of the pope (i.e., what we have experienced with the reign of the Vatican II antipopes) to come to pass.
Fr. Feeney, writing the above passage before the Second Vatican Council, predicted the eventual loss of the pope because of the great number of heretics within the structures of the Church who denied the necessity of the Church for salvation. This is an amazing insight!
Fr. Feeney also notes that this heresy against the salvation dogma and the necessity of Baptism leads to “Good Friday without any God bleeding.” Just take a look at the Novus Ordo churches to see if that has been fulfilled. Fr. Feeney goes on to say in the same chapter:
As can be seen on our video Vatican II: Council of Apostasy, this statement underlined above—the loss of the papal tiara—actually took place when Antipope Paul VI happily surrendered the papal tiara and papal pectoral cross to the representatives of the United Nations who in turn sold it to a Jewish merchant!
When Antipope Paul VI gave away the Papal Tiara, it was symbolic of the giving away of Papal authority (although he had none to give away since he was an antipope). But it was symbolic of how the enemies of the Church, and the non-Catholic heretics, had been allowed to take over the Church’s physical structures and create a counterfeit, non-Catholic sect (the Vatican II sect). This insight of Fr. Feeney on the Papal Tiara is so accurate that God must have put these words into his mouth. But it just demonstrates again that once the necessity of the Church is denied the rest of the Faith becomes meaningless. This is why those who think that the Mass issue is the main issue, and where the battle really lies, are mistaken. The battle begins and is centered around this dogma, because once the necessity of the Catholic Faith is denied then everything else becomes meaningless.
In warning of the dire punishments and fatal results that would arise from denial of this dogma, Fr. Feeney was only repeating the warnings of past popes such as Pope Gregory XVI.
A certain writer who considers himself a “traditional Catholic,” but denies the true meaning of the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation, has stated that the teaching on invincible ignorance didn’t kill the missions; Vatican II’s teaching on ecumenism and religious liberty did. What this heretic fails to realize is that the heresy of salvation for non-Catholics through “invincible ignorance” gave rise to the heretical teaching of freedom of religion and conscience, as Pope Gregory XVI points out above. Vatican II’s heretical documents on religious liberty, ecumenism and freedom of conscience were not the beginning of the heresy, but the result of the denial of the true meaning of the salvation dogma.
But whereas Pope Gregory XVI had warned of this, Fr. Feeney was living through the beginning stages of its fulfillment, the latter stages culminating with, among other things, the massive priestly scandal documented above in the counterfeit Vatican II sect. Fr. Feeney was the person that God used to announce to the world before the Vatican II revolution that this issue was central and that if it continued to be denied, the end would be at hand and the Great Apostasy would come to pass. Fr. Feeney added the following foreword to the 1974 printing of his book Bread of Life.
Fr. Feeney, in 1974, sees all these things being taken away from Catholics, primarily because they denied the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation and didn’t care about the divinely revealed truths of the Faith. We see this today not only in the Vatican II sect, but in the traditional Catholic movement. Many of the people attending the Latin Mass today don’t care about what the priest actually believes; they only care that he says a valid Mass and not the invalid Novus Ordo. They don’t care that the priest holds that Jews who reject Jesus Christ Himself can be saved, while they pretend to have a great devotion to the Mass Christ instituted. These persons are in grave disobedience to God’s truth and their sacrifice at the Mass bears no fruit, since they are in rebellion to His divinely revealed word.
This passage of scripture does not concern obedience to a reputed authority in the Church; it concerns obedience to the Word of God – Faith in His revealed word. And the chilling admonition above in 1 Kings 15 was made by the prophet Samuel to King Saul, who had offered sacrifice in direct violation of God’s word. Saul had attempted to please God with his sacrifice, while he was simultaneously contravening God’s spoken word. King Saul’s sacrifice, therefore, was completely rejected by God and Saul himself was cast off by the Lord. The words spoken by Samuel to King Saul could be said to the multitude of phony “Catholics,” who reject God’s voice (His revealed dogma that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church). And because they don’t accept His Word on this matter, while they think they can please Him by offering sacrifice at the traditional Latin Mass, their sacrifice at the Traditional Latin Mass will not profit them and will be rejected by God. Because they reject the “voice of the Lord” – the true and defined meaning of Outside the Church There is No Salvation – God rejects their sacrifices and offerings.
And it is precisely for this reason that God allowed the Catholic buildings, seminaries and schools to be taken away and confiscated by a counterfeit non-Catholic sect (the Vatican II/Novus Ordo sect), with apostate priests, perverts, a phony “Mass” (the New Mass) and an apostate antipope – who heads a Vatican which considers all religions true; declares that Jews don’t need to convert to Christ to be saved; that Eastern Schismatics should not be converted; that the Council of Trent doesn’t condemn Lutherans anymore; that Islam should be protected; etc., etc. etc. God cast off the multitude of professing “Catholics” because they cast off and condemned His truth on salvation; and He gave their possessions over to a legion of devils, just as he cast off Saul from being King.
[1] Fr. Mark Massa, Catholics and American Culture, p. 31.
[2] The Papal Encyclicals, Vol. 1 (1740-1878), pp. 239.
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