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The Seminaries of the Vatican II sect are unspeakable cesspools of homosexuality and heresy
In 2002, the book Goodbye, Good Men by Michael Rose was published. This book documented the almost unbelievable perversion and debauchery of the seminaries of the Vatican II/Novus Ordo “Church.” The corrupt seminaries produced the “priests” who, in turn, produced the notorious sexual scandal. The author (Rose) is a defender of the Vatican II sect, so his exposé (coming from one who is inclined to defend the Vatican II clergy) reveals how horrible the situation really is.
Some of the anecdotes about life at the seminary are so horrifying that only one conclusion follows from them: the “Church” which presents these places as “seminaries for the formation of Catholic priests” could only be the apocalyptic Whore of Babylon which Scripture predicts will arise in the last days to deceive Catholics. A few excerpts from Goodbye, Good Men are necessary to establish the point:
The antipopes and “bishops” of the Vatican II sect do nothing about these seminaries or the massive homosexual problem, of course! But when someone under their authority opposes the New Religion they act with lightning-fast speed. For instance: when the head of the Fraternity of St. Peter Seminary, Fr. Bisig, showed that he was not inclined to accept in his fraternity men who wanted to say the New Mass, the Vatican promptly removed him and appointed Father Arnaud Devillers in his place. How quickly the Vatican acts when the New Religion is opposed! Also remember that, in 1988, a bishop was excommunicated immediately after acting to spread the Traditional Latin Mass. Yet the post-Vatican II Vatican does nothing about perverted seminaries all over the world. This is because it is the Counter Church of the Devil.
Prior to Vatican II, it was the policy that those with the perverse tendency to homosexuality (which is a result of demonic takeover as a result of some form of idolatry, as is taught in Romans 1) were forbidden to become priests.
Michael Rose, Goodbye, Good Men, p. 57: “Father John Trigilio of the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, diocese remembers visiting St. Mary’s in Baltimore when he was a seminarian in Pennsylvania. ‘There was no discretion at all,’ he said of the gay subculture there. ‘The few times I was there, some of the seminarians would literally dress like gays from the Village. They would even go so far as to wear pink silk; it was like going to see La Cage aux Folles.’
As awful as it sounds, this is actually just the tip of the iceberg of the perversion and rampant homosexuality of the Vatican II sect. Goodbye, Good Men also documents that the seminaries of the Novus Ordo sect endorse and accept a rejection of the most basic teachings of the Catholic Faith.
The first book they read at the seminary attacked Our Lord’s historicity and dismissed all the Church’s teachings as myths. Again, this is just a tiny sampling of what goes on and is taught at the “seminaries” of the Vatican II sect. Rose’s book also documents that men who are opposed to the ordination of women are discouraged from pursuing a vocation. It documents how the Papal Primacy, the inerrancy of Scripture, etc. are commonly denied at these seminaries. It documents how a witch attended one seminary (p. 108), and how candidates for the seminary were interviewed and screened by a Mason:
Things are so bad at these “seminaries” that one prominent “priest” of the Vatican II sect, “Fr.” John Trigilio, had this to say about his seminary days:
These are the words of a Novus Ordo “priest” who is currently featured on EWTN. This “priest” is a promoter of false ecumenism, salvation outside the Church, and many other post-Vatican II heresies. The point is that he’s by no means a traditional Catholic. He’s very far away from the traditional Catholic Faith, yet he was considered a reactionary at his seminary simply because he wasn’t open to things such as homosexuality and women’s ordination. This shows us how wicked the Vatican II sect is, and how far it is from Catholic.
In the 1995 issue of The Homiletic and Pastoral Review (which was subsequently published on the internet), an article appeared by an individual who had attended one of the nation’s most prominent Novus Ordo seminaries. He was appalled by what he saw. Some of the things he said include:
To begin with, we were instructed upon entry to the seminary that we could not kneel at the consecration during Mass, nor could we kneel after receiving communion. This would ‘break community.’…
Notice that this conservative-minded seminarian thought that his Novus Ordo “bishop” would support him. After his dismissal, he discovered that the “bishop” stood with the apostates at the seminary and against him.
[1] The Papal Encyclicals, by Claudia Carlen, Raleigh: The Pierian Press, 1990, Vol. 3 (1903-1939), p. 509.
[2] Michael Rose, Goodbye, Good Men, Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2002, p. 56.
[3] Michael Rose, Goodbye, Good Men, p. 56.
[4] Michael Rose, Goodbye, Good Men, p. 56.
[5] Michael Rose, Goodbye, Good Men, p. 97.
[6] Michael Rose, Goodbye, Good Men, p. 44.
[7] Michael Rose, Goodbye, Good Men, p. 171.
[8] Michael Rose, Goodbye, Good Men, p. 172.
[9] http://mafg.home.isp-direct.com/priest01.htm
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