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Archived Radio Programs - Hosts: Bro. Michael Dimond and Bro. Peter Dimond
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Some featured programs:
first program, very important,
second program,
Outside the Church There is No Salvation program,
Refuting Protestantism Audio Programs, Traditional Catholic Audio Programs
The Bible teaches that Jesus made St. Peter the first pope [51 min. audio]
Justification by Faith Alone refuted and the Catholic teaching on Justification proved by the Protestant Bible [1 hr. 30 min. audio]
The Real Exorcism of Emily Rose - 2 min. video
This is a 2 minute clip with images and sounds from the exorcism of Anneliese Michel. The exorcism of Anneliese Michel is the true story behind the motion picture The Exorcism of Emily Rose.
A discussion of the Exorcism of Anneliese Michel [19 min. audio]-This is an audio discussion of some of the very interesting and striking parts about the case of Anneliese Michel. It serves as a powerful proof and reminder that the Devil is real, that there’s a spiritual war going on and why people must hold the true faith and stay out of mortal sin.
Oct. 26, 2007 Radio Program [1 hr. – This program covers Benedict XVI’s recent outrageous heresies, as well as the recent outrageous scandals of the Vatican II sect.]
August 11, 2007 Radio Program [55 min. – discusses Benedict XVI giving back the Latin Mass, his statement that there’s proof for evolution, his declaration that another schismatic leader is a pastor in the Church, the hypocrisy of false traditionalists on B-16 and schism, a very quick synopsis of Benedict’s new heretical document on the Church, and “Cardinal” Bernardin. This program also takes a careful look at the Protestant bible and the book of 1 Corinthians. It examines all the places in this book alone which completely refute Protestant beliefs. This program also discusses in depth the major heresies in Benedict XVI’s document on limbo, which until now have only been summarized in news reports. It shows that this document rejects major dogmas and attempts to justify its heresies with “baptism of desire” and the same arguments that many false traditionalists use. This program also covers other recent heresies of Benedict XVI and some other issues.]
July 3, 2007 Radio Program [1 hr. and 4 min. – discusses at length and quotes from an extremely revealing sermon by Bishop Dolan on baptism, salvation, Fr. Feeney and “Feeneyites.” Hear his own heretical words. Hear a true heretic in action. This is a must-listen if you are familiar with this bishop. This program also discusses other things.]
June 22, 2007 Radio Program [48 min. – discusses in detail: Benedict XVI’s recent book, Jesus of Nazareth, as well as Benedict XVI’s methods; Benedict XVI’s pattern of furious heresy followed by weeks of conservatism; recent news items; how people frequently give too much credit to the Devil and thus aggravate problems some of them have with demonic activity; why a demonic curse is a common way people get possessed; an interesting new quote on the upside-down cross; a striking phone call from the mother of a possessed young man; and the life of St. Francis Solanus.]
Our thoughts on the events of 9/11, June 22, 2007 [23 min – discussion of the controversy surrounding the events of 9/11.]
Bro. Michael Dimond interviews a priest about Archbishop Thuc, his final days and his line [1 hour] For those who don’t know, the “Thuc line” refers to the “traditionalist” priests and bishops who derive their orders from Archbishop Ngo-Dinh-Thuc(1897-1984), the Archbishop of Hue, Vietnam prior to Vatican II. After Vatican II, Archbishop Thuc took the sedevacantist position and ordained priests and consecrated bishops in the traditional rites for the preservation of the traditional Latin Mass and in resistance to the post-Vatican II sect. Most of the priests in the world who offer the traditional Latin Mass derive their orders from Archbishop Thuc or from Archbishop Lefebvre. We regard both the Thuc and Lefebvre lines as valid. This obviously does not mean that we endorse all the positions held by priests who were ordained through those lines. We present this interview not because we endorse everything Thuc said or did, and not because we endorse everything that Thuc line priests say or hold, but so that our readers can become more familiar with the extremely interesting story of his final days. This interview is also important because some have called into question the validity of the Thuc line based on the accusation that Archbishop Thuc was not in possession of his mental faculties when he performed some of his Episcopal Consecrations. We reject this false position. The Society of St. Pius V, a heretical group headed by Bishop Kelly, which also believes in salvation for non-Catholics (like so many other groups), is so adamant that the Thuc line cannot be considered valid that its priests ridiculously refuse the sacraments to anyone who goes to Thuc line priests. In this interview a priest who was with Thuc in his final days addresses the objection of his mental capacity. This interview is centered around the very interesting story of Archbishop Thuc’s final days and what happened to him. It’s important to remember that Bishop Thuc’s brother was the anti-communist president of S. Vietnam who was assassinated in 1963. This reveals that powerful individuals were very well aware of the activities of Bishop Thuc’s family. Did Novus Ordo Church “authorities” conspire with powerful people to kidnap Bishop Thuc, in order to prevent him from consecrating more traditional-minded bishops who would spread the traditional Latin Mass, ordain priests in the traditional rite, and oppose Communism and the Vatican II sect? Hear the fascinating story. This interview also discusses Bishop Louis Vezelis, who played a prominent role in Thuc’s final days. It exposes Vezelis (who also believes in salvation for non-Catholics) for the spiritual fraud that he is.
May 4th, 2007 Radio Program [56 min – discusses: an astounding and extremely revealing inside look at the apostasy of the Vatican II sect (its seminaries and churches), in a special interview with a former pastoral administrator of two Novus Ordo parishes in the Diocese of New Ulm, MN. The vocation director for the diocese actually told him to look at pornography and see a prostitute to get rid of his “rigidity”!]
April 27th, 2007 Radio Program [58 min. – discusses: the incredible sufferings of the Japanese martyrs, the question of whether Siri remained pope, a person defending Sr. Faustina’s devotion, questions about Joint Declaration, Fr. Ryan, depression and more, and an in-depth discussion of John Paul II’s incredible teaching that man is Christ, with a special look at Evangelium Vitae, Redemptor Hominis and other encyclicals.]
April 20th, 2007 Radio Program [1 hr. 39 min - discusses: the spiritual fog under which people labor, Benedict XVI’s new major heresy on limbo, and the positions and followers of the SSPX with a special guest interview and some callers]
April 14th, 2007 Radio Program [50 min- discusses: Roy Schoeman’s book, Salvation is from the Jews, Jacob M.’s defenses of heresy, how God spiritually punishes people for showing bad will, the beliefs of Dr. David White, including that most in Heaven will be non-Catholics (!), the SSPX’s promotion of the pervert Eric Gill and another group which exposed it, a quick thought on the Don Imus firing, more apostasy from the V-2 sect, the move to “canonize” John Paul II, why people such as Scott Hahn can’t see it, EWTN and the Charismatic movement, some very interesting stories from people who reported demonic experiences in the Charismatic movement and in meetings with the Vatican II antipopes, passive attendance at non-Catholic services, how Fr. Fiore said that “Cardinal” Bernadin was the satanic highpriest at a black mass, and more.]
Oct. 14th, 2006 Radio Program [1 hr. 7 min – discusses: Benedict XVI kissing the Koran in words, praising Assisi, expressing complete religious indifferentism. It also discusses: the malice of John Paul II’s statement about whether anyone is in Hell, the Oct. 13th 1917 miracle at Fatima, a history of the founder of Protestantism, Martin Luther.]
Oct. 7th, 2006 Radio Program [1 hr. 6 min - discusses: the very interesting details of the Great Western Schism (which are critical for Catholics in this time of spiritual crisis to know), Benedict XVI’s statement that he loves the Orthodox sect, an attack on sedevacantism from California, the book More Catholic than the Pope, the hypocrisy of Patrick Madrid in his book Pope Fiction, the inherent illogic of Eastern Orthodoxy, the scriptural evidence for the Primacy of St. Peter, John Paul II’s incredible homily from 1982, the shocking Novus Ordo seminaries with details from Goodbye Good Men, what an outrageous scandal this is for non-Catholics, the connection between homosexuality and idolatry, an “apostolic” nuncio confirms B-16’s heresy on Islam, Pope Callixtus III’s powerful quote against Islam, a fascinating quote from the Anglican Schism which parallels our day, and more.]
Sept. 23, 2006 Radio Program
Oct. 24, 2006 Debate on Sedevacantism: Are the post-Vatican II claimants to the Papacy true popes? William Golle (Yes) vs. Bro. Michael and Bro. Peter Dimond (No)(click here to listen, about 3 hrs.)
* Mr. Golle studies the issue of sedevacantism and has a degree in systematic theology from Seton Hall University. Listen to this very interesting 3-hour debate. There are sessions of opening statements, rebuttals, detailed questions and answers. See whose position stands the test of truth when the issues are dealt with in a format where they cannot be evaded or ignored. The true position will be obvious to those who sincerely listen this debate.
Sept. 9 Radio Program: An in-depth discussion of Outside the Church There is No Salvation and the water baptism issue(click here to listen, about 2 hrs.)
*This show covers in detail the controversial issue of salvation. It goes through the dogmatic pronouncements on Outside the Church There is No Salvation, discusses the history of the “baptism of desire” idea, and shows how it was not the belief of the early Church. It covers and critiques some of the outrageous distortions present in the books promoting baptism of desire, such as those published by the SSPX. It discusses Fr. Feeney’s case and answers objections. This program is definitely worth listening to in order to get a fair and accurate picture of what the Church teaches on this extremely important dogma – so denied in our day.
Sept. 2 Radio Program: continuing with an overview (Second Show)(click here to listen, about 2 hrs.)
*This show continues with the important overview that began in the first show (below). It covers more of the heresies of the post-Vatican II “popes” (e.g. the Balamand Statement, John Paul II’s message in commemoration of the synagogue, etc.) and more of the heresies in Vatican II (e.g., the heretical teaching on atheists, more undeniable proof against V-2’s heresy on religious liberty, etc.) . It also answers some questions and objections from callers concerning various issues, such as the difficult issue of where to attend Mass in this time of apostasy. It also covers some of the main objections raised against the sedevacantist position (e.g., by what authority?; “No one can judge the Holy See”; material heresy; the perversion of St. Robert Bellarmine’s teaching by non-sedevacantists; a trial is necessary to determine one is a heretic; the definitions of Vatican I; etc.) It also explains how the Vatican II sect lacks the mark of the Catholic Church’s holiness. It also discusses certain groups and individuals, such as Nicholas Gruner, the SSPV, and Malachi Martin.
Aug. 22 Radio Program: An Overview of Present situation (First Show)(click here to listen, about 2 hrs.)
*This show contains a very important overview of the present situation of the Catholic Church and the reasons why the post-Vatican II Church is not the Catholic Church. It discusses the facts, the evidence and the arguments which prove that the post-Vatican II Church is not the Catholic Church. This is a show people should listen to. It covers the heresies of Vatican II, the apostasy of John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Paul VI, that there have been antipopes, that our present situation has been predicted, and more.
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