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Pro-abort Joe Biden comes to Dallas, advocates for perversion, receives "Communion" reports: "Unfortunately, an all too common, and all too disturbing incident occurred at the parish this past Sunday. Vice President Joe “Gaffe Machine” Biden was in town, speaking to a group of pro-sodomy advocates. Vice President not only indicated his support for this sin that cries out to Heaven for vengeance by his presence and affirming remarks, but also causes grave scandal and harm to the Faith through his heretical views on abortion, contraception, and many other grave moral evils. VP Joe Biden is one of many katholyc American politicians who continue to receive the Blessed Sacrament in spite of being plainly outside the Faith due to their embrace of error. The bishops who have tolerated this sacrilege for decades have turned both Canon Law, and the Blessed Sacrament, into a laughing stock for these radical pro-aborts and have offended God in a manner to terrible to contemplate. Sadly, it has been reported to me by independent sources that VP Biden received the Blessed Sacrament when he showed up for Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas on the 4th Sunday after Easter. Complaints have already been forwarded to the pastor and, I believe, the Diocese..." MHFM Comment: This is typical of the Vatican II sect, and it's more proof that it's not the Catholic Church.
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