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The Principal of St. Gertrude the Great writes an unsolicited e-mail attacking the dogma
[MHFM: Some people sometimes wonder why we have harsh words for certain heretics. This exchange shows us why. This person wrote in an unsolicited e-mail attacking us. We discover why at the end of the exchange.]
Dear Apostate who claims to be Catholic but doesn't even believe that the Catholic Faith is necessary for salvation: You are just upset that we are exposing your heresy. Why don't you just be a little bit honest and admit that you don't accept the defined dogma that all who die without the Catholic Faith are lost? Stop pretending that you are a Catholic when we both know that you don't accept the Catholic Faith. Also, you are a despicable coward because you cannot even put you name. [Note: If people write us e-mails asking us questions and want to abbreviate their names that’s fine with us, but if they are going to send an attack they should have the courage to put their names.] -Bro. Peter Dimond To MHFM: HERETIC PETER DIMOND: My name is as listed below. Sorry it wasn't in my original e-mail as it was an oversight. By the way, I am the principal of St. Gertrude the Great School, West Chester, Ohio. Now you can add me to your slanderous list! I'm not upset, just sick of DIRT like you claiming the Catholic name and leading ignorant laymen astray. You're no more a religious than I am the pope. Why don't YOU stop pretending to be Catholic! Mark A. Lotarski MHFM: Do you reject the following as heretical? If not, you show yourself to be a heretic.
-Bro. Peter Dimond Lotarski To MHFM: According to whom? MHFM: Do you understand English? I asked if it is heretical or not? Yes or no? Mark Lotarski: You know the position of the Roman Catholic Church, as it has been pointed out time and time again. I won't be drawn into a protracted debate with one who is of bad faith. I adhere to all Church doctrine with my entire being and don't adhere to is the twisted doctrine of heretics. In a nutshell, I agree with Bp. Sanborn. Please add me to your extensive list of heretics. Be assured of my prayers for your conversion. -Mark Lotarski MHFM: So, we see why Mr. Lotarksi has such an evil animosity toward the dogma reiterated on our website. It is because he agrees with the heretic Bishop Sanborn that pagans and idolaters can be saved without the Catholic Faith. He is a complete heretic who rejects defined Catholic dogma: By holding that pagans and idolaters can be united to the Catholic Church, the heretic Mr. Lotarski (like Sanborn and the rest) DENIES THE DOGMA THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE FAITH IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. HE MAKES A MOCKERY OF THE SUPERNATURAL MYSTERY OF THE CHURCH IN WHICH ALL HAVE ONE FAITH. This, ladies and gentlemen, is why they attack and slander those who adhere to the dogma that the Catholic Faith and the Sacrament of Baptism are necessary for salvation. It is simply because they hate the supernatural dogma that all must belong to the one true Church for salvation, and that Jesus Christ is absolutely necessary for salvation. The apostate Mr. Lotarski also surely believes with Sanborn, McKenna, etc. that even Jews who reject Christ can be saved.Sign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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