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Cardinal Franzelin: Popes Can Give Formal Replies That Are Not Infallible
Cardinal Franzelin (died 1886) was a pre-Vatican II theologian. He correctly acknowledged that popes can issue formal replies on matters of faith or morals that are not definitive, infallible or ex cathedra pronouncements. They could contain error (such as Honorius’ letters to Sergius).
Cardinal Franzelin, Tractatus de divina traditione et scriptura, Thesis 12, edition 1875, p. 119: “Likewise, there can be and are documents not only private but put forward entirely from the Pastoral Office concerning a doctrine of faith or morals by which it is determined to some extent to warn, persuade, command, reprehend, or prohibit the propagation of some opinion or error, without intending to proclaim a definitive sentence by which the whole Church would be bound. And that itself is not an ex cathedra statement. ‘For often the popes respond to private questions of this or that bishop, by explicating their opinion concerning the things proposed, not by passing a sentence by which they will that the faithful would be obligated to believe’ (Melchior Canus, Canus 1. VI. c. 8. ad 7). In this sense the two letters of Honorius to Sergius of Constantinople are rightly recalled.”
Latin: “Pariter possunt esse et sunt Pontificum documenta non solum privata sed omnino profecta ex munere pastorali, quibus circa doctrinam de fide vel moribus aliqua monere, suadere, iubere, reprehendere, prohibere propagationem alicuius sive opinionis sive erroris propositum est, quin intendant definitivam sententiam edicere, qua adstringatur tota Ecclesia; eoque ipso non est locutio ex cathedra. ‘Respondent enim saepe Pontifices ad privatas huius aut illius Episcopi quaestiones, suam opinionem de rebus propositis explicando, non sententiam ferendo, qua fideles obligatos esse velint ad credendum' Melch. Canus 1. VI. c. 8. ad 7. In hunc censum merito referuntur e. g. duae epistolae Honorii I. ad Sergium Constantinopolitanum.”
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