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Pope Pius VI on Ambiguity and the Deceptive Methods of Benedict XVI
By Bro. Peter Dimond, O.S.B.
Wow! This is an extremely important teaching of the Church, and especially relevant today. Pope Pius VI teaches us that if someone veils a heresy in ambiguity, a Catholic must hold him to the heretical meaning and denounce the heretical meaning which is camouflaged in ambiguity. He points out that heretics have always used such tactics to insinuate their doctrinal errors and heresies. There are countless examples from the Vatican II apostasy that could be given for which this teaching applies. There are plenty of bold and unambiguous heresies taught by the Vatican II sect and the Vatican II antipopes, but there are also countless heresies that are veiled in ambiguity or contradictory statements. The fact that these must be held to their heretical meaning is not just the teaching of the Church, but also common sense. For instance, if a man says that he is against abortion but sometimes contradicts himself and votes in favor of it, he is a supporter of abortion. He rejects Catholic teaching. Likewise, if a man teaches that there is no salvation outside the Church but sometimes teaches that souls can be saved without the Catholic Faith, he rejects the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation. If he didn’t believe in salvation outside the Church he wouldn’t teach it even one time. If he didn’t support abortion he wouldn’t vote in favor of it. The fact that he contradicts himself doesn’t show that he is not teaching heresy. Pope Pius VI teaches that heretics have always used such tactics because they are deceivers and dishonest at their core. Those who say that heretics cannot be held to their heretical meanings because they often state precisely the opposite – even sometimes within the same context – or because they veil it in ambiguity, aid and abet heretics, assist the destruction of the Faith and contradict the authoritative teaching of the Church. And this is precisely the method of Benedict XVI.BENEDICT XVI DECEIVES HIS VICTIMS WITH AMBIGUITY, FALSE CONSERVATISM AND CONTRADICTORY PASSAGES
First, let me emphasize that Benedict XVI teaches many bold heresies. But one of the ways by which Benedict XVI has been able to deceive so many among the false conservatives and pseudo-traditionalists is that in his writings there are many conservative lines. These conservative lines often come just before or just after the most astounding heresies. Benedict XVI will even say things that appear to be anti-modernist, while at the same time he teaches modernist apostasy. He will also get personal, and reveal a seemingly deep attachment to the Faith. These are the methods by which he deceives his victims in the context of teaching the most astounding heresies. For instance: Here Benedict XVI seems to be denouncing paganism. He seems to be indicating that they cannot be saved in their pagan religion. But this deceiving heretic is just setting you up. For in the very same book – including on the page just after this quote – he indicates again and again that pagans are saved and even calls into question whether Christianity is the true religion. For the weak of Faith, however, all Benedict XVI needs to do is say certain things that are conservative or anti-modernist or seemingly devoted to the Faith and he’s got them. They’re swept away because when they see things that appear conservative or even anti-modernist they say: “how could he possibly be evil? How could he not accept Catholic teaching when he speaks like this?” They don’t understand how the devil works; they don’t understand how heretics deceive; and, most significantly, they don’t have the supernatural Faith to perceive that a very evil person could – and often deliberately does – say things that give the appearance of a devotion to the Faith. Here’s another example of the contradictory lies and heresy of Benedict XVI. On page 150 of his book God and the World Benedict XVI inculcates the heresy that the Jews are still the Chosen People and the Old Covenant is still in force. This was condemned by the Council of Florence. This heresy is consistently taught by the Vatican II antipopes and the Novus Ordo Bishops. But Benedict XVI proceeds to seemingly contradict this in the very next question: This seems to indicate that Jews need to believe in Christ for salvation. It tickles the ears of many of his heretical readers. But, then, on the very next page (p. 151), Benedict XVI completely contradicts this again: Here, on page 151, Benedict XVI bluntly tells us that Jews are not excluded from salvation even though they say “No” to Christ. So in just two pages he tells us that the Jews’ Covenant with God is still valid (heresy); that they need to accept Christ (truth which contradicts the heresy); and that they are not excluded from salvation (heresy). He then proceeds on page 209, as quoted in my article on the heresies in God and the World, to question whether Christ is even prophesied in the Old Testament! This is how the devil works. This is how heretics have always worked. This is what Pope Pius VI condemns; this is what he warns Catholics about and declares they must condemn. So don’t be deceived if Benedict XVI does conservative things or contradicts himself or seems to express an attachment to the Faith in some of his lines. It’s all a bunch of nonsense from an extremely diabolical heretic who is deliberately trying to deceive – a heretic who repeatedly denies Christ and the Catholic Faith. None of his conservative statements or actions changes the fact that he consistently teaches astounding heresies; that he is a promoter of the apostate Vatican II religion; that he denies the necessity of the Catholic Faith for salvation; that he denies the Papacy, etc., etc., etc.SOME MORE EXAMPLES OF CONSERVATIVES LINES IN BENEDICT XVI’S WRITINGS AND BENEDICT XVI GETTING PERSONAL
Yes, you are so moved that you stated in Sakrametale Begrundung christlicher Existenz that it is waste of time to spend time in front of the Blessed Sacrament. You are so moved by the Eucharist that you deny the Bodily Presence of Christ on page 84 of this same book: This is a bold denial of the Real Presence. We do eat the Body and Blood of the Lord. When one receives the Eucharist he should try not to chew on the host, of course. He should receive it and consume it without chewing. But the meaning of Benedict XVI is that we don’t receive Our Lord’s flesh (which is bold heresy). The fact that this is his meaning is further proven when he says: “We do not eat flesh.” This is a clear denial of the Real Presence and Our Lord’s declaration in John 6:54 – exactly 30 pages after trying to show us how “moved” he is by the Eucharist. Be prepared for more of the same from the apostate Benedict XVI. Be prepared for more of the most astounding heresies, combined with some conservative actions and statements.Sign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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