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Pope Paul I: Heretical Greeks Were “Wicked Enemies Of God’s Holy Church”
In the 8th century Pope Paul I (who died in 767) described heretical members of the Eastern or Greek Empire who opposed the true faith and the rights of the Roman Pontiff as “the most wicked Greeks” and “enemies of God’s holy Church”. During this period many in the Eastern Empire had fallen into the heresy of iconoclasm (which opposed the veneration of holy images). In fact, in 754 the Council of Hieria (near Chalcedon), which was attended by 338 bishops, approved the iconoclast heresy. This council was rejected by the Catholic Church at the Second Council of Nicaea in 787.
Pope Paul I, To Pippin (With Chapters), (Codex Epistolaris Carolinus 34), AD 761 or 766: “… there came to us an envoy sent by the faithful of God’s Holy Church your spiritual mother, who always tell us the truth, to inform us that the most wicked Greeks, as enemies of God’s Holy Church and opponents of the orthodox faith (against God’s will), intend to attack both our region and that of Ravenna and mount a military expedition.”
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