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Pope Benedict XIV (1740-1758) on Rome as Babylon
In our article, we bring forward the evidence that the Whore of Babylon or Great Harlot prophesied in the Apocalypse is the Vatican II Counter Church.
Is the Vatican II sect the Whore of Babylon prophesied in the Apocalypse?
The Catholic Church is NOT the Whore of Babylon. Rather, the counterfeit Church of the Vatican II sect, which poses as the Catholic Church in the last days but is not, is the prophesied Whore of Babylon. Some apologists of the Vatican II Church have argued that Rome is not Babylon, but that “Babylon” (the city of seven hills) in the Apocalypse refers to Jerusalem. The following quote from Pope Benedict XIV confirms that they are incorrect. Rome is Babylon. Rome was sanctified by becoming the center of the true Church, but in the last days Rome (not the Catholic Church) will fall away from the Catholic faith and give way to a Counter Church which will persecute the saints. All of that is explained in the article; but here’s the quote:
Pope Benedict XIV clearly identifies Rome as the earthly Babylon, which has been sanctified by the presence of the true Church. And the Bible tells us that in the last days Babylon, which this pope identifies as Rome, will become the seat of an Antichrist spiritual deception against the true Church. That’s why the Whore of Babylon only arises in the Apocalypse; for during the rest of Church history Rome is the center of Christ’s Church, the seat of the true popes.
In this quote, we also see references to the saints and martyrs, and to the fact that the Church is our Mother. The Apocalypse makes it very clear that the Whore of Babylon is prominently involved with offenses against the blood of the saints and martyrs. It also says that the Whore is the “mother of the fornications.” The point is that the Whore is specifically and clearly contrasted with Catholic Rome. That becomes quite clear when one compares and contrasts a quote like this about Rome to the biblical descriptions of the Whore of Babylon. All of this further points us to the conclusion that the Whore of Babylon is indeed a Counter Church in Rome itself in the last days.
So, the defenders of the Vatican II sect, who think they are supporting the Catholic Church when they defend the apostate Vatican II Church, are quite deceived. And contrary to what the Protestants say, the Bible’s focus on Rome’s apostasy and spiritual deception in the last days only serves to further confirm that the Catholic Church is the true Church. For God is concerned with what’s happening to Rome and to His true faithful in the last days. The Devil’s assault is on the place which normally is the seat of the true Church (Rome).
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