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The Debate is Over; False Traditionalists lose: Paul VI ends a very popular and significant false traditionalist myth, as well as refuting recent declarations by Ferrara and Matt
Heresy of the Week (11/25/05) By Bro. Peter Dimond, O.S.B. Chris Ferrara is at it again. One might think that after being refuted so many times he might remain silent. No, he just keeps spewing his falsehoods; and so we will keep refuting them. This week Ferrara repeats a myth very near and dear to the hearts of the false traditionalists: the idea that Paul VI never forbade the use of the Old Mass, and never made the New Mass obligatory.
Well, let’s quote Paul VI himself to explode and destroy this falsehood. I don’t believe that until today we’ve ever gotten around to quoting this very important speech on our website. It’s a quotation that Bro. Michael came across in his detailed study of Paul VI’s writings. You will probably never see it quoted in The Remnant, Catholic Family News, etc., since it is devastating to their FALSE TRADITIONALIST ENTERPRISE. Here it is (brace yourselves false traditionalists): There you have it. Paul VI himself directly refutes Chris Ferrara and the false traditionalists on their two main contentions. Paul VI declares that it is “certainly not” the “free choice” of priests or faithful to not adopt the New Ordo Missae. He also denounces their assertion that the Second Vatican Council is not binding, and he indicates that the logical consequence of the position of Lefebvre, which rejects the New Mass and Vatican II, and operates independently of the hierarchy it recognizes, is to place him outside the Church. It’s time for everyone to wake up and realize that the Vatican II sect is a counterfeit sect from head to toe, and there is no way to salvage it or its antipopes. Conveniently, this refutes another UTTERLY RIDICULOUS and dishonest assertion that Michael Matt just made in a recent article for The Remnant. In an article entitled “SSPX Not in Schism – Rome Has Spoken,” Michael Matt quotes “Cardinal” Castrillon Hoyos, President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission. Matt quotes Castrillon Hoyos who recently asserted that the position of the SSPX is not a “formal schism,” and that the “Mass of Saint Pius V has never been abolished.” Based on this “proof,” Matt concludes: Does anyone fail to see that this statement is utterly absurd, dishonest and illogical? Does anyone really believe that if Castrillon Hoyos had said the SSPX is in schism The Remnant would have published an article stating “SSPX is in Schism – Rome has Spoken!”? Of course not. “Rome has Spoken” for Matt when he likes what a particular Roman “prelate” has said. He likes Castrillon Hoyos’s statement because he thinks that it allows his schismatic buddies, the Bishops of the SSPX, off the hook. To illustrate Matt’s hypocrisy, remember that Benedict XVI (Ratzinger) stated that Protestants and Eastern Schismatics are not heretics. He stated this while holding a position much higher than Castrillon. So, will Michael Matt admit that “Rome has Spoken”: Protestants are not heretics; end of debate! Of course not, and this just shows his inconsistency and dishonesty. Does everyone get it now? Rome only speaks when Castrillon Hoyos speaks, and then only when Castrillon says what Matt likes to hear about Lefebvre or the Traditional Mass. Rome doesn’t speak when Paul VI (his “Pope”!) says: And Rome certainly doesn’t speak when Benedict XVI says that Protestants are not heretics; no… not at all. A statement from a Vatican prelate only constitutes Rome speaking when it tickles Matt’s ears, and justifies the schismatic position of his friends (the leaders of the SSPX), who operate a world-wide apostolate outside of communion with the hierarchy they recognize, while rejecting its official teaching and solemn “canonizations,” just to name a few. So, in conclusion: the debate is over, and the false traditionalists lose. The statement from Paul VI utterly refutes the recent declarations of both Ferrara and Matt (on Lefebvre, Vatican II, and the New Mass) in one fell swoop. The New Mass is the binding liturgy of the Vatican II sect. Vatican II is the binding teaching of the Vatican II sect. If they are false, as they certainly are, then the claims to the Papacy by the men who imposed them (the Vatican II antipopes) are just as false. There is no way around this fact. All of this shows us again the inconsistency of the false traditionalist position, which attempts to remain united with the false Church and its manifestly heretical non-Catholic antipopes.Sign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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