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Paul VI ends a very popular and significant false traditionalist myth by declaring that Vatican II and the New Mass are binding
(Following up on the points just made, this section further refutes one of the biggest false traditionalist myths, that Antipope Paul VI never made Vatican II and the New Mass binding. Since Vatican II is heretical, and the New Mass is a false “Mass,” this is powerful proof that Paul VI was not the pope)
As we’ve been discussing, among those who recognize problems with the post-Vatican II apostasy, there are many “traditionalists” who reject the New Mass and Vatican II, but maintain that Paul VI, the man who promulgated them, never bound anyone to either the New Mass or Vatican II.
Well, let’s quote Paul VI himself to explode and destroy this falsehood. You will probably never see it quoted in false traditionalist publications who want to hang on to the myth that Paul VI could have been a true pope, since it is devastating to their FALSE TRADITIONALIST ENTERPRISE. Here it is (brace yourselves false traditionalists):
There you have it. Paul VI himself directly refutes the false traditionalists on their two main contentions. Paul VI declares that it is “certainly not” the “free choice” of priests or faithful to not adopt the New Ordo Missae (the New Mass). He also denounces their assertion that the Second Vatican Council is not binding, and he indicates that the logical consequence of the position of Lefebvre, which rejects the New Mass and Vatican II, and operates independently of the hierarchy it recognizes, is to place him outside the Church.
It’s time for everyone to wake up and realize that the Vatican II sect is a counterfeit sect from head to toe, and there is no way to salvage it or its antipopes. That’s why all the “bishops” with “ordinary jurisdiction” in the Vatican II sect hold that Vatican II is the official teaching of the Church. It’s why all of the “traditional” groups which receive “official approval” from the Vatican II sect must accept Vatican II. It’s why Benedict XVI recently told the leader of the SSPX that they cannot be accepted fully in the Vatican II sect unless they accept Vatican II.
[1] L’Osservatore Romano (the Vatican’s Newspaper), June 3, 1976, p. 2.
[2] Chris Ferrara, The Remnant, “A Challenge to the Sedevacantist Enterprise,” Nov. 15, 2005, p. 11
[3] L’Osservatore Romano, June 3, 1976, p. 2.
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