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The False Apparitions at Bayside, New York
We’re often contacted by those who follow the alleged apparitions of Our Lady and Our Lord that have occurred in various parts of the world over the past few decades. Among these, the apparitions at Bayside, New York are prominent. Veronica Lueken allegedly received messages from Our Lord and Our Lady starting in the 1970’s and lasting into the 1990’s. Veronica’s messages were known as the Message of Bayside, and these messages were – and still are – extremely influential in how many view the post-conciliar crisis.
Veronica Lueken in "ecstasy" at Bayside, NY - As we will see, she was seeing something, but not Our Lady or Our Lord
The messages allegedly received by Veronica were accompanied by prodigies and signs that were witnessed by many at the Bayside apparition site. Below is a picture from the grounds at Bayside, in which there appears to be a miraculous sign of grace in the area of Veronica Lueken’s head. Apparently there are thousands of such pictures from the grounds at Bayside. These indeed appear to be “signs,” but, as we will see, these signs are not from heaven.
A sign at Bayside - but, as we will see, not a sign from heaven
Speaking of the last days, Our Lord warns the world that there will be false signs and wonders to deceive (if it were possible) even the elect.
In this warning, Our Lord makes the very specific statement that if people say they see Him here or there in those days, do not believe it. He even uses the very interesting phrase, “in the closet.” In other words, if they say that Our Lord is appearing to them in their closets or in their rooms, do not believe it. (This admonition would obviously apply also to those who say that His Mother is here or there in those days.) St. Paul warns us of the same thing 2 Thessalonians, when speaking about the time of the Great Apostasy and the coming of Antichrist:
Faced with this situation, the way that a Catholic judges everything is by the teaching of the Catholic Church. If an apparition gives a message that contains one clear heresy, or anything contrary to the teaching of the Catholic Church, that is sufficient to prove that it cannot be from God, but from the devil. God does not contradict Himself.
So here are some of the heresies and clearly false messages in Bayside, which serve to prove that the apparitions of Bayside were not authentic messages from Our Lady or Our Lord. What follows are just a few of the false messages in Bayside. There are many others which I will not include in order to avoid making this article too long. These facts are sufficient to prove that Our Lord and Our Lady did not appear or speak to Veronica Lueken. It was actually the Devil posing as Our Lady and Our Lord who gave Veronica Lueken false messages in order to lead people astray.
The statement above allegedly from “Our Lady of Bayside,” that in the Father’s House there are many mansions representing many faiths and creeds, is blatantly heretical. It is an infallibly defined dogma that only those who die with the Catholic Faith go to heaven.
This heresy in Bayside gives it away as a false apparition of the Devil, for Our Lady does not contradict infallible dogma and the Chair of St. Peter. To say otherwise is blasphemous heresy.
The Bayside Message contradicts what Catholics must hold by divine faith, that there is only one faith that leads to heaven, the Catholic Faith, outside of which there is no salvation. The many mansions in the Father’s house that Our Lord refers to in the Gospel represent different rewards for Catholics who die in the state of grace.
This never happened.
A common characteristic of many of the recent false apparitions is the claim that a ball of redemption will come to crush the earth or much of it. Personally, I believe that the Devil’s purpose in promoting this idea is to get people to focus on a physical chastisement, rather than on the spiritual deception occurring with the Vatican II sect. Bayside clearly prophesied that this comet/ball of redemption would arrive “within” the 20th century. This never happened, thus proving that the Message of Bayside is false. Further, look at the wording of the message allegedly from “Our Lady.” She supposedly says that this ball would arrive “within this century, if not sooner,” AS IF SHE DOESN’T KNOW. It is not the statement of Our Lady, but the lie of the devil.
When Our Lady communicates, she usually says very little. She expresses herself precisely, and she certainly doesn’t make false prophecies. She is the Queen of Prophets.
According to this, Our Lord said that it’s doubly hard for Him to protect someone who travels. This is clearly false.
God’s providence and power extend from one end of the earth to the other. It’s not hard for Him to do anything. The statement of Bayside not only contradicts Vatican I, but also the Gospel. Our Lord tells His Apostles that He could instantly have more than 12 legions of angels (Mt. 26:53) from His Father, if He asked for them. But according to Bayside, it makes it difficult on God if you travel. This is just one example of many which proves that there is outrageous heresy and error in the Bayside Message.
While God allows the Devil to work false signs at these apparition sites, at the same time He allows (or even forces) the Devil to make major mistakes, so that those who really want the truth can see that the message is a deception of the Devil.
The above message also tells us that John Paul II was “good.” This is arguably the worst part of the Bayside Message. John Paul II praised all the different false religions and taught that we shouldn’t convert non-Catholics, as our material documents. John Paul II was an evil, Christ-rejecting heretic. Through Veronica Lueken, the Devil wanted to convince people that a man who preached a new Gospel, promoted idolatry and religious indifferentism was actually “good.”
John Paul II at Assisi, 1986, at an ecumenical gathering which Pope Pius XI condemned as apostasy in Mortalium Animos
According to the Message of Bayside, “Our Lady” says that there are no excuses for having a television in your presence. This is clearly ridiculous. That means that one could never watch a Catholic video or the news or some other perfectly acceptable program. Our Lady would certainly condemn the misuse of the television, and most things on television; but this statement of Bayside is clearly false, and it contradicts the teaching of Pope Pius XI in Vigilanti Cura, June 29, 1936.
Speaking of motion pictures (movies) – and therefore what he says obviously applies to the television as well – Pius XI points out the “potentialities for good as well as for harm.” Movies and the television are not intrinsically evil; they can be used for good or for evil.
It’s interesting that Pius XI points out that watching a movie requires less mental effort than reading a book, which is why movies and the television are so popular. Most people are unwilling to make the mental effort it requires to read. Since this continuous stream of living images is presented directly to the eyes by a motion picture, Pius XI points out that it possesses great power to incite men “to virtue or vice…” Thus, movies and television can lead men to virtue, if the program is wholesome and Catholic. Movies and television are not intrinsically evil. The Message of Bayside is proven again to be false.
This is another false prophecy. The one after John Paul II, Benedict XVI, doesn’t try to destroy him, but wants to “canonize” him! Further, the prophecy is inherently contradictory, for how could the one after John Paul II attempt to destroy him when John Paul II will already be dead?
The Devil wants people to stay with the counterfeit Church of the Vatican II sect. He wants people to stay with the invalid New Mass. This is the whole purpose of the Bayside Messages, and many similar false messages. The Devil wants to keep conservative-minded “Catholics” inside the Vatican II parishes, in communion with the new Vatican II religion, and under the manifestly heretical and non-Catholic Vatican II antipopes. In order to accomplish this, the Devil uses false seers such as Veronica Lueken. And in order to be ultra-effective, in the false messages that he gives them he includes conservative statements. These conservative statements, such as encouraging the people to pray the Rosary, wear the Scapular, denounce Modernism, reject liturgical abuses, etc., are meant to deceive. All of these things were part of the Bayside messages. And because people receive not the love of the truth (2 Thess. 2), God allows them to be deceived by the false signs that have occurred at these apparition sites.
Sadly, the Devil’s plan has been incredibly effective. We’ve been in contact with many who continue to attend the New Mass – while deploring its abuses, of course, as the Bayside Message instructs them – simply because they believe in Bayside. They won’t hear Magisterial arguments which show that the New Mass is no Mass; rather, they just stick with Bayside. They dismiss all the proof that Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI aren’t even Catholic; they just stick with Bayside. I know of entire families who have been raised in the Conciliar religion – for instance, attending both the indult Mass and the New Mass, rather than strictly the Traditional Mass at an independent chapel – simply because they follow Bayside.
Unfortunately, it will cost them their salvation, since they have chosen to follow strange voices rather than the truth communicated through the teaching of the Catholic Church. At their judgments, Our Lord will repeat to them what He warned all of us in the Gospel:
Below is just one of countless examples that could be given of a “conservative” message that the Devil spiced in among the Bayside messages. The Devil tells them to remain at the Vatican II parish and under the antipope, while also…
This tickles the ears of those who know that Vatican II caused the spiritual crisis. So the Devil tells them that there were problems with Vatican II, while keeping them in the very sect that Vatican II created. It’s brilliant. Veronica also said that it was revealed to her that if the Latin Mass were returned the coming chastisement would be averted. Hence, the people are told that the Latin Mass is preferable, but the New Mass is also valid and should not be abandoned.
Veronica Lueken was chosen and used as a voice-box for the Devil. Her false messages, which contradict Catholic teaching, have had disastrous effects on innumerable souls. For the most part, what is said in this article also applies to the many other false apparitions of the past few decades. It applies to the false apparitions at Medjugorje, which contain clear heresy; it applies to the false apparitions/locutions to Don Gobbi, John Leary, etc., etc., etc. Some of these other apparitions are slightly more conservative, while some of them are slightly more liberal. The Devil has various flavors to appeal to different kinds of people, but they all deliver a false message on the post-Vatican II apostasy. Almost all of them say similar things about John Paul II.
In conclusion, these facts should show us the lengths to which Satan has gone (with God’s permission) to deceive people and keep them with the New Mass and the Vatican II antipopes, etc. This should be a wake up call to us all about the gravity of the spiritual deception we are dealing with now.
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