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New GoFundMe Policy Targets "Christian" & Anti-Homosexual Campaigns reports:
"The crowdfunding website GoFundMe has revised its policy to make it easier to shut down fundraising campaigns the company does not support.
Critics argue the change in the company's policies targets Christian campaigns such as the fundraisers for Arlene's Flowers and Sweet Cakes by Melissa.
A campaign started for Melissa Klein of Sweet Cakes by Melissa was shut down last week after raising a little over $100,000. The campaign was started by a friend of the Kleins after an Oregon judge ruled the family owed $135,000 to the lesbian couple whose wedding the bakery refused to cater in 2013...
Over the weekend, the company revised their policies to now specify the website bans "campaigns in defense of formal charges or claims of heinous crimes, violent, hateful, sexual or discriminatory acts."
Kristen Waggoner, an attorney with the Alliance Defending Freedom, condemned the move.
"It's really quite startling, the approach that GoFundMe has taken," she told the Washington Times, "because it's clear that it's not enough to have the government just redefine marriage or punish those who disagree, but they're really trying to ruin every aspect of the lives of those who disagree."...
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