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Mexican "Catholic Bishop" baptizes child raised by lesbian couple
SOFIA VAZQUEZ-MELLADO "Mons. Raul Vera Lopez, bishop of Saltillo in the northern Mexican state of Coahuila, baptized a 16-month-old who is being raised by her natural mother and her lesbian partner this past week. This was the second such baptism to take place in Latin America recently, after a similar event took place last month in the Archdiocese of Cordoba, Argentina. Bishop Vera Lopez has stirred controversy about his views on homosexuality in the past. Two years ago he was investigated by Vatican officials because he had affiliated his diocese with a group that openly promoted the homosexual lifestyle. Bishop Vera was their 'spiritual guide.' Last year he also said, 'You need to be sick in the head' to think homosexuality is a perversion, according to local media. The bishop met two weeks ago with Pope Francis in Rome, and according to the Mexican newspaper Excelsior, the prelate discussed his views of 'caring for vulnerable groups, such as the lesbian-gay community' with the pope." to read more:
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