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Some comments on Mel Gibson’s scandalous outburst – heresy and mortal sin combine to form a huge scandal that is exploited by the Jews
By Bro. Peter Dimond, O.S.B. Originally published: 8/04/06
Readers of this website know that we’ve pointed out the unfortunate fact that Mel Gibson holds heretical views on the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation. He told Diane Sawyer in an ABC News interview that people can be saved who are not even Christian. He said this while sitting next to a Jew who rejects Christ. It’s important to remember that Mel derives his heresy from his heretical father, Hutton, who is (and this must be said) one of the most despicable heretics in the traditional movement. (Hutton has attacked us in his newsletter for our adherence to the Church’s teaching on baptism.) Hutton despises the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation and the necessity of water baptism and constantly attacks those who defend it. Hutton’s opposition to the necessity of water baptism comes from his belief that souls can be saved in false religions. Hutton has bluntly stated his heretical belief that members of false religions can be saved. Here we see Hutton Gibson declaring that it’s an “innovation” to assert (the defined dogma) that no Jew or heathen can be saved! What a complete lie! Hutton also stated in one newsletter that if Pope Boniface VIII meant what Fr. Feeney said (in other words, that all who die as non-Catholics are not saved) in defining the dogma, then Boniface VIII was wrong! Hutton Gibson is a manifest heretic. And Mel (unfortunately) holds a similar heresy, as he expressed on ABC. Since Mel Gibson doesn’t possess the authentic Catholic Faith, it’s really not surprising to find out that he has relapsed into his mortal sin of drunkenness. In apologizing for his recent outburst, Mel said that he has the “disease” of alcoholism. Sorry, it’s not a “disease”; it’s called a mortal sin. It’s called the sin of refusing to stop drinking alcohol. Is his mortal sin connected with his heresy? We believe so. Those who believe, as the Church infallibly teaches, that God condemns all who die as non-Catholics to Hell, see God differently from those who believe (as Mel does) that He allows, for instance, Jews who reject Him into Heaven. Since Mel believes it’s possible for even Jews who reject Him to get to Heaven, he probably believes that God will make an allowance for him as well, even though he continues to get drunk. Thus, he continues to get drunk. (He is in for a rude awakening, unless he truly repents and converts – which involves the firm resolution not to commit the mortal sin again.) Mel has now entered rehabililtation, as if traditional Catholic devotions and counsel aren’t sufficient to solve his problem – such as the Rosary and the spiritual instruction of the saints, including the teaching to avoid obvious occasions of sin, such as bars. No, he needs the pagans to help him; he has even asked the Jews to help him overcome his problem. What an insult to the Catholic Faith. (By the way, the reason that one hears of so many drug addicts who go in and out of drug rehabilitation centers is that their problem is spiritual. They are tied down by a demon. Thus, even if they receive all of the natural instruction and counsel in the world, unless they employ true and authentic spiritual means to overcome the diabolical hold on them – as provided by the Catholic Faith – it will be extremely difficult for them to exercise their will to stop taking drugs. That’s why it’s such a struggle for them. If all the drug addicts who entered rehabilitation centers were given a rosary and told to pray it well each day, people would see the amazing results of 100% quick and efficient rehabilitation.) Regarding what Mel said about the Jews, there’s nothing wrong with asking someone if he is a Jew. It’s not true that Jews are the cause of all wars. Mel’s alleged use of vulgarity, profanity and improper statements to the female officer are the most problematic statements that he allegedly made in his outburst. If Mel said this to the female officer, then his level of morality is not much different from a despicable pagan. (In fact, CNN reported that after Mel made comments which offended gays and lesbians some years back, he offered gay filmmakers a free seminar. It is also said that when The Passion of the Christ was coming out Mel appeared on the show of Ellen Degeneres, a notorious lesbian, and hobnobbed with her as if they were best-friends. There are also recent pictures of him partying like some infidel-college-student at a bar. Yes, perhaps Mel’s morality is not much different from a complete pagan.) Having said all this, one can understand Mel’s profound frustration and outrage with the Jews. Mel is, of course, fully aware of their domination of the media. This is not anti-Semitic; it’s simply accurate. The Jews tried to destroy his film, and even stole a script of it and with unspeakable arrogance demanded that he implement changes to his own movie to satisfy the Jews! Jews also made it their mission to protest outside of News. Corp. (parent company of 20th century Fox Studios), the company that was considering promoting his film, and then they cheered uproariously when the company, cowed by Jewish pressure, announced it would not distribute Mel’s film. ( Can you imagine how angry Mel would have been – considering all the time, effort and money he put into his film – when the Jews tried to destroy it all and stop it completely? In all of this Mel saw first hand the evil machinations of Jewish power – their astounding arrogance – and how they use their domination to attempt to stomp out anything they perceive as anti-Jewish or spreading the “anti-Semitic” Gospel of Jesus Christ, including a movie about The Passion. One recalls that Ted Turner, the former owner of news’ giant CNN (as well as TNT, TBS, etc.) stated (while sober) that “Christianity is for losers” and denounced “Jesus freaks.” That wasn’t even considered a big deal to the mainstream media – nor is Jewish promotion of and/or involvement with anti-Christian movies such as Priest, Dogma, The Da Vinci Code, etc., etc. – but if someone insults Jews … well, it’s a national crisis. (But the media surely won’t tell you about the traditional teachings of the Jewish “holy book,” The Talmud, which declares, among other vicious attacks on Our Lord, that non-Jews are cattle – animals meant to serve the Jews.) So, to sum up: since Mel Gibson committed a mortal sin, God allowed the Devil to lure Mel into this scandalous outburst, which may ruin a large portion of the good he may have done in the future with his films, as well as his credibility with those who associate him with the Traditional Catholic Faith and the Latin Mass. The Jewish-dominated media – whose wall-to-wall coverage of Israel’s attacks on Lebanon would make one think the U.S itself were at war – is, of course, having a field day with this and will not let it die. They will use it to hark back to the “Holocaust” and consolidate Jewish influence by spreading the idea of the rise of “global anti-Semitism.” As a result, Mel is now groveling at the feet of the Jews, and begging to meet with their Christ-denying leaders. This will probably cause him to fall into more compromise of the Faith. He has been invited to a Jewish synagogue on Yom Kippur. Let’s pray he doesn’t accept the invitation, but he might commit just such a public act of apostasy to curry favor with the worldly Jewish powers. All of this is a result of a night of mortal sin – a night of drinking too much alcohol. A word of recommendation: while getting drunk is a mortal sin, the Catholic Faith doesn’t teach that drinking alcohol is, in itself, sinful. However, most people are better off never drinking it at all. Too many people abuse it; we’ve heard of too many lives that have been/are ruined by it; most people are better if they never touch it. And Catholics should avoid bars like the plague they are.Sign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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