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Traditional Catholic Calendar and Fast Days
Traditional Catholic Audios (radio programs, debates, etc.)
The Invalid New Mass
Why the New Rite of Ordination is Invalid [PDF File]
This article explains why the New Rite of Ordination – which was instituted by Paul VI on June 18, 1968 after Vatican II – is not valid.)
The New Rite of Consecration of Bishops [PDF file]
This article explains the changes that Paul VI made to the rite of consecrating bishops after Vatican II.)
The Changes to the Other Sacraments [PDF file]
This article explains the changes that Paul VI made to the rites of Baptism, Confirmation, Confession, Marriage and Extreme Unction after Vatican II.
Some older feature Articles
This section contains numerous articles, features, book and article reviews, etc. concerning groups individuals who purport to be traditional Catholics
Can one passively attend non-Catholic funerals, weddings? No.
Yoga is prevalent in the Novus Ordo/Vatican II Church. What's wrong with it?
Does God Create Homosexuals?
Is Masturbation a Mortal Sin? Yes.
Quickly Proving that Islam is a False Religion
Must the Catholic Remnant Have Governing Bishops?
Is Our Lady the Co-Redeemer? No. This explains why.
Fatima (the sign, the miracle, the Consecration of Russia, the False Sr. Lucy) [link to section]
False Apparitions (Divine Mercy, Bayside, Medjugorje) [link to section]
Is Saturday or Sunday the Holy Day?
This article refutes the view of Seventh-Day Adventists and Seventh-Day Baptists who believe that the day specifically dedicated to God, rest and worship is Saturday not Sunday.
Holocaust Controversy
This file contains facts which contradict the official story of the “Holocaust.” It also covers how Holocaust propaganda is being used to cement a hegemony of Jewish influence on the world. It also covers how “Holocaust” denial is a crime in 14 countries, essentially making those countries Jewish states.
The Private Federal Reserve Bank Exposed
The Federal Reserve is a private central bank which controls America’s money. This private central bank creates money out of nothing and then charges interest on top of it. The international banking conspiracy – exemplified by the private Federal Reserve – is, in terms of secular matters, the most significant of all the conspiracies.
The Media's Presidential Election Night Hoax
The "Swine Flu" Report
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