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Some Comments on the Limbo Fiasco (2007)
- A review of the article by the false traditionalist “Fr.” Brian Harrison, as well as his astounding omission on the baptism of desire issue -
By Bro. Peter Dimond, O.S.B.
IN THIS ARTICLE: -SOME COMMENTS ON “FR.” HARRISON’S ARTICLE ON THE RECENT LIMBO FIASCO -FALSE TRADITIONALISTS HIDE THE TRUTH -“FR.” HARRISON’S ASTOUNDING OMISSION REGARDING BAPTISM OF DESIRE Reports have recently surfaced that the Vatican may be issuing a document which states that all those who die unbaptized before attaining the use of reason go to heaven. This really wouldn’t be a surprise, since the Vatican II “Bishops” (including Benedict XVI) basically believe in universal salvation. The Vatican II sect holds that basically everyone goes to heaven, with the possible exception of mass murderers, anti-semites and radical traditionalists. Nevertheless, if such a document is issued by the Vatican, it will constitute quite a heresy and an embarrassment for those false traditionalists who are loudly asserting that the Vatican II sect is not formally heretical. Related Article: The staggering implications of Benedict XVI’s new blatant heresy on Limbo In a recent article carried on a number of false traditionalist websites, “Fr.” Brian Harrison (a pathetic defender of Vatican II and the Vatican II Antipopes) expressed his embarrassment. I want to make a few comments on his article. I also want to comment on a letter-version of his article. This letter (which was forwarded to us) contains a number of revealing statements which were not in the article that was carried on the false traditionalist websites: MHFM: Harrison’s embarrassment in light of this new development exudes from his words, for he is in communion with the Vatican II heretics, and has repeatedly attempted to defend them from the charge of heresy against all comers. But this limbo fiasco is so blatantly heretical that even he cannot come up with any cleverly dishonest explanations or devilish subterfuges to justify it. He simply expresses his profound embarrassment, and his regret that the Vatican decided to reveal what it really believes on this topic. “Fr.” Harrison admits that sedevacantism is growing, and he fears that this new Vatican document will add more fuel to the flames. He asks if the new document will not further provoke the reaction that the Vatican “has been taken over by modernist heretics.” I would think so! Give me a break, the dogma that infants cannot be saved without the Sacrament of Baptism was one of the most prominent in the early Church. Pope St. Innocent and St. Augustine expressed it thus: Infants who die without baptism (and thus in the state of original sin only) descend to hell, but to a place where there is no fire. This is the infallible teaching of the Catholic Church. Here Pope Pius VI condemns the idea of some theologians that infants who die in original sin suffer the fires of Hell. At the same time, he confirms that these infants do go to a part of the lower regions (i.e., Hell) called the limbo of the children. They do not go to Heaven, but to a place in Hell where there is no fire. This is perfectly in accord with all of the other solemn definitions of the Church, which teach that infants who die without water baptism descend into Hell, but suffer a punishment different from those who die in mortal sin. Their punishment is eternal separation from God. The idea that infants can be saved without the Sacrament of Baptism – since they are in a state of original sin – has been specifically anathematized. Pope Eugene IV here defines infallibly that there is no other remedy for infants to be snatched away from the dominion of the devil (i.e., original sin) other than the Sacrament of Baptism. This means that anyone who obstinately teaches that infants can be saved without receiving the Sacrament of Baptism is a heretic, for he is teaching that there is another remedy for original sin in children other than the Sacrament of Baptism. This is a fascinating proposition from The Council of Constance. Unfortunately, this proposition is not found in Denzinger, which only contains some of the Council’s decrees, but it is found in a full collection of the Council of Constance. The arch-heretic John Wyclif was proposing that those (such as ourselves) are stupid for teaching that infants who die without sacramental (i.e. water) baptism cannot possibly be saved. He was anathematized for this assertion. This means that anyone who asserts that infants don’t need the “laver of rebirth” (water baptism) to attain eternal life is teaching heresy. Thus, the document alleged to be coming soon from the Vatican, asserting that all who die as unbaptized infants go to heaven, is blatantly heretical. As St. Augustine said, it “condemns the whole Church” and the entire history of the Church.FALSE TRADITIONALISTS HIDE THE TRUTH
But what is very interesting is that the important statement of “Fr.” Harrison, expressing his regret about this new manifest heresy emanating from the Vatican II sect, namely, “when in fact radical traditionalism and sedevacantism appear to be growing, will this Instruction not just add more fuel to the flames? Will it not provoke further alienation and lack of confidence among those Catholic brethren who think the Vatican has been taken over by modernist heretics?” – was not included in the article published on the websites of Seattle Catholic and The Remnant. Hmmm… I believe it’s obvious that the reason they didn’t include these words is that they didn’t want people concluding exactly what “Fr.” Harrison fears they would conclude: the Vatican has been taken over by Modernist heretics – which any reasonable person could see, but which Harrison and the editors of these websites are too spiritually blinded and dishonest to see themselves. So, chalk this up as another confirmation of the sedevacantist position. The failure to include this portion of Harrison’s comments in the article on these websites reminds me of the very interesting fact that when Antipope Benedict XVI went to the Synagogue, and took active part in Jewish worship, the Seattle Catholic website didn’t even provide a single link mentioning it! This is a false traditionalist website which specializes in news links about such matters, but it very carefully avoided telling the people that Benedict XVI went to the Synagogue! It (or rather, its heretical and dishonest editor) hid this truth from the people because he didn’t want people to see that Benedict XVI is an antichrist apostate. He didn’t want people to see that his false traditionalist position, which maintains hope for the antichrist Vatican II sect, is a complete fraud, and that his “Pope” doesn’t even believe in Jesus Christ. This is a good example of the profound bad will and dishonesty of this crowd.“FR.” HARRISON’S ASTOUNDING OMISSION REGARDING BAPTISM OF DESIRE
In the course of contradicting the Vatican’s totally heretical position on unbaptized infants, “Fr.” Harrison makes reference to a number of Papal and Magisterial pronouncements. He also makes one of the most dishonest omissions that you will ever see from a “traditionalist” “priest.” I will quote him and then make some comments: MHFM: First, “Fr.” Harrison notes that Pope Sixtus V expressly stated that aborted infants cannot be saved. “Fr.” Harrison also admits that the teaching of Sixtus V constitutes the teaching of the Magisterium. Thus, “Fr.” Harrison admits that his heretical sect contradicts the teaching of the Magisterium. Second, “Fr.” Harrison quotes Pope St. Siricius on the necessity of baptism (385). Harrison quotes a sentence from Siricius’s letter to Himerius. I had a section on this letter in my book, Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation. Harrison gives the Latin, and his own English translation, but he also uses an ellipsis (…) to remove part of the sentence. Why? Well, here is what Pope St. Siricius says: Related Video: The Latin Text of the Oldest Surviving Papal Decree Rejects “Baptism of Desire” I hope that the baptism of desire advocates read this one very carefully. The Pope declares that the man who begs for regeneration and desires water baptism is still denied heaven if he dies without it! This quotation from Pope St. Siricius is striking in that it again clearly shows how the early Church rejected belief in the concept of baptism of desire. The Pope begins by affirming that the observance of Paschal time should not be relaxed. (He is referring to the fact that Baptisms were historically performed during Paschal time.) After affirming that this tradition should be maintained, the Pope warns that infants and those in any necessity or danger should be baptized immediately, lest those who desire baptism die and are “deprived of the Kingdom and life” for not having received water baptism which they desired. This is a clear rejection of the idea of baptism of desire. This point is made again by the Pope in the second half of the quotation, where he says that when those unbaptized persons “ask for what in their faith is their only help, let them receive at the very moment of their request the reward of regeneration they beg for.” This means that receiving water Baptism is the only help to salvation for such persons who earnestly desire to receive Baptism. There is no help to salvation for such persons in their desire or martyrdom, but only in receiving the Sacrament of Baptism. But here’s the bombshell: Harrison quotes from a sentence in this letter. In fact, he quotes from the sentence which makes reference to the concept of desire, but he removes just one word. Here again is Harrison’s treatment of the issue: I want to show you the Latin quoted by Harrison next to the actual Latin text: Both are exactly the same, except for one word. “Fr.” Harrison uses AN ELLIPSIS (…) TO REMOVE JUST ONE WORD! He uses an ellipsis (…) to remove the word “desiderantibus” from Pope St. Siricius’s statement. The word desiderantibus means “to those desiring.” Desiderantibus is the dative masculine plural of the present participle of the verb “desidero,” which means “I desire.” “Fr.” Brian Harrison removed this single word – and hid this truth from the people – because it clearly shows that Pope St. Siricius declared that even those who died desiring water baptism were deprived of the Kingdom and life! This is bad, very bad. In fact, there is only one word that describes how bad and dishonest his removal of this one word is: evil. All of this shows us again the dishonesty and the bad will of the false traditionalists. Their dishonesty (hatred of the truth) is why God has sent them the operation of error, to believe in the Vatican II deception, reject the salvation dogma and accept modernist heretics.Sign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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