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Just in time for 9/11, a massive video-billboard showing building 7 will appear in Times Square
John Vibes Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth will be unveiling a 45 foot video-billboard which shows footage of building 7′s free fall collapse on repeat, in one of the most high traffic areas in the world. The billboard will be installed at the corner of 42nd Street and 8th Avenue in Times Square, Manhattan. The group said on their website that: “not only does this billboard draw maximum attention by facing in two directions while towering over one of the busiest intersections in Manhattan; but it’s also digital, which allows us to show practically life-size video footage of WTC 7’s symmetrical destruction. And that’s exactly what we plan to do! For 15 seconds out of every two minutes, people walking by will see WTC 7’s free-fall descent — the vast majority of them for the first time — on two massive 45’ by 45’ screens. Altogether, we’ll reach 100,000 people each day, amounting to 3 million viewings from September 8th to October 5th! The message will be simple and powerful, encouraging viewers to trust their instincts about WTC 7’s smooth, symmetrical downward motion — and follow up at to read more:
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