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The Joint Declaration of Schism by Catholic Family News and The Remnant on the SSPX – and its major blasphemy against the Catholic Church
By Bro. Peter Dimond, O.S.B.
The recent issue of Catholic Family News and The Remnant contained a Joint Declaration by John Vennari and Michael Matt, the editors of Catholic Family News and The Remnant. The Joint Declaration is on the topic of “Rome and the Society of St. Pius X.” The Joint Declaration was made due to their concerns that the Society of St. Pius X might actually put itself under the “Pope” and “Bishops” they acknowledge as Catholic. To summarize the Joint Declaration “on Rome and the Society of St. Pius X,” one can say simply: Catholic Family News and The Remnant choose the Society of St. Pius X over their “Pope” and “Bishops.”
Before commenting further on this “Joint Declaration,” it is important to remind the reader of the definition of schism.
Schism can be either refusing communion with a true Pope (not an Antipope) or refusing communion with the members of the Church who are in communion with the Pope. (Of course, this also applies to the one you believe is the Pope, even if he is not.) The position of the SSPX acknowledges the Vatican II “Popes” as true Popes and holds the Novus Ordo “Bishops” to be Catholic Bishops. However, the SSPX operates outside of communion with this hierarchy, which it considers to be the Catholic hierarchy. Since the SSPX has been obstinate in this position for decades, its position is clearly schismatic.
The SSPX also rejects the solemn actions of its “Pope,” such as Canonizations, which are infallible if declared by a true Pope. Nevertheless, Michael Matt and John Vennari are coming out publicly in support of the SSPX’s schismatic position.
In other words, the SSPX should not put itself under “the Catholic hierarchy” because “the Catholic hierarchy” has not submitted to the demands of the SSPX. “The Catholic hierarchy” has not satisfied the SSPX and the “traditionalist” world that it is Catholic enough, so the SSPX should continue to remain independent and shun it until Rome gets its act in order. This is totally schismatic. Oh, but don’t let anyone say that the SSPX doesn’t recognize the hierarchy, for they pray for their “Pope” and “Bishops” at every Mass… and they are not sedevacantists. All of this means nothing except that they honor their phony “hierarchy” and “Pope” with their lips, but their actions totally reject them. The fact of the matter is that Matt, Vennari and the SSPX are sedevacantists in their approach to apostate Rome – they advocate an independent position which is only acceptable if the Chair of Peter is vacant – but they are too dishonest to take the position.
They want the best of both worlds. They want the SSPX (and other independent groups) to be able to act like sedevacantists, to be able to have an independent Latin Mass, and to be able to totally shun Benedict XVI and his “Bishops,” while at the same time claiming that there is a true Pope in Rome whom they are under. But in attempting to have the “best of both worlds,” they are rejected by both. They are rejected by God and the true Catholic Church because they recognize a manifestly heretical Antipope as Catholic. They are also rejected by their counterfeit, Vatican II sect of Benedict XVI, because they advocate a schismatic position which obstinately operates outside of it and rejects its official teaching (Vatican II).
Blah, blah, blah… They do what they want, and they accept what they want – all the while claiming filial devotion to the hierarchy they totally shun. This Joint Declaration of Catholic Family News and The Remnant is schismatic. And its authors are schismatics. They continue:
In other words, Benedict XVI appointed a liberal, so the SSPX must shun the “hierarchy.”
In other words, even Novus Ordo “Catholics” have problems with Benedict XVI, so the SSPX must shun the “hierarchy.”
Before I get to the major blasphemy against the Catholic Church in this Joint Declaration of Traditionalist Schism, we must look at the major contradiction. Can you find the major contradiction in this paragraph?
While discussing the “Indult Position,” which receives recognition from the Vatican while agreeing not to condemn the New Mass or Vatican II, the authors correctly state that this position is immoral (first line). They even compare it to those who claim to be pro-life, but are not outspoken against abortion.
However, later on the authors state: “Trading Vatican recognition for silence against Vatican II’s errors has resulted in many good Ecclesia Dei and Indult priests not voicing criticism of the post-Conciliar changes...” (third and fourth lines from bottom)
I thought that it was “immoral” to trade silence for recognition, so how can those who partake in this immorality be “good”? The answer is that they cannot be good. The liberal heretics and schismatics John Vennari and Michael Matt are too blind to see that they are calling evil “good.”
The Joint Declaration then proceeds to cite Fr. Peter Scott of the SSPX:
Did you get that? Catholic Family News and The Remnant are now proving that it’s not sedevacantism that is “absurdity” and “madness,” but rather submitting to Benedict XVI and his “Bishops”! Submitting to them would be, in their own words, an imprudence “bordering on madness”! Further, notice that Fr. Peter Scott (cited approvingly by Matt and Vennari) says that to submit to its “hierarchy” would be the devil’s plan, and that the Campos group had no reason to do so – not even the need of a Bishop, for the SSPX provided them with one! In other words, what could one possibly need from the “Catholic hierarchy” that the SSPX could not give him? Do you see how the SSPX has become the Catholic Church for these schismatics?
Yes, what is the urgency? They can continue to act like sedevacantists, while claiming there is a Pope in Rome at the same time! Isn’t it “great.” It may seem great now, but its “convenience” and “joy” will be short-lived. It will end when they face God who will convict them 1) for obstinately recognizing as Catholic a manifest heretic (see below), and 2) for obstinately refusing to operate within the structure they obstinately deemed was the Catholic hierarchy.
In their Joint Declaration, Matt and Vennari admit that Benedict XVI does not believe that non-Catholics need to be converted to the Catholic Church:
I hope that everyone is following this: Catholic Family News and The Remnant readily admit that Benedict XVI rejects the necessity for non-Catholics to convert – a basic dogma of the Catholic Faith! Based on this fact alone, a middle-schooler could see that Benedict XVI is clearly a manifest heretic. But no, these publications tell us to “Show us the Heresy,” and they reject that Benedict XVI is a manifest heretic! It’s so outrageous that it’s arguably a sin that cries to heaven. Notice how they also dishonestly state that Benedict XVI “undermines” the dogma – not denies the dogma.
Regarding Benedict XVI’s plan to “canonize” John Paul II, Matt and Vennari state that “the revolution is preparing to canonize its own.” Hold on a second… according to them, it’s “the Pope” of the Catholic Church, Benedict XVI, who is preparing to canonize John Paul II. According to their position, “the Catholic Church” is preparing to canonize John Paul II. But they call it “the revolution”! They have equated the Catholic Church with the revolution! This is one of the worst blasphemies against the Catholic Church that I’ve read from supposed “traditionalists.”
The scary thing is that those who follow the positions of these publications probably don’t even bat an eye at such a blasphemy – having been brainwashed to accept a schismatic position, according to which the Catholic Church is a non-Catholic sect, officially teaching heresy, “canonizing” heretics, and representing a Catholic’s number one enemy. This shows us again how necessary it is for people to recognize the truth of the sedevacantist position, that the man in Rome is not a true Pope, but a non-Catholic Antipope, heading a non-Catholic, counterfeit Vatican II sect.
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