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John Paul II references the three ex cathedra statements on Outside the Church There is No Salvation and then rejects the dogma!
Heresy of the Week, Week of 3/4/05
By Bro. Michael Dimond and Bro. Peter Dimond
For more see: Heresies of the Week Relating to the Salvation Dogma
Comment: This is a quote that I discovered in my reading of all of John Paul II’s speeches a number of years ago. We’ve had this quote in our possession for quite some time, but we didn’t get around to exposing it until now. This is a very important and interesting heresy, for a number of reasons. First, this quote proves that John Paul II is well aware of the three most famous ex cathedra statements on Outside the Church There is No Salvation. Notice that John Paul II even provided the Denzinger-Schonmetzer numbers [DS] for where they can be found! Second, after referencing the dogma, notice that he affirms his heretical belief that non-Catholics can be saved who don’t know the Church and even reject her! This is formal heresy against Outside the Church There is No Salvation; no one can claim that John Paul II is not well aware of the dogma he has contradicted many times by his words and actions.
This quote also shows that when John Paul II constantly praises non-Catholic sects and false religions he is an obstinate heretic; for he knows that the Church teaches that these sects are false and that it teaches that their members will be lost without becoming Catholic.
(This, of course, does not detract in any way from the fact we have already established elsewhere in our writings: John Paul II would be a formal apostate, even if he were unaware of this dogma, because he rejects the essential mysteries of Faith necessary for all above reason to hold to be Catholic. He rejects that Christ is the one true God by holding that non-Christian religions are great; he is thus an apostate even if he weren’t aware of any other Catholic teachings – which he clearly is, as we can see.)
For more see: Heresies of the Week Relating to the Salvation Dogma
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