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John Paul II's Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit & His Spiritual Victims
Bro. Peter Dimond
In #6 of his first encyclical, Redemptor Hominis, John Paul II stated the following:
This is astounding heresy and blasphemy. John Paul II taught that the firm belief of those who follow non-Christian religions proceeds from the Holy Spirit. And just in case anyone wants to raise the issue of translation, let’s quote the Vatican’s own translation of this passage.
The Vatican’s own translation of this passage states:
As anyone can see, the heresy is obvious. John Paul II is falsely teaching that belief in non-Christian religions proceeds from the Spirit of Truth, when it actually proceeds from the spirit of lies (the Devil). Let’s now take a quick look at the Latin text, in which John Paul II’s heresy and blasphemy is also clear.
In the Latin text John Paul II refers to the firma persuasio, which means: firm conviction, firm persuasion or firm belief. He also uses profitentium, a genitive present participle meaning “of those professing”. So, he’s referring to the firm belief or conviction of those professing. The object of profitentium in this passage is non christianas religiones, i.e. non-Christian religions. Thus, he’s referring to the firm belief of those professing non-Christian religions. He then uses the relative pronoun quae, meaning “which”. Quae agrees in context with firma persuasio, as does the intensive pronoun ipsa (meaning “itself”). So, quae et ipsa procedit means: “which also itself proceeds”. So, the firm belief of those professing non-Christian religions proceeds from whom, according to John Paul II? According to him, it proceeds a Spiritu veritatis, i.e. from the Spirit of Truth. That is total heresy and actually blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Truth cannot be the author of error and He does not lead people to believe in a false religion, false doctrines or a false god.
All non-Christian religions are false and their ‘gods’ are devils, according to Psalm 95:5 and 1 Cor. 10:20.
Some might raise a feeble objection that John Paul II only referred to firm belief in aspects of non-Christian religions in which the natural law is upheld. That’s of course baseless nonsense. John Paul II doesn’t say that. He refers to the firm belief of those professing non-Christian religions. A firm belief in a non-Christian religion of course includes the person’s belief about the false deity or false deities and the core doctrines of that non-Christian religion. Indeed, the firm commitment one has to a non-Christian religion flows from that person’s belief in the most important claim of that religion, such as the ‘god’ it worships. That person’s ‘belief’ in that regard is inextricably connected to the false doctrines and the idolatry of that false religion. John Paul Il, the blasphemer, teaches that the Holy Spirit inspires belief in false gods and false doctrines.
In this context John Paul II also uses operante, an ablative present participle in the masculine singular form, which means “operating” or “working”. Operante agrees in context with Spiritu, a masculine singular noun in the ablative case. So John Paul II directly teaches that the firm belief of those professing non-Christian religions itself proceeds from the Spirit of Truth operating or working. That is clear and indefensible heresy. It’s more proof that John Paul II was a manifestly heretical non-Catholic antipope.
We shouldn’t need to quote Catholic teaching to refute his heresy. The falsity of John Paul II’s claim should be apparent. However, consider that in the Second Council of Orange in 529 on grace, it was taught that men need the illumination and inspiration of the Holy Spirit to accept the truth pertaining to eternal salvation (and therefore for a firm belief in the true faith).
Thus, firm belief in the true faith proceeds from an inspiration of the Holy Spirit. John Paul II, however, taught that the Holy Spirit’s inspiration is given to non-Christians in order to firmly belief in non-Christian religions and false gods. It’s heresy and blasphemy.
As Leo XIII declared his 1893 encyclical Providentissimus Deus in regard to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit:
Also consider how specific John Paul II was in setting forth his blasphemy. As mentioned, he uses quae et ipsa, meaning “which also itself”, utilizing the intensive pronoun ipsa (“itself”) to put his outrageous blasphemy very clearly on the record. In the same way, he doesn’t just refer to some kind of positive feeling about a non-Christian religion as proceeding from the Holy Spirit, which would be a horrible statement in itself. Rather, he refers very specifically to the firm belief of those professing (profitentium) non-Christian religions. It’s as if, with diabolical malice, he wanted to teach his heresy very specifically, so that those who honor him later on can be condemned for having done so. This is consistent with his modus operandi. He wanted to mock the Holy Spirit. That was his whole point.
Some months ago Antipope Francis created a stir, and was rightly criticized, for teaching a similar heresy in a joint statement with an imam. In the statement they claim that the diversity of religions is willed by God. Francis’ statement was obviously heresy and tantamount to apostasy. He was not merely saying that God tolerates a diversity of religions, but that God positively wills a diversity of religions, since in the same sentence Francis referred to how God willed different sexes, races and languages.
Well, as we just saw, Antipope John Paul II had already taught the same kind of heresy officially in his very first encyclical. Yet, countless deceived false trads think Francis is horrible (and they are correct about that), but that John Paul II was a ‘saint’. This is a key aspect of the end-times deception and the honor given to the image of the beast. See our video: Apocalypse Now In The Vatican. It’s also noteworthy that in the same section of his heretical encyclical, Redemptor Hominis, John Paul II teaches that coming closer with representatives of non-Christian religions must be applied through activities such as “prayer in common”. That is false teaching and an official endorsement of mortal sin. The Church through the true popes forbids prayer in common with representatives of non-Christian religions. John Paul II’s official teaching that there should be prayer in common with those who represent non-Christian religions is more proof that he did not profess the true faith and therefore that he cannot be considered to have been a member of the Catholic Church or a valid pope.
The heresy and blasphemy John Paul II expressed against the Holy Spirit in regard to non-Christian religions was exemplified throughout his anti-papacy by his repeated mortally sinful acts, the abomination at Assisi, his many heresies and expressions of religious indifferentism, his repeated praise for false religions, etc.
There are many people who think they are informed traditional or conservative Catholics, yet they consider the non-Catholic apostate John Paul II to be a ‘saint’. They are totally deceived. By considering him a saint with even a basic knowledge of his religious indifferentism or related deeds, they become implicated in mortal sin and a rejection of the Catholic faith. This is key aspect of the apocalyptic deception, the prophecy about the end-times beast, and the honor given to the image of the pagan Roman king who was wounded – i.e. the Antichrist. In fact, considering who he was, it makes sense that Antipope John Paul II would choose to blaspheme the Holy Spirit in his very first encyclical.
It’s also very interesting that John Paul II use the term Spirit of Truth (Spiritu veritatis) in this context to refer to the Holy Spirit. We believe that was a deliberate intensification of the blasphemy on his part. The term Spirit of Truth comes from John 16:13 where the true Christ refers to the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Truth who will guide the apostles and His Church into all truth. It refers to the Spirit leading people to Christianity. Yet the Antichrist, the image of the end-times beast, John Paul II, in his very first encyclical, makes sure to teach that the Spirit of Truth leads people to non-Christianity, false religions of the Devil. This is also why John Paul II, in his first homily, declared that the statement of Mt. 16:16, in which St. Peter says about Jesus, ‘you are the Christ, the Son of the living God’, applies to the truth about man. That is antichrist heresy and blasphemy.
Some of the deceived false trads or false conservatives who consider Antipope John Paul II to be a saint include:
Michael Voris and Church Militant, the so-called ‘priests’ of the Fraternity of St. Peter, the people at EWTN, ‘Catholic Answers’, Mark Goring, Michael Matt, Taylor Marshall, the St. Benedict Center, Lifesite news, and many others.
Despite stating some true things all of those people are, sadly, false teachers on the road to Hell. They are in the dark. They are implicated in mortal sin and a rejection of the first commandment for venerating a notoriously wicked heretic and apostate who embraced idolatry, blasphemed the Holy Spirit, taught religious indifferentism and false ecumenism, taught universal salvation, taught that man is God, and much more. That’s all documented in our material. If you hear anyone who thinks that John Paul II was a ‘saint’ or ‘good’, know that that person is in the dark. But since Francis has solemnly ‘canonized’ John Paul II, the only way to consistently reject John Paul II for the wicked man that he was, which one must, is to also reject Francis as a non-Catholic antipope. That’s why it’s necessary to embrace the sedevacantist position, the true Catholic position at this time of the Great Apostasy.
This is also why the material we produced about 15 or 20 years ago based on extensive research, which exposes in detail the heresies of John Paul II, Benedict XVI and the other Vatican II antipopes, is crucial. People who are unfamiliar with these facts and presentations are, in many cases, simply ignorant of what they need to know to have a foundational and proper understanding of the current situation. That situation is that Rome has lost the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist in accord with prophecy and that the Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church but the prophesied end-times Counter Church, the Whore of Babylon. The pagan Roman empire beast has returned and taken possession of the Catholic Church’s physical structures in direct fulfillment of apocalyptic prophecy about the return of the beast that was. This is also why so many false conservatives and false trads are shocked in a state of wonder and amazement over what is happening in Rome. That is prophesied in the Apocalypse. They shall wonder because they shall the beast (that is, pagan Rome), which opposed the ancient Church and then was replaced by Christian Europe but returns in the end times. The Catholic Church, the one true Church necessary for salvation, still exists with the true remnant of true traditional Catholics.
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