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Antipope John Paul II denies the Council of Trent again by commemorating the heretical JD with the Lutherans on Justification (Major Heresy)
Heresy of the Week, Week of 2/13/04 By Bro. Michael Dimond and Bro. Peter Dimond For more see: Heresies of the Week of John Paul II and the Vatican II sect regarding Heretics and Schismatics
Comment: The Joint Declaration with the Lutherans on the Doctrine of Justification is so heretical that there are almost no words to describe it. It completely repudiates the Council of Trent. Since some of the defenders of Antipope John Paul II and even some of the “traditionalists” have offered some of the most ridiculous and dishonest attempts to defend this agreement, I will briefly review why this document is heretical, why it is a complete repudiation of the Council of Trent, and why it actually constitutes an official declaration by John Paul II himself that his sect is a non-Catholic, Protestant “Church.” This means that the remaining differences between Lutherans and Catholics on Justification – for example, the fact that Lutherans don’t accept the Council of Trent’s Decree on Justification as dogmatic – are no longer the occasion for doctrinal condemnations. This is blatantly HERETICAL. The very fact that the Lutherans don’t accept the Council of Trent’s Decree on Justification as dogmatic is an occasion for their doctrinal condemnation. This means that none of the teaching of the Lutherans in the JD is condemned by the Council of Trent! But in the JD (Joint Declaration), besides the other heresies taught by the Lutherans (as we will see), the Lutheran churches teach the heresy of Justification by “faith alone,” which was condemned by the Council of Trent approximately 13 times. Thus, the statement in #41 of the JD means that the “Catholic” side agrees that all the dogmatic canons and decrees in Trent condemning faith alone are overturned, and that faith alone is no longer contrary to or condemned by Trent. It is not possible for heresy to be any more formal than this. This again means that the fact that the Lutherans don’t accept the Council of Trent’s Decree on Justification in totality is not heretical, which is a denial of the Council of Trent. The Council of Trent condemned as heretical anyone who does not accept all of its teaching. So, don’t be misled by those liars who try to convince people that the JD didn’t really deny the Council of Trent, or that “it’s much more complicated than that.” These people are used by the devil to defend the apostate Vatican II sect of Antipope John Paul II. The Joint Declaration with the Lutherans on the Doctrine of Justification completely rejects the dogmatic Council of Trent. Anyone who denies this is simply a liar.SOME OTHER HERESIES IN THE JOINT DECLARATION
In fact, besides “faith alone,” there are hordes of other heresies in the JD which were specifically condemned by Trent. See the article on our site Joint Declaration With the Lutherans on Justification for all the gory details. The JD has heresy spilling out of it. Here are just a few others. This heresy is also called “simul justus et peccator” (at the same time just and sinner) and was one of Martin Luther’s favorites. It was vigorously condemned by Trent in the following two passages. I could go on, but there is a whole article on this on our website. Some of the false teachers who have tried to belittle the significance of the JD have tried to deceive their readers and listeners by saying that the two other documents which go alone with the JD actually clarify everything. THIS IS PURE HOGWASH! The two other documents that go along with the JD: 1) The Official Common Statement by the Lutheran World Federation and the Catholic Church and 2) the Annex to the Official Common Statement not only confirm the JD, but in fact, the Annex shows that the “Catholic” side not only accepts the heresy of faith alone, as stated in the JD, but also professes belief in faith alone! But, as said above, even if the Annex didn’t assert this abominable heresy, it wouldn’t matter, because all of the heresies catalogued above – whether on the Lutheran side or the “Catholic” side of the JD – are accepted as not condemned by the Council of Trent. Furthermore, as proven in point 1 of this column, the JD specifically says that the Lutherans’ remaining differences with Catholics on Justification are not an occasion for doctrinal condemnations. So don’t be fooled by those liars who tell you that “yeah, there are problems with the JD, but none of the heresies appear on the Catholic side, just on the Lutheran side.” It is simply not true and, more importantly, it doesn’t make a difference. I will conclude this Heresy of the Week with a quote from an article WHICH APPEARED IN L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO (the official newspaper of the Vatican) DIRECTLY UNDERNEATH ANTIPOPE JOHN PAUL II’S MEETING WITH THE FINNISH PROTESTANTS QUOTED AT THE TOP OF THIS COLUMN. This means that the “Church” of John Paul II officially accepts the Joint Declaration with the Lutherans on the Doctrine of Justification and rejects the Council of Trent. The Catholic Church, on the other hand, retains and will always retain the Council of Trent’s Doctrine on Justification, which was delivered by Christ to the Apostles. Thus, the “Church” of John Paul II is not the Catholic Church, and those who are aware of these facts and then affirm communion with it are simply affirming communion with a non-Catholic “Church” and are not Catholics – period. For more see: Heresies of the Week of John Paul II and the Vatican II sect regarding Heretics and SchismaticsSign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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