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Jesus is God according to the Bible
By Bro. Peter Dimond
The “Jehovah’s Witnesses” and the Unitarians deny that Jesus Christ is God. But there are many passages in the Bible which show that Jesus is God. The first few that come to mind are:
“I am” is the very name that God gave to Himself when He appeared to Moses in the burning bush to indicate that He is the eternal, uncreated supreme being. When Jesus said this of Himself, He was clearly indicating that He is God. This is why the Jews “took up stones” to kill Jesus (John 8:59). The prophecy of Isaias 9:6, which is clearly about Jesus, also proves that Jesus is God:
One of our personal favorites on this point, but which is often overlooked, is Acts 3:15. Referring to how the Jews preferred the murderer Barabbas to Jesus and had Jesus crucified, St. Peter says:
The author of life Jesus is God. Thus, Jesus is God. Another passage is found in Apocalypse chapter 1:
Some people are unaware that God describes Himself as “the first and the last” in the Old Testament.
There are many other passages we could bring up, but the fact that Jesus is God is also proven by what is called “implicit Christology.” This means that the manner in which Jesus spoke showed that He is God.
Notice that Jesus, commenting on the words and commandment of God Himself in Exodus 20:14, clearly puts His own declaration on the same level: You have heard that God has said, BUT I SAY, says Jesus. This way of speaking shows Jesus is God.
Another interesting passage comes in Galatians.
Since Paul did not become an apostle by men or of man, but by Jesus Christ, the obvious implication is that Jesus Christ is not just a man. He is also God.
The fact that Jesus is God and man (one Divine Person with two natures) was held by the earliest fathers of the Church and is a truth which must be held by all who want to be saved and possess the true faith:
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