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The devastating dilemma – part 2: If John Paul II is a Catholic, then so is John Kerry
Comment: Hold on a second! Whatever happened to “one is not allowed to judge,” which we hear so often from the false traditionalists! Has that all of a sudden been tossed out the window? Where in the world does Mr. Matt get the authority to judge for himself that John Kerry is “not Catholic,” “isn’t Catholic at all” and “is an apostate” – and that his wife is, too? Neither John Kerry nor his wife has been formally excommunicated; they haven’t even been officially barred from receiving “Communion,” let alone excommunicated. So where in the world does Mr. Matt get the authority to say that John Kerry is an apostate who is not Catholic? The answer is that Mr. Matt absolutely cannot make this assertion about John Kerry if he simultaneously holds that one does not have the authority to say that John Paul II and his bishops are not Catholic.
But in judging for himself that John Kerry is not a Catholic and is an apostate, Mr. Matt proves the very point made in our newsletter, The Devastating Dilemma, which is that a Catholic distinguishes Catholics from non-Catholics not by a judgment or excommunication made by a Pope about each individual (which almost never happens and which would be impossible for the Church to give about each person), but by their open profession or rejection of Catholic teaching. A Catholic must regard someone like John Kerry as a non-Catholic who has excommunicated himself (even though he claims to be a Catholic and has never been excommunicated by a lawful judge), because Kerry openly rejects Catholic dogma.
To say that one like John Kerry is a Catholic would be to say that one can be a Catholic and believe in abortion, which would mean that being against abortion is not an article of Faith binding upon Catholics.
Likewise, to say that Antipope John Paul II and his bishops are Catholics is to say that one can be a Catholic and reject the Council of Trent and hold that Eastern Schismatics should not be converted to the Catholic Church, which would mean that holding to the Council of Trent and holding that Eastern Schismatics need to be converted to the Faith are not articles of Faith that Catholics must accept. Do the non-sedevacantists get the point yet?
This is why we point out that those who comprehend these facts and John Paul II’s heresies, and obstinately continue to regard Antipope John Paul II and his bishops as Catholics, are heretics and are guilty of mortal sin; for they are saying that one can reject the Council of Trent and hold that Eastern Schismatics should not be converted and still be Catholic.
So, if you are trying to show a friend or acquaintance why John Paul II cannot be the Pope, internalize and understand the argument made in The Devastating Dilemma. The argument and the facts involved with this argument are irrefutable in showing that John Paul II cannot be the Pope. And the argument works with John Kerry just as well.
Ask your friend if John Kerry is a Catholic, yes or no?
If he says “yes,” then he is saying that one can support abortion and still be Catholic. (But this is obviously false and heretical.)
If he says “no, John Kerry is not Catholic,” when this has not been declared, then he must say that John Paul II and his bishops are not Catholics, since they also openly reject dogmas. If he refuses to agree with this, then he is simply of bad will and will be convicted with his dishonesty and hypocrisy on the day of his judgment.
But if he is honest, he will admit that John Paul II’s Bishops and Cardinals, who believe in the Joint Declaration with the Lutherans on Justificaton and hold that Eastern Schismatics should not be converted, must be considered non-Catholics, just like Kerry.
When he admits this, he will see that it is completely false to hold that John Paul II is a Catholic when he admits that he must recognize John Paul II’s Bishops and Cardinals as non-Catholics (who believe exactly what John Paul II does on these issues).
For instance, when he admits that Cardinal Cassidy must be considered non-Catholic, just like John Kerry, because Cassidy signed the Joint Declaration with the Lutherans on Justification (which teaches Justification by ‘faith alone’ and that the Council of Trent doesn’t condemn the Lutherans anymore), he will see that it is completely false to hold that John Paul II is a Catholic, since John Paul II believes the same thing as Cassidy – and has approved of the Joint Declaration on Justification numerous times and publicly. He will see that he is denying the unity of the Faith in the Church.
If he is honest and of good will, at this point he will see that he has misunderstood the teaching of the Church that “no one can judge the Holy See,” and that this teaching does not mean that we must recognize manifest heretics as true Popes. Rather, he will see that “no one can judge the Holy See” means that no one can dispute or judge the authoritative decision or decree emanating from a true Pope (such as the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation, declared by the Holy See at the Council of Florence, etc.).
But the problem with many of the “traditionalists,” sadly, is that they are not honest people and they don’t stand for the truth. It is easy for them to condemn John Kerry as a non-Catholic, because almost all of their readers would agree with this fact. But when it comes to applying these principles to other heretics who are far more dangerous, but not as popular to condemn, such as Antipope John Paul II and his false hierarchy, they don’t stand for the truth.
The following quote is a good example of what I have been saying above, that those who refuse to denounce Antipope John Paul II as a non-Catholic are forced into accepting his Bishops as Catholics, which is a mortally sinful denial of the Faith.
This quotation shows again the undeniable fact that John Paul II’s Bishops and Cardinals, who follow his directives on not converting the Eastern Schismatics, the Joint Declaration with the Lutherans on Justification, etc., reject Catholic dogma and are complete heretics. Now, watch how just a few paragraphs after proving this, Mr. Vennari denies that the aforementioned men are heretics – including Walter Kasper, whom he said could be described as an Anglican clergyman and who “doesn’t seem to believe in anything”!
There you have it! The argument in The Devastating Dilemma is proven again. Mr. Vennari holds that every man who claims to be Catholic, even though he publicly rejects dogma, is a Catholic with whom he shares Faith and communion, not a heretic. Kasper, Keeler, Cassidy, Ratzinger are “Catholics” even though they reject Church dogma on the conversion of the Jews, the conversion of the Schismatics, etc. – and even though Kasper “doesn’t seem to believe in anything.” According to Mr. Vennari, one can believe in nothing and still be considered a Catholic. Therefore, Mr. Vennari would have to admit that John Kerry is also a Catholic.
But the fact is that these people fall into such a ridiculous, heretical and compromised position simply because they obstinately accept Antipope John Paul II as the Pope. They know that if they denounce John Paul II’s Bishops and Cardinals as non-Catholic heretics, they must recognize that John Paul II, who believes the same thing and whose directives they follow, is a non-Catholic (and therefore not the Pope).
Thus, the point is proven again: if you accept John Paul II as a Catholic while aware of these heresies and facts, then you reject Christ; you hold that one can believe in anything and be a Catholic. You must admit that John Kerry, Cardinal Kasper, etc. are all Catholics.
The refusal to honestly stand for the truth and denounce heretics like John Paul II and his Bishops is probably the reason why these writers can write article after article, for years and years, and never instruct their readers with the well-known quotes on loss of Papal office through heresy from the teaching of the Doctors of the Church. Have you ever seen any of the following quotes prominently displayed in The Remnant or Catholic Family News or The Fatima Crusader or a similar organ? It’s not as if they have any Papal teaching which contradicts the following quotes, so why don’t they ever quote them prominently, even if they didn’t comment on these quotes?
It is an inexcusable sin of omission for them to hide these facts from their readers, for which they will be convicted on Judgment Day, unless they amend beforehand.
These Doctors of the Church understood the falsity of recognizing heretics like John Paul II and John Kerry as Catholics, which is a sin against Faith.
So inform your acquaintances who want to defend John Paul II, that if John Paul II is to be considered a Catholic, then so is John Kerry!
[To see how John Paul II and his bishops deny the Council of Trent, go to the
Vatican website featuring Joint Declaration with the Lutherans on Justification
then scroll down to #26, where Lutherans teach Justification by “faith alone,” which was anathematized by the Council of Trent approximately 13 times. Then scroll down to #41, where it says that all Lutheran teaching, such as #26, is not condemned by Trent. This will prove that John Paul II and his bishops are attempting to overturn the dogma of Trent condemning faith alone. Then scroll back up to #5, which says that the remaining differences between Lutherans and Catholics (such as their failure to accept the dogmatic Council of Trent’s decree on Justification) is no longer the occasion for condemnation. Then scroll to #13, which says that Trent no longer applies to the Lutherans.]
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